Sunday, September 07, 2008

Labor Day Birthday!

Andrew celebrated his second birthday on Tuesday! He has gotten so big so fast! He loves to sit and chatter and he is just so special to us! We love him so much! Andrew's birthday is special because it is one day before my dad's! My dad turned fifty this year and so to celebrate we had a baroque and went bowling! It was alot of fun!

Peter likes to say that his name isn't Peter Tietjen but Peter the Snake and his brother is Andrew the Turtle! Where he got this,I have no idea but I think that its kind of cute! So in honor of that cuteness, I made a turtle cake for Andrew's birthday! I was so excited about how good it turned out! If you know me, you know that I am horrible at decorating cakes! So I was really excited that this actually looked like a turtle when I was done!

This is James at Teton Lanes. My dad, my brothers Glen and James, and Anthony were on my lane and my sister, Rachal, and my mom and I plus the two boys were on the other! Not very evenly match but it was still fun! James is a pretty good bowler and so is my dad and Anthony. But me, not so good! I done right horrible so I was glad to be able to bowl with the kids who had the bumpers! Got love the bumpers!
Andrew had so much fun bowling! They have a ramp that kids can use! They just put the ball on top and push! Andrew did awesome! He got 106, which beat both me and Rachal! It was a great activity for our family and one that I think we will be doing for more often now!
My mom after she got her third strike! She bowled an awesome game and beat everyone the first game! (The girls and the little kids only bowled once but the guys got to do two games because they were faster!)
This was Rachal's face after the boys reset the pins just after she got a strike! It was her first and only for the night and we all felt really bad! But she was a good sport and it's kind of funny now that we look back on it!

The scores! You might need to click on the picture to see it better! But as you can see, we all did pretty good! I was pretty excited about my score! It was the highest I've gotten in a long time and I only used the gutters maybe once! (even time it was my turn that is) Anthony had an awesome second game! He got a turkey and the his personal best score! I was so proud of him and he was such a great example of sportsmanship! He didn't gloat or all! I definitely would have! He teaches me so much! Overall, it was great day! We had a blast!


Amy said...

Hi Alisha, this is Amy Harris (in your ward). I saw your blog link on Patty's blog so I hope you don't mind me checking it out. I am a little obsessed with blogging lately and love to see other people's blogs. Oh, and your turtle cake is absolutely adorable!!!

Kirsty Michaelis said...

I LOVE that cake :). I think I'm going to make a lightning McQueen one for Gage but the jury is still out. I had no idea you had a blog I'm glad you found me :)