a tired dog is a good dog

Friday, December 31, 2010

What Awe you Doing NewYeaw's Eve?

My dawling fwiend Gussie, invited me to spend NewYeaws Eve wif him

I was thwilled, he planned evewything.a bootiful quiet cawwiage wide in centwal pawk (he even bwought a fake fuw thwow to keep us wawm
then he aske the dwivew to let us off in fwont of the Plaza Hotel
he took my paw and led me into the champagne baw to wawm up and have a little a -peaw -a teave and horws -doovwes
it was tewwibully womantic. He's such a gentledog.  I know his heawt will always belong to his angel Snickews but He made me feel like I was a vewy special giwl anyway
Imagine, he asked his hooman sissie E.Wabbit to have dinnew weady fow us at my house by the time we got home. She and hew fwiend Jocko pwepawed an amazing seafood plattew to have wif Champagne..I just had to give him a smoochie fow his thoughtfullness(they even cleaned up befowe disappeawing to spend theiw own pwivate time togethew)

Gussie and I  wewe able to watch the fiwewoks all alone fwom my window..it was bootiful

We plan to spend the west of the night in fwomnt of the fiweplace, but Gussie told me he had mowe suwpwises fow me
I wondew what he means??
I also wondew whewe all my fwiends awe?

I hope all of you awe spending a wondewful NewYeaws wif those you love
smoochie kisses

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Mommi, don't give up youw day job!

I wanted to show all of you how much I enjoy womping in the snow, so I asked mommi to  make a movie of me on ouw woof...sadly, she is a lousy videogwaphew..can't edit, can't hold the camewa still and has a squeeckie voice that is just coming back, plus, she manages to take in a pwopwiate pictoowes of me doowing pwivate moments

so I told hew, don't give up youw day job Mommi

she mentioned that she didn't weally have one to give up, hehehehe and that if I could do bettew I should do the filming myself

how incwedibully woode of hew

well, if you wewe able to sit thwoo these tewwibull films, at least you know what I mean when I tell you that the wind was so cwazy doowing the blizzawd that some aweas had no snow at all and othews had five foot dwifts.  The stweet is no bettew, but hewe on the woof at least I'm safe to wun wifout a lead

My Fwiend Gussie asked me "what awe you doing NewYeaws' Eve?" I told him, blush blush, that I had no plans..he asked me if I would spend it wif him...I said I'd be honowed

stay tooned to find out what we did(I don't know yet eithew)

I hope all of you have a safe and vewy Happy NewYEAWS!!!!!!!
smoochie kisses

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Aftew The Blizzawd

I went outside wif Daddi  once the winds stopped to see the snow

Oh my dog, it's covewing some of the caws
thewe was some woom fow caws but not a whole lot, luckily thewe is no twaffick
the sun came out and thewe's woom to walk ...I love the fwesh snow
I love the quiet
isn't this faboolous?(I can pictoowe Khywa smiling in this)

Daddi had to dwag me to go home, I didn't want to go back in
but he's biggew than me and he won as oosual
hewe's ouw building on the wight, hehehhe,,the hawdest thing is twying to cwoss the stweet
I don't think those Vespas awe going to be used fow a while, hehehehe
the only weason I finally went inside was the thought that I had some Bon-Bons waiting fow me

Thank you sweet baby bwuddew Duffy..they wewe dEEEE-lishus

smoochie kisses

Monday, December 27, 2010

The Aftewmath and Snow finally comes to NYC

My gweat fwiend Kawl, who is also known as "the Master of Aftermath" took these pictoowes to show what happened when we wetuwned to the Nowf Pole wif Santa

"as you remember we all boarded santa's jet to fly back to the north pole after our holiday delivery.
just to find the place being turned into a wild party!"

"and what is a good cat supposed to do?(and Doggie too)
so we joined in!
and you all know how that usually ends....."

"happy holidays again!"  Karl

Well, as you can see, we had a pawfectly mawvelous time wif the gang as oosual (I had no idea that Polaw Beaws wewe such pawty aminals)
Thank you Kawl fow being smawt enuff to keep taking pictoowes even aftew we wewe all a little bit tipsy, hehehe

 once I finally got ovew my hangov, ummmm, I mean aftew I wested, I flew home.  It was pawfect timing cause now I have to take cawe of Mommi and Daddi who bof have yucky floos, so it's soop soop soop and TeaTeaTea all day

 we had such a blizzawd that the winds wewe 60 miles and houw and we had thundew and lightning and snow falling upside down and all awound

this is how it stawted  

at fiwst I could still walk outside wifout being blown away

ummm, this is weally embawwasing(I can't believe mommi would show you this) can't a giwl get some pwivacy???(it is fun to make snow all yellow though, hehehehe)

can you see the snow on my face?

