Thursday, April 25, 2013

TOFW - Pasadena

This is one of those daunting posts.  Not because it's anything negative, just simply because at times, when there's so much to convey, the mind becomes overwhelmed and shuts down.  Or maybe that's just me.  But this year was wonderful and I am so glad for those that made it possible.
James Ferrell encouraged me to ask myself, "What should I be doing to take a step higher?"
Really, I think this is a question I should ask each and every day.

D&C 35:8

Who hasn't had a bird trapped in their home or their garage?  Is it not sometimes an option to use a broom to "guide" that bird to the open window.  To freedom, to joy, to the answer... the broom make look scary but in reality, it's guiding me to the path I must choose.  What part of the gospel is like a broom, to me?

Man is nothing; man is everything to God.

So here we all are, in the middle of the ocean in our very own boat.  But guess what, my boat has holes in it.  But don't worry, so does yours.  How many holes do you have?  How many do I have?  Does it really matter?  In the end, we are both in a boat with holes in the middle of the ocean.  Do you and I not need help just the same.  The only way to transform our vessel to to rely upon God.  If I don't acknowledge my holes, I can't ask God to help me.  If I acknowledge the holes of others instead of my own, how much closer am I to being saved?  To allowing God to transform my "vessel"?  A sin is a sin, one, ten, you still need Him.

D&C 19:19
2 Nephi 9:53

When thinking about the temple and our proxy ordinances, take it all the way back to the atonement... was that not THE proxy ordinance done for me.  For I could not have done that for myself.

1 Nephi 8:30
The fruit of the tree of life was down - one must fall down to get this "fruit".  One must be humble.

James 5:16
Phil. 4:8

He'll always find a way to say "I love you" - the Lord's tender mercies are ever present.

Heidi Swinton reminded me that we all need to feel THAT love!

Moroni 8 & 9 (love) *9:25

How many times have you leaped over the ship to unfamiliar territory (Matt. where Jesus walks on the Sea of Galilee).

Remember that when you are on your knees, you are looking up!

Mariama Kallon reminded me we must take the higher road of forgiveness.  This coming from a woman that watch her family be violently murdered, her sister's hands cut off and barely escaped that fate herself.  D&C 46:32

We must always take the higher life - Ether 12:4

Wouldn't it do us all some good to develop the heart of compassion!?!?

Matt. 11:28-30 - a promise
D&C 31:6
Alma 17:12

It takes strength to always remember we are not alone.  The entire world could be against us, and at times it feels as though this is true and yet, the Lord is still on our side ready to give comfort, help, love and it's through others that this usually happens.

Mercy River taught me that I need to model impossible beauty.  I will aim to tell Andi how beautiful I AM - her mother.  If she hears me tearing myself down, that will become her inner voice and she in turn will probably tear down herself.  Jackson had a sentence in school last week and it said something like, "I have a good looking mother."  He looked at me, giggled, and said, "Yeah, you are good looking."  I pray that in their eyes, I always am.  I know it's up to me to make that happen.

Christ would plead for us to not forget that He made us beautiful.

Sandra Turley reminded me that the atonement is also for all of us that are hurting from pain we didn't bring upon ourselves.  When we feel alone, the atonement can then be a comfort.  He will lift our burdens if we but remember.

Because I knew you, I have been changed for good.

D. Kelly Ogden reminded me that we sit together in unity and this is when revelation can come.  The Holy Ghost can then inspire us.  Psalm 133:1

We're not here to be comfortable.  No, we came here for the earthly experience - not a ride in the park.  "He was made perfect through suffering."

If you're near the end of your rope, you're likely near the top - SO KEEP ON GOING!  Afterall, pain is only temporary.

"Greatness is best measured..." -Elder Marvin J. Ashton

Elder Oaks points out that our burdens in our hearts are sometimes as heavy as those in a handcart.

We all have our free agency.  Parents often wonder what they did wrong - why their children have chosen a different path... Does God ask himself, "Where did I go wrong?".

At the last minute, I didn't want to go.  Andrew told me that I had to go because I had the desire from the very beginning and there was no doubt there was something I needed to hear.  He was right.  I needed to hear it all, feel it all, see it all.  As a mother of four, as a mother to any number, you are busy focused on others, not necessarily yourself.  I needed this "time out" to reflect upon my own testimony, one I have neglected for some time.  It was good to be reminded of the reasons I have made the covenants I have made.  You don't get too many of those, "they were talking to me" moments in sacrament when you're continually hushing the little bodies nearly on top of you week after week.  

