This vintage Butterick jumper pattern from the 70's (I couldn't find a year printed on the packaging) was an Etsy purchase last fall. The fabric was a remnant that I found at my favorite warehouse outlet off Harry Hines in Dallas, Super Textiles. This place is either hit or miss for me. I come out with a huge pile of fabric or nothing at all. Last time I went I scored big time. If you haven't been it is definitely worth a visit if you are in the area. This piece of fabric was from the $2 bin and I squeezed this pattern out of about 1.5 yards. That didn't leave much room for pattern matching, but I think I did ok.

I don't think you can tell here but I shortened the straps a tiny bit too much and had to end up putting my brass snaps really high up on the bodice front to compensate. I used brass buttons on the back but used one less than the pattern called for, left off the bottom. I also left off the ruffle from the bottom of the skirt. I didn't have enough fabric and I think this fabric would have been too heavy for a ruffle anyways even if I had.

I did a sway back adjustment the way I normally do with a fitted waist, simply by curving the bodice back bottom up to take out the excess fabric and meet my actual waistline. I suppose I should learn how to do a proper sway back adjustment since I also need them in blouses. I added a snap right below the waistline but should have used a hook to prevent gaping.
This pattern is a size 12, which lines up with my measurements perfectly. I kind of love the vintage patterns with only one size printed per package. It makes cutting and tracing easier anyways.

I am still digging on the 70's vibe. I think my interpretations are thoroughly modern however. I doubt my love for 70's fashion will ever fade. I was born in '75 and my mom sewed lots of clothes during my childhood for both me and her. I think this pattern would be great in the longer version with a more drapey fabric. I will definitely use it again.