My dawling fwiend Gussie, invited me to spend NewYeaws Eve wif him
I was thwilled, he planned evewything.a bootiful quiet cawwiage wide in centwal pawk (he even bwought a fake fuw thwow to keep us wawm
then he aske the dwivew to let us off in fwont of the Plaza Hotel
he took my paw and led me into the champagne baw to wawm up and have a little a -peaw -a teave and horws -doovwes
it was tewwibully womantic. He's such a gentledog. I know his heawt will always belong to his angel Snickews but He made me feel like I was a vewy special giwl anyway
Imagine, he asked his hooman sissie E.Wabbit to have dinnew weady fow us at my house by the time we got home. She and hew fwiend Jocko pwepawed an amazing seafood plattew to have wif Champagne..I just had to give him a smoochie fow his thoughtfullness(they even cleaned up befowe disappeawing to spend theiw own pwivate time togethew)
Gussie and I wewe able to watch the fiwewoks all alone fwom my was bootiful
We plan to spend the west of the night in fwomnt of the fiweplace, but Gussie told me he had mowe suwpwises fow me
I wondew what he means??
I also wondew whewe all my fwiends awe?
I hope all of you awe spending a wondewful NewYeaws wif those you love
smoochie kisses