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Tuesday, February 25, 2020

circus parade!

for three muses challenge: circus!

images from miles beyond the moon "caprice" and "cirque" (retired) and itKuPiLLi "team pierrot."

who doesn't love a circus?
love to all.

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

jazzy mail

for three muses "mail art" challenge: a postcard celebrating jazz music and dance.

background and couples from songbirdy "couples" and the rest is from open clip art and retired tumblefish studios.

love to all.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

groovy baby

i have another ATC for the gecko galz customer challenge "age of aquarius" theme for this month. this may be the grooviest of them all!

images and paper by gecko galz, with some embellishments from my stash of goodies.
love to all.

Sunday, February 16, 2020

something's fishy

for take a word: fish
very curious.

images from itKuPiLLi "wonderland" and "butterflies" and from retired tumblefish studio kits.

love to all.

Friday, February 14, 2020

love to all, today and every day

every year i make valentines for everyone at work but the staff has grown so large that i cannot make individual ones for everyone any more (last year i managed it with 45 people! but we are bigger now and i just couldn't pull it off). so i designed one digital valentine for everyone. 

the quote is by cornel west. images from pixabay and tumblefish studios. we are a justice organization which is why it is themed this way. i stamped happy valentine's day on the back and wrote each person a note. enjoy.

as always, wishing love to all.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

the dawning of...

continuing to play on the theme of the "age of aquarius" at gecko galz this month. another ATC for you!

images and papers from gecko galz!
love to all.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

spring is in the air...

our new theme starting this week at tag tuesday is "spring is in the air." now there is still quite a lot of winter left in this hemisphere but i'm happy to think spring! so here is my happy little tag.

images and paper from gecko galz.
love to all.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

age of aquarius

february is the month for aquarians, it is my birthday month and this month's customer challenge at gecko galz is "age of aquarius." i love it! here's an ATC in celebration of this groovy theme!

images and paper from gecko galz, of course!

love to all.

Saturday, February 8, 2020

first love is self love

for sunday postcard art "amour"

heart paper from "oh cupid" by gecko galz; all other images from mischief circus artists: crowabout studioB; itKuPiLLi imagenarium; miles beyond the moon (retired).

love to all.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

celebrities at the museum

for three muses challenge: mostly black and white

images from mischief circus artists, itKuPiLLi imagenarium, holliewood studios, and tumblefish studios (retired).

love to all.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

gypsy women

for take a word: gypsy

images from dezinaworld (retired) and mischief circus artists itKuPiLLi, miles beyond the moon (retired), exqizart.

love to all. 

Saturday, February 1, 2020

BEWARE his crystal horde

for sunday postcard art: dragons

images from dezinaworld (retired); miles beyond the moon (retired), itKuPiLLi, holliewood studios, & mr. whiskers, of mischief circus.

love to all.