This vintage Butterick jumper pattern from the 70's (I couldn't find a year printed on the packaging) was an Etsy purchase last fall. The fabric was a remnant that I found at my favorite warehouse outlet off Harry Hines in Dallas, Super Textiles. This place is either hit or miss for me. I come out with a huge pile of fabric or nothing at all. Last time I went I scored big time. If you haven't been it is definitely worth a visit if you are in the area. This piece of fabric was from the $2 bin and I squeezed this pattern out of about 1.5 yards. That didn't leave much room for pattern matching, but I think I did ok.

I don't think you can tell here but I shortened the straps a tiny bit too much and had to end up putting my brass snaps really high up on the bodice front to compensate. I used brass buttons on the back but used one less than the pattern called for, left off the bottom. I also left off the ruffle from the bottom of the skirt. I didn't have enough fabric and I think this fabric would have been too heavy for a ruffle anyways even if I had.

I did a sway back adjustment the way I normally do with a fitted waist, simply by curving the bodice back bottom up to take out the excess fabric and meet my actual waistline. I suppose I should learn how to do a proper sway back adjustment since I also need them in blouses. I added a snap right below the waistline but should have used a hook to prevent gaping.
This pattern is a size 12, which lines up with my measurements perfectly. I kind of love the vintage patterns with only one size printed per package. It makes cutting and tracing easier anyways.

I am still digging on the 70's vibe. I think my interpretations are thoroughly modern however. I doubt my love for 70's fashion will ever fade. I was born in '75 and my mom sewed lots of clothes during my childhood for both me and her. I think this pattern would be great in the longer version with a more drapey fabric. I will definitely use it again.
Hi Ashley,
As part of my May column about sewing trends for Sew, Mama, Sew!, I'd love to share one of your projects. I will share one photo and link to both your project and your main blog address. (you can see past trends posts here: http://www.sewmamasew.com/?s=sewing+trends
As per my agreement with SMS i do need your express permission to use one of your photos, so if you'd like to be included, please respond ASAP.
thank you!
Kelly, Thanks for asking. Yes, that would be fine for you to share.
This is really gorgeous! I love the fabric you used, it's stunning.
Thank you so much! This fabric really was a lucky find.
I have this pattern, Butterick 420 in size 10 and would like to make it a bit bigger in the waist. Do you have any tips as to how I would go about this?
I’m sorry I missed your comment and am so late to reply! I would recommend doing a muslin to test fit. How much are you needing to add at the waist? You have two side seams to work with plus the side seams and front seam of the skirt. I would figure out how much you need to increase first. If it’s just an inch you could taper your seams to a smaller seam allowance where they will meet the waist. Just make sure you take the same amount out of both bodice and skirt. If it’s more than that I would add to the waist by widening each pattern piece and tapering back to the original seam. So in the bodice you would divide how much you need to add by 4 (left front, left back, right front, right back) and in the skirt I would divide by 6 ( both back pieces and each side of the front pieces). Hope that makes sense
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