Tuesday, July 29, 2008

LogoThere are
or fewer people with my name in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?

Friday, July 25, 2008

with the help pf the Nelsons we have been trying to have FHE every Monday night. Now that Joe's Monday class is over the Jeppsons are joining the group. I have girl's camp next week so we decided to go up the the Meads cabin and try out the tinfoil dinners i will be making for the girls next week. We had so much fun! I did notice that i should have done my hair, but my excuse was that we would smell like campfire so no nice cloths and throw the hair up. and yes I am wearing a head lamp, everyone kept making fun of me but when they wanted to see what they where eating, who did they ask? Me! Ha Ha!

I know! this is about Ambush everyone!

Everyone will make fun of me for posting this but I have to. My visiting teacher watched AMbush while we were in Chicago, thanks for her! She has two little girls that have been around my cat before so I was hoping for no problems. The 4 year old, Cassidy answered the door when i went to get my house key and I asked her how it went. In full princess garb and a very noble voice she told me that Ambush likes the house quiet! i asked her why and she told me that when they came to feed her she would say Shhhhhh! Shhhhhhh! Shhhhhhh! I was so embarrassed.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Happy Anniversary!!

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We're back! We went to Chicago to celebrate our second anniversary, we flew to the windy city for the weekend to see a Cubs Game for Smitty and Wicked for me! i loved chicago! Everyone was so nice & the weather was perfect. We got lost for a second and ended up with a pretty good view of the sears tower. On Sunday we met up with Carl and went to the International museum of surgical science- yes there really is one and it was......ok. We also walked to the zoo and spent the rest of the day by Lake Michigan. To get around we took the train everywhere. Its cool how the train goes above ground in some parts of the city and underground in other parts. Smitty really liked how the train would wind between the buildings and get right up next to them. The Cubs game was a good game. The cubs pitched Rick Harden. It was his first start for the Cubs. The cubs were up all game until int the 9th they had one out and were up 5 . I can't remember who was pitching at this time, but he walked one guy and beaned another, yet he was left in the game for some reason. So the Giants tied it up after a stupid error by the short stop. Finally they brought in marshall to close and he did his job for 2 and 1/3 innings and the cubs finally closed it out in the bottom of the 11th. It was an awesome game.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Happy 4th of July

We had such a fun day off! Someone at work wanted to switch him shifts (thank you Andrea) so we had the day off together. so while Smitty slept that morning I went to the West Jordan parade with the Wongs & Salazars from our ward. When we got back I took Smitty to the festival going on at the park. IT WAS PATHETIC. but we walked so we got some exercise. After that we chilled at home and went to a movie-Hancock. Afterwards we headed up the Kaysville for the grand finale of the night-fireworks.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Bad Boy, Bad Boy whatcha gonna do

So after we had been married for a couple of months I decided to get my Utah driver's license- When I went to the DMV they told me my license has actually been suspended for the last two years due to a fender bender when my insurance had lapsed (oops!) SO on Monday Smitty decided to go and get his driver's license since it still has his parent's address on it. and guess what! His license was revoked who knows how long ago due to some old tickets. We are fugitives, awesome! Does anyone else find this weird?