Showing posts with label gaia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gaia. Show all posts

Monday, 27 October 2014

A Pagan path with Gratitude for all creatures on our Mother Earth, Gaia.

We are not the only creature on this planet with emotions, feelings and a family life.

Isn't this a beautiful picture? Just reminds us of the importance of all the wonderful beings who inhabit our Mother Earth alongside us. We sometimes have to be reminded that we are not the only ones who to whom things such as family and feelings are incredibly important. Following a Pagan path means to me that all creatures are important on this earth we call Gaia and I constantly offer Gratitude for each and every one of them.

Gaias blessings, AstarteAlison

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Litha Summer Solstice Blessings, Free e cards for friends and family

So it's the Summer Solstice or Litha this weekend 21st June 2014. A lot of us are not fortunate enough to live near to our closest family and friends. Or perhaps we have a lot of Pagan friends that we have met over the internet who we would like to send a Litha greeting to.

I have therefore made a couple of free e-cards for you to send to your family and friends that you are not able to be with this Litha, please feel free to right click on the image and send your Litha greetings via the internet. Send a little love this Summer Solstice!

Although I can't be with you on this longest day of the Summer Solstice I send you love and warm wishes to light your days. May your heart be filled with sunshine and happiness today and all days.

Litha Summer Solstice Blessings to you. May the sun's rays penetrate your crown chakra and fill your whole body with warmth and strength whilst like the sunflower you remain constantly rooted and grounded upon our Mother Earth. 

Enjoy the wonderful light that the longest day brings into our lives this summer solstice. Wherever you are enjoy the friends and family you have near you and send out thoughts and good wishes to those that cannot be with you on this wonderful day.

Litha blessings to you all, AstarteAlison

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

There is no internet in the woods but you will find an amazing connection there! Pagan nature quote

There is no internet  in the woods but you will find an amazing connection there!  Next weekend leave your wi-fi behind and go and spend some time in nature. Trees have so much wisdom and love waiting to be shared with us, you will definitely come back feeling more at peace and a whole lot more grounded after a wander around your local park or woodland. 

Leafy blessings to you, Alison