hewe's a closeup, now  I know you can see them

tomowwow I'll show you what happened once all the snow came down and the wind got thwoo wif it, hehehe

I hope you'we all safe and wawm and cozy

smoochie kisses

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Chwissmuss Eve at my House

I got dwessed up. bafed, and combed, but Mommi wan out of time (thank dog) to cut my haiw, so i was wathew fuzzy, hehehehe
looked like I was a chubby fallen angel(but, unlike Mommi, my "fat" is all haiw)
waiting fow all my family to come fow  Chwissmuss Eve dinnew

Pleez watch my Smilebox if you want to see  how the evening looked
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It was a bootiful evening.."family" all togethew enjoying food and laughs and a few pwessies. We only did secwet santa pwessies this yeaw cause we aweady have evewything we need
we laughed so much that the next day Mommi had no voice..she claims it's  the floo ow stwep thwoat ow something, but I saw how much she talked..I think she's just being lazy that's why she's been in bed evew since

I hope all of you had a love-filled wondewful Chwissmuss too
I'll twy to come awound in the next few days and visit all of you pleez be ptient  I have to wely on lazy (sick) Mommi to be my  typist
smoochie kisses

Saturday, December 25, 2010

A Chwissmuss Adventoowe(in the nick of time, hehehehe)

My sissie Gwacie had a bwilliant idea  ....to quote hew
"we were tired of being dumped every holiday only to be left alone and yearned to have another adventure with "the gang" (gracie, opus and ollie, momo, asta, ruis) . . .
so . . . we hooked up with santa claus and helped him deliver his toys this x-mas!"

photo by Gracie

I can't tell you how happy I was when my fwiends came to pick me up  to help delivew those pwesents all ovew the wowld..flying wif Santa Paws and his weindeew ovew snowy Chwissmuss  scenes and seeing the smiles on evewyfuwwies faces when they got theiw pweents was a pawfect way to celebwate Chwissmuss.

 photo by Gwacie

being wif the old "gang" is the best! 
(this came at a pawfect time cause I've been tewwibly neglected and boowed and now Mommi is sick in bed)

 thewe is nevew a dull moment when Kawl and Gwacie and Opus and Olive and Momo awe awound.  These kittehs have been my wondewful fwiends fow yeaws now and we always have a blast.Pleez go and wish them all a vewy Mewwy Chwissmuss if you can.

To see what ouw wewawd was fow being such good Santa's helpews go visit Gwacie's bloggie

Thank you all fow a most wondewful Chwissmuss.  Having good Fwiends is the most special and best pawt of the season.

smoochie kisses

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Chwissmuss Memowies and cawds

Tomowwow night is Chwissmuss Eve..it's the night we celebwate..
dinnew wif family and close fwiendses and exchange small pwessies
I thought I would shawe wif you some of Mmommi's Chwissmusses past

Of couwse aftew Chwissmuss, I'll pwobably have pictoowes of this yeaws that I'll show you,
in the meantime have a giggle fwom these

This silly pictoowe is of Mommi wif hew pawents in Budapest a few thousand yeaws ago .
Mommi was about two ow thwee yeaws old.  A neighbow  cameto play Santa Paws(he kind of looks like he's a Wienew Vewkstatte  vewsion, hehehehe)

aftew emigwating to Switzewland, Mommi met hew fiwst Wiwy love belonging to some wondewful fwiends..she nevew got ovew wanting one in hew family too

this was Mommi at hew fiwst Chwissmuss in Bewn Switzewland

and hewe she is all gwowed up in hew fiwst yeaw in NewYowk wif hew vewy own Wiwe Nikki
he was hew fiwstest doggie evew and she fell madly in love wif him
Thewe was no going back fow hew..fuwwkids have stolen hew heawt

Mommi and Daddi awe still in this same apawtment (fow the last 28 yeaws now) they just move the fuwnitoowe awound and pwetend they'we in a new place

this was bootiful Nowa wif hew Chwissmuss toy

and hewe I am on my fiwstest Chwissmuss

I wish I could be an angel and make evewyone's wishes come twoo
Mostly I wish that all illnesses would go away and fuwwkids and hoomans wouldn't have to evew suffew , ow be cold ow scawed  ow hungwy but living in a wawm loving healthy home

I hope all of you who celebwate tomowwow have a most wondewful, joyous Chwissmuss Eve 
full of the Peace , It's what it's supposed to be about

oh yes, of couwse some tweats and fwolicking too..but mostly I wish you all  to be sowwounded by love

I didn't know how else to show you my bootiful Cawds that wewe sent to me, so I made a smilebox..if  fow some weason youws is missing, pleez fowgive me
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Thank you fow the many many Smileboxes and moving cawds that I couldn't post
I tweasoowe all of them.
Youw Fwiendship is the gweatest pwesent of all

smoochie Chwissmuss kisses