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Saturday, May 30, 2020

girl with a pearl

for sunday postcard art: art

images from itKuPiLLi imagenarium, holliewood studios and retired miles beyond the moon.
love to all.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

another vintage botanical

hre is one last paint chip tag for the may customer challenge at gecko galz which is "vintage botanicals." here is another tag made from a paint chip! 

the tea tin and teacup with flowers are from the botanical blend collage sheet. the background paper is also from gecko galz. words from tim holtz.

love and wishes for health safety to all.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

dreaming away the months and hours

her flashing eyes, her floating hair...
for three muses: "bad hair day"

images from songbirdy "candy floss," itkupilli imagenarium "celestial backgrounds," and a touch of starlight for her eyes from retired miles beyond the moon "cirque."

and thanks to a tiny touch of inspiration from a line from samuel taylor coleridge's "kubla kahn."

wishes for safety and security; be safe, love to all.

Monday, May 25, 2020

animals at tag tuesday

i'm a week late but i'll share two tags to make up for it! our current two week challenge at tag tuesday (with just one week left to go) is animals, hosted by our DT member Pinky

most images and papers from gecko galz various collage sheets. the unicorn is from crowabout studio B. words are from a finnabair sentiments word sticker pack.

love to all.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

nature quote

for take a word: illustrated quote

images from songbirdy (enchanted forest) and cryztal rain (dirty overlays).

love to all.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

pastel steampunk

for sunday postcard art: pastel steampunk

combination of images from mischief circus fantastical steampunk (various artists) and vintage dezinaworld.

stay safe; love to all.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

more vintage botanicals

i'm back with something more for the may customer challenge at gecko galz which is "vintage botanicals." here is another tag made from a paint chip! 

the teacup of flowers is from the botanical blend collage sheet. the background paper and fairy are also from gecko galz. words from tim holtz and butterfly brad at bottom from eyelet outlet.

stay safe and love to all.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

a magical day for Fido

for three muses: turquoise and red.

all images from holliewood studios (except starlight from vintage miles beyond the moon).

wishing you magic and safety; love to all.

Sunday, May 17, 2020


for take a word: stone angel

stone angel from pixabay. remaining images are from itKuPiLLi imagenarium (multiple kits).

blessings and love to all.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

postage people

for sunday postcard art faux postage theme

images from gecko galz, several mischief circus artists, retired dezinaworld, open clip art.

love to all.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

vintage botanicals

the may customer challenge at gecko galz is "vintage botanicals."
i'm making tags out of paint chips from home depot and here is the first for the challenge.

the teacup of flowers is from the botanical blend collage sheet. the background paper and fairy are also from gecko galz. words from gecko galz charming words sheet. yellow bird brad is from eyelet outlet.

stay safe and love to all.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

a very strong man

able to lift buildings without really any effort.
for three muses: architectural

images from mischief circus kits by itKuPiLLi, crzytal rain, rucola designs, songbirdy, tumblefish studios (retired).

love to all. be safe.

Monday, May 11, 2020

haberdashery 2

it is week two for the haberdashery theme at tag tuesday.

  1. 1.
    men's clothing and accessories.
  2. 2.
    small items used in sewing, such as buttons, zippers, and thread; notions.

continuing with the sewing theme i have another tag to share today:

the woman is from gecko galz; the background paper is from dreamzetc. other little bits, borders, button brads, etc. are from my stash.

enjoy; be safe, and love to all.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

enchanted garden

happy women's and mother's day in the US and happy day to women and mother's everywhere.

please enjoy this visit to an enchanted garden on this special day. for take a word: garden

background paper by gecko galz, all images from itKuPiLLi enchanted forest.

stay safe and healthy; love to all.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Monday, May 4, 2020


our newest theme at tag tuesday is haberdashery. i'm hosting this challenge and will send a sticker prize to a randomly selected winner, anywhere in the world (fair warning: things are slow given these days of quarantine and my schedule but i will send the prize when safe and able...). so, what is haberdashery you might ask? i

  1. 1.
    men's clothing and accessories.
  2. 2.
    small items used in sewing, such as buttons, zippers, and thread; notions.

i've gone with the British meaning for my tags today -- these are my haberdashery fairies!

the fairies are from gecko galz; the background paper is from dreamzetc. other little bits, washi tapes, flowers and such are from my stash.

come back next week and I'll share another tag on this theme!

enjoy; be safe, and love to all.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

we're all mad here!

for take a word: teapot

images from itKuPiLLi imagenarium "wonderland," "butterflies," "celeste," and "architecture;" and gecko galz "go ask alice;" and cryztal rain "overlays;" and maybe some other things too!

stay safe and healthy; love to all.

Saturday, May 2, 2020