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Showing posts with label class. Show all posts
Showing posts with label class. Show all posts

Saturday, August 27, 2016

It's Time For A Visit To Autumn!

Okay, I'm in serious denial. This is Florida with temperatures in the high 90's, with hurricanes and tropical storms swirling around us, and we don't see Autumn before December (usually) at the earliest...but why let a little thing like reality spoil the party?!

 I'm going to have myself an An Imaginary Visit Through Autumn and my autumn is going to have cool temperatures, gorgeous jewel-toned leaves, a cup of tea, a bowl of my favorite soups, maybe even a wood fire! Wanna come play with me?!
I did this piece last November and it was meant to pay homage to some of my FAVORITE things! in fact, I was picking up acorns in a parking lot today. (I think I may have been a squirrel in a past life!) I'm thinking there might be a few more items to add to this list...

Farmer's Markets, gorgeous flowers, scarecrows, crows, acorns, pumpkins, and who knows what else might show up on our sketchbook pages! I hope you'll consider joining me. The class will be four assignments long (6 weeks) and starts this coming Thursday, September 1st! 

I can tell you it's going to be a blast. I may have to crank the AC down and dodge a hurricane or two, but I can't wait for cooler temperatures and turning leaves!

For more information on An Imaginary Visit Through Autumn, please click here. I look forward so sharing the fun with you!

Friday, April 25, 2014

Come and Play at the Beach in January 2015!

Doesn't Interrupting Winter Sound Like A Great Idea!?! 

Imagine next January—the long, cold, gray days of snow, sleet and oh, yeah, more snow…or…imagine yourself soaking up the sun with your toes in the warm sand as you enjoy gentle breezes off the Gulf of Mexico!

Doesn't that sound much better than freezing!?! Then come and join me for Winter, Interrupted: An Artist's Beach Holiday, January 18th through the 22nd, 2015.

I'll be hosting a 4-day workshop and together, we'll explore St. Pete Beach, Florida as well as several other wonderful locations including lush Florida gardens, wild bird sanctuaries and historic John's Pass. 

With live sketching demos and one-on-one feedback from me, you'll be going home with a very special sketchbook brimming with beach memories and treasures!

The workshop will take place in the morning so that you have plenty of free time in the afternoon to go exploring or to bask in the sun in a royal blue cabana!

We'll be staying at the TradeWinds Island Grand Resort for 5 fabulous nights. Click the link to check out this awesome resort!

Please click here to see and download the brochure with all the juicy details!

There is a Frequently Asked Questions document included with the brochure to help answer many of your questions.

If you still have questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to me at the email address listed in the brochure.

This adventure is so brand new, it's not even on the web site yet!

Saving the best for last, I have a very special offer to share with you, dear friends:
  • Everyone who registers by April 30th,* will save $100 per participant on the total workshop price they register for! 
  • Past ITMR participants** will save $150 per participant on the total workshop price you choose if you book on or before April 30th.* 
  • On May 1st, the pricing in effect will be prices listed in the brochure. 
  • Saving coupons are available here on my blog.
Let me mention now that our grand adventure will take place in one of the busiest seasons in Florida. This means I have a very limited number of rooms available. To get the room you want, please, please book early. I don't want anyone to be disappointed.

If you're interested in coming in early or staying after the workshop, book now! Don't wait. This isn't a sales pitch. This is me being me asking you not to wait—the rooms will become more scarce and the prices will only go up the closer we get to January. 

This sketching holiday is brought to you by Imaginary Trips Made Real, LLC (ITMR).
*One discount per participant. Completed and signed Registration and Liability Release Forms along with the deposit amount for each participant must be received before or postmarked by April 30th, 2014 to qualify for the discount. Regular pricing will apply if the Registration and Liability Release Forms are received incomplete and/or unsigned.

**One discount per participant from the NOLA Live! Trip only.Completed and signed Registration and Liability Release Forms along with the deposit amount for each participant must be received before or postmarked by April 30th, 2014 to qualify for the discount. Regular pricing will apply if the Registration and Liability Release Forms are received incomplete and/or unsigned.

As always, please let me know of any questions you may have and I look forward to interrupting winter with you next January!


Thursday, May 5, 2011

Pam Johnson Brickell's new class--don't miss it!

Garden Journal Workshop
Recreate Your Garden in a Box
An Unbound Garden Journal
Thank you ROZ for the inspiration!

May 24, 25 & 26 · 10 am - 3:30 pm
in Beaufort, SC at 
Coastal Art Supply & The Gardens of The Beaufort Inn

Pam is excited to join forces with Beaufort County's own Laura Lee Rose, a Clemson Extension horticulture agent and one of the area's foremost advocates of horticulture. She teaches the Master Gardener curriculum, oversees county-wide horticulture projects, speaks to schools and community groups, and has been active in organizing and promoting Beaufort's downtown community garden.

Learn sketching, page design, watercolor, lettering and artful journaling techniques from Pam and valuable plant identification/information and other horticultural goodies from Laura Lee.  

By the end of the workshop you'll experience the joys of keeping a garden journal and also how this journal can be used to plan your gardens and be a record of your gardening trials and triumphs.

The fact that you'll be creating an 'unbound' journal takes away the scary 'Oh, I messed up that page!' scenario and will inspire you to new journaling heights!  Come join the fun! 

Register at
Coastal Art Supply · 843-524-2787
You'll receive a small supply list upon registration
Fee: $250 which includes a box lunch each day.
Limited to 10 participants. 

A few rooms are available for a special rate at the Beaufort Inn. 
Please call 843-379-4667 and mention the workshop and Coastal Art Supply
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