I love going on road trips really for one reason- the time I get to be in the car and ponder. I know this sounds crazy, but there are not a lot of distractions so I just turn off the radio and strategize all of the world's and my problems that I will fix when the drive is over. It's also a great time for Smitty and I to just talk. Usually we have a lot of distractions around the house (TV, iPOD, phone, chores, etc) On our way home from D.C. (pictures soon) we talked about keeping journals and all of the events that we should be recording about our stay here in Erie.
SO this post is about all the facts people have told me about my own religion
1) I must make 13 quilts before I can marry (i think this might be the amish)
2) That all mormons go to THE BYU
3) we all own a wheat grinder
4) that I wear men's underwear to work
5) A co-worker asked where I was from, I told him Utah. His response "that place is full of mormons!!" (he yelled it) I did not tell him I am LDS. I am going to save the shock for another time.
6) Filling out my pre-op papers I was asked about my religious preference, I said LDS and the lady looked confused. I said you could also try looking for Mormon. Her response "mormon sounds right."
7) I was asked about polygamy for the first time ever.
8) I was asked how come I can wear normal clothing and others can't. All I can think of is people going to the Palmyra Pageant and seeing all the costumes.
9) the patient I was taking care of yesterday changed the channel on his TV to the Glen Beck show so I would be more comfortable in his room
There are a couple more but I can't remember now