Sunday, October 30, 2011

Smitty is 30!!

The pictures are a little out of order but you get the idea. Quick shout out to the Vogels in DC. We took Lucy to Target one day to blow off some steam because it was raining outside and she tried out every piece of princess furniture she could find, it was funny. There's also a picture fo her and Smitty watching a movie and a family shot with baby Ben.

Smitty turned 30 on Tuesday! I was so excited, I got him 30 presents and our group took him out to dinner at Red Robin. I also made a cheesecake and found these number sparklers for his cake. I made the server and her group sing to him, she was not excited to do it. They gave him a sundae which Casen wanted to "share" with him.  We have a great group out here with us and I think Smitty had a little fun!

Monday, October 24, 2011

more photos

Vacation month!!!

fort ligonier days
painted barn
fall colors

Italian festival
The italian festival happened before vacation month but I thought I would throw in a couple of pictures. The italian festival happens every year here in scranton and it is the biggest festival/ tourist attraction that scranton has to offer. I thought it was a disappointment for all the hype it receives but oh well.
Smitty had the month of october off and we tried to take advantage of every minute. WE tried not to think about or speak of school. I worked the first couple of day and then it was off to D.C to see Smitty's parents and help out his sister while she had baby Ben. (photos of the baby will come later, they are on smitty's phone) while we were in DC we took a day trip to Monticello, the weather was perfect. I thought I was taking Smitty to Mont Peiler but it all worked out because we had both not been to Monticello before.
After 10 days in DC we left for Pittsburgh, PA to watch the U of U play Pitt. The Utes dont make to out this way very often and Smitty was determined to go. He talked about it for months.