Wednesday, September 24, 2008

We are All Home Now

Peter was able to hold down food, so he was released at about 10:30 AM today. I guess there is some blood back inside behind one ear. He will be going in on Monday to a hearing doctor to check his hearing. We did our own little test at home and he seems to be able to hear through both of them. We just have to have faith that things will turn out okay.

Thank you all for your prayers and for the visits! We really appreciate it!


Anthony & Alisha

The doctor didn't order a helmet, but we decided to get him a bicycle helmet to wear around.

Good News on Peter

In the middle of the night, the nurses said that Peter had a tear in one of his eardrums. However, the doctor came and checked Peter's ears and said that there is no tear in either eardrum. He also said that the fracture is not as bad as he thought. It just goes from the lower back of his skull down to the right bottom part. So it doesn't even go over to his ears. What a relief!!!!

There is blood behind one ear, but the doctor said that that could just be caused by a blood vessel breaking from the impact. If Peter can hold food down this morning then he will get to go home. Then from what I understand we need to take him into another doctor in a week to check his ears or hearing.

We have truly been blessed. We are thankful to Heavenly Father and for all the prayers for Peter. Hopefully things will continue to go well.


Anthony & Alisha

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Asking for Prayers for Peter

Peter fell out of a shopping cart today and received a basilar skull fracture. From what I understand, the fracture goes from the back of his head around to at least one ear (or maybe both ears -- I'm not sure).

He is doing very well. But according to the doctor he could lose his hearing in one ear. The doctor will check him later on during the week. So maybe that means that hearing loss wouldn't happen right away, but later? I don't know. Peter is asleep right now, but when talking to him before he didn't seem to have any hearing problems that we noticed.

We are spending the night in the hospital. The nurse is going to check on him every hour over night.

We appreciate any prayers or fasting on his behalf.


Anthony & Alisha

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


This post is dedicated to my wonderful, patient, and supportive husband! He has helped me out so much! We have had three weddings within the last six weeks that we have had to help in some of the planning. It has been really busy and Anthony has just been the absolute best! He watches the boys so that I can do all my errands, go take pictures, and just have some me time! I so appreciate him and love him so much! This past week I have also been sick and he has been willingly to stay home and take care of things so that I can have some recoop time! He is so good with our boys too! He tells them wonderful stories (I some how did not get that gene) and keeps them busy outside! You can tell that they love him so much! Anthony also clears off the table and helps with the dishes almost every night! He is so perfect and I just love him so much!

The best thing that he has done lately for me was build me a website that I could post some of my photography on! I was so surprised and it made me feel so special and loved! He gives me the confidence I need to do my best! He totally supports me in photography hobby! He gives me time to take pics and helps with photoshop to make them look better as well! He is the best! This is the address to the website that he built for me.

I love it! When you click on the pictures it makes them bigger! Your the best honey! I love you!

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Labor Day Birthday!

Andrew celebrated his second birthday on Tuesday! He has gotten so big so fast! He loves to sit and chatter and he is just so special to us! We love him so much! Andrew's birthday is special because it is one day before my dad's! My dad turned fifty this year and so to celebrate we had a baroque and went bowling! It was alot of fun!

Peter likes to say that his name isn't Peter Tietjen but Peter the Snake and his brother is Andrew the Turtle! Where he got this,I have no idea but I think that its kind of cute! So in honor of that cuteness, I made a turtle cake for Andrew's birthday! I was so excited about how good it turned out! If you know me, you know that I am horrible at decorating cakes! So I was really excited that this actually looked like a turtle when I was done!

This is James at Teton Lanes. My dad, my brothers Glen and James, and Anthony were on my lane and my sister, Rachal, and my mom and I plus the two boys were on the other! Not very evenly match but it was still fun! James is a pretty good bowler and so is my dad and Anthony. But me, not so good! I done right horrible so I was glad to be able to bowl with the kids who had the bumpers! Got love the bumpers!
Andrew had so much fun bowling! They have a ramp that kids can use! They just put the ball on top and push! Andrew did awesome! He got 106, which beat both me and Rachal! It was a great activity for our family and one that I think we will be doing for more often now!
My mom after she got her third strike! She bowled an awesome game and beat everyone the first game! (The girls and the little kids only bowled once but the guys got to do two games because they were faster!)
This was Rachal's face after the boys reset the pins just after she got a strike! It was her first and only for the night and we all felt really bad! But she was a good sport and it's kind of funny now that we look back on it!

The scores! You might need to click on the picture to see it better! But as you can see, we all did pretty good! I was pretty excited about my score! It was the highest I've gotten in a long time and I only used the gutters maybe once! (even time it was my turn that is) Anthony had an awesome second game! He got a turkey and the his personal best score! I was so proud of him and he was such a great example of sportsmanship! He didn't gloat or all! I definitely would have! He teaches me so much! Overall, it was great day! We had a blast!

Catch Up!

I know that I haven't posted in a while so I will play catch up in this post! Our family has been busy with weddings and all the stuff that involve it. Kyle (part of the Womack/Monson gang) got married on the 22nd of August.

Kyle and his new bride( my new sister-in-law) Tamara! They are a great couple and we are so excited for them.
Th Womacks have a huge Willow Tree outside of their house. When we were little we would swing on the branches! Megan and I introduced our children to the sport! Funny how our moms gushed at the cuteness when it used to bring screams of distress!
Peter absolutely loved this! He kept saying that he wanted to be Peter Pan! He was so cute about it! He was always making sure that Andrew got his fair share of swings! He is such a great big brother!
Anthony had to get into the action as well! It took a while to find a branch that was strong enough to hold his weight but he eventually was swinging like Tarzan! My husband is such a great sport! He kept pushing the kids and taking care of them so that I could have time with my family! I just love this guy!

We had some of friends over a couple of weeks ago that we hadn't seen in about two years! It was awesome to get together and compare kids and to remember good times! Jake and Anthony went to high school together and have hilarious stories about those days! It was a lot of fun to be together!
Sophie and Peter together! They are about four months apart! Peter loved having someone his age hanging out! He even thanked Heavenly Father that night for his friend Sophie, who's a girl! That's how he put it!

This is Kennon! Isn't he so cute! He loved the stairs and all the exploring that they allowed him!

Peter had his first fishing experience a couple of weeks ago! He caught his first fish and he just loved it! He talked about for about a week! The whole thing bad that happened was that our camera feel in the pond! I was so upset! I wanted to cry but didn't because I knew that Anthony felt really bad about it! So we talked about it and I got a new camera out of it! YES! And then the next day after buying it, our water logged camera began to work! So I got new one and Anthony gets the old one! I love how it worked out!

So we have had a very productive garden so far! This is me canning the last of our fourteen quarts of pickles! All the cucumbers came out of our garden! I was so surprised to get so many and it was a really cool experience to can them! I felt so homemak-ey and it made me feel like I accomplished something awesome!

The finished product! I was very surprised when I opened a bottle and they actually tasted good! I just used the pickling mix that you can get in the canning section of the store! They have been so yummy and it makes me feel so good to open them and eat them!

Carrots and onions from our garden! Anthony and I spent three hours cutting, peeling, blanching, and freezing all these carrots to only get 12 servings or about six bags! We were so discouraged! Carrots are so not worth the effort! I have enjoyed the onions and be able to freeze them as well!