Monday, December 15, 2008


My friend Jill likes my blog! Hooray! Now I have to tell you all 5 things I love. So, here are five things I love...not the five things I love the most in the world, but some random thoughts from my brain! In no particular order:

1). My DISHWASHER. We could have moved into a cardboard box as long as it had a dishwasher and I would have been happy!
2). Getting posts on my blog. Yep...I am a blog addict. I get sad when no one posts on my blog. I thought people read it....hum.
3). Reese's Peanut Butter Cups & Doritios. Yes this only counts as one. I believe every girl can solve any problem with these two things.
4). Getting real mail. Not junk mail or bills. I mean opening the mailbox and finding a REAL letter, or makes my day!
5). My family. They further explanation needed!
Now I tag...
Steph (all 3 of you can do it)
Because I love your blogs!


Jilly Bean said...

Hooray! Fun stuff. I love it too when I get comments on my blog. :)

Kayla said...

Aww! I feel special! Thanks! I love your blog too. It makes me feel in the loop on you guys from a distance!

Unknown said...

I love this post! I agree with the comments. Sometimes I wonder how many people are looking at my blog and don't know it...

Erin said...

I got three pieces of real mail today. It was so exciting! And I'm totally with you on the dishwasher too.

amanda said...

I just have to say that I love the posts you have added since the last time I stopped by-and well your family rocks! I love ya tons-and I didn't get to tell you Sunday-you were looking HOT my friend in that blue!!!

Barbara said...

Just for the record I read your blog all the time but I didn't think you would like an "old" aunt posting to every blog entry. I'm with you on most of your items. I really love getting mail -- not email even though I am a techno geek. Last year at youth conference someone told me about the Walmart brand of peanut butter cups -- they said they were better than Reese's. I agree. But I know you don't like Walmart. You might want to give them (the peanut butter cups) a try. Happy Holidays.

Danielle said...

How can we be related? I would never pick Doritos as a comfort food. They'd be my last choice.

Rachel Elaine said...

Okay, so I'm slow. I just read this today, but I'm going to claim mommy brain. I swear it wasn't there when I read the other posts!!!
I'm going to make mine now