Showing posts with label water. Show all posts
Showing posts with label water. Show all posts

21 February 2010

Stowe Gardens

Another watercolor from Stowe Gardens series. Love the atmosphere of this landscape garden, one of the oldest on our planet.
watercolor on paper, 30x20 cm, 2010

21 March 2009

Twilight ocean

It was supposed that I will use dark blue color of this Fabriano paper as a part of the painting, to create homogenous dark of the ocean and rocks. But alas,painting with pastels on dark paper is rather unpredictable so I didn't get that milky white sky I wanted. Put it on a shelf for now...

14 February 2009


This is my fourth attempt in oil. I quite enjoy the process, but with oil you never know when to stop, even more so than with pastels. And it takes long time - good for practising patience and persistence.
Btw, I've noticed that my most frequently drawn subjects are boats and black people... Something to muse about.