As if that all wasn't enough, I also had such a fun GNO with Nikki and Julie Friday night and a sushi bar lunch date with my dad Saturday afternoon.  But wait, then I was able to attend a baptism and have dinner with some pretty awesome families that evening.  This weekend was truly a Time Out for Me and I can't wait until next year!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Still need to scan and download the school picture but for now, here's out little man.  He was truly fascinated that they could make him look like he was in a forest, or near the water - yes, intrigued!

 Most mornings I shower at about 7:45am after we drop off Jackson at school.  Some days that simply won't work and so I'll shower before Jackson at around 6:45am.  On these days, Jackson is supposed to get started on his lunch.  I love what I find on this particular mornings.  Peanut butter was new and so he couldn't get it open to make his sandwich.  But he did wash, cut and slice strawberries and then sprinkle sugar over them in the tupperware.  An apple was also sliced and ready to go but Cole stole that all too soon.
 This kid has never been excited about spirit days before so you can imagine my surprise at his obsession over crazy hair day.  There's not much we could do so white face paint from Halloween saved the day.
1 - One morning I only had Cole (thanks, Nikki) and so we enjoyed a pretty peaceful walk together.  I LOVED seeing his little shadow chase the peter pan inside of him.
2 - Cole likes to pick up Jackson in style.
3 - We made a venture to Ventura for a friends and family opening of a new restaurant.  Fran, Laurel and I met the guys out there and waited hours to eat.  Total chaos but it's always good being with those families.  The kids were super stoked!  Uh, table for 18 please!?!?!?

 Carson came to play after school today for about four hours and they never once had a problem.  LOVED this play date!  I just wish they could grow up together in school and church.

Shockingly I don't have a new photo to feature Andi.  But what I should have is an entire collage of this chic and her outfits.  We're at the stage where she changes about half a dozen times a day but most often I approve of these outfits.  Today though was so not working for me.  
*OK, note to self, start documenting these creations!

Happy Birthday, Relief Society


I'm almost 100% certain I have another post with this exact title - but I assure this was a different day.  We almost didn't make it this time because it was an awfully windy day and I was just not in the mood to deal.  But when Andrew was late, again, I decided it'd be better to pack up the kids and head out instead of brave another evening alone.  And, it worked - the wind calmed down almost as much as the kids.  I have no doubt we'd be here much more if it wasn't all the way in Valencia.

Monday, April 08, 2013

"Oval" - square - circle - triangle

The other night Andrew wanted to show me that Cole recognizes his shapes.  Well, I think he really wanted to show me how Cole says, "oval".  The kids sure enjoyed the entertainment.

DSCN0704 from Rachel Anderson on Vimeo.

*Please excuse the mocos!

Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Spring Break.... you'd never guess how it ended

I really have no clue what we're going to do this week.

Day One:  Park with some Mint Cyn. friends.  My kids are truly deprived and so in turn, they felt this was some heavenly gift to be able to go to the park with friends.  Turned out to be beautiful that morning.

Day Two:  1pm and I am just finishing up with Relief Society business.  The kids have been entertaining themselves in our backyard as well as Gay's.  I planned on going to the zoo today but considering Cole is just going down for a nap, I'm not too sure that'll happen.
*Nope, didn't happen.  Cole woke up, Andrew got home and I went to have a peaceful Chipotle dinner on my own.

Day Three:  Spa & Laundry party... I'm not exactly sure what this is, so I guess I'll have to update after the party.
*12:30-3pm Portia hosted a Mary Kay thing with pizza and Coke zero.  Yep, the coke zero made my day.

Day Four:  Last night Cole had a fever of 100.7.  Ugh, my eyes are still heavy.  This morning it was at 102.8 and considering we were contemplating going to Utah Friday morning, I decided to take him in.  Everything looks viral, go figure, but better to know than not.  I went to get his meds for other things and they weren't ready.  Everyone starving and cranky, or maybe that was just me, we headed to Rattlers for a quick easy lunch.  Gotta love kids' salad bars!  Yes, all was delicious but I'm still sad that we didn't get to go to the zoo with Paola.  The zoo and the beach - two things I wanted to do this week and we accomplished neither.  Bummer

Day Five:  I loaded up the kids and headed to Utah.  Yup, how's that for no plans!?!?  My mom wanted to go visit Markie on his mountain somewhere above Beaver, Ut.  Andrew has been asking them to go on a road trip for months and months and his wish finally came true.  It's just too bad he couldn't get away from work and wasn't able to join us!  I haven't seen him that heartbroken in quite some time.  But considering the kids and I had done very little over the week, I took my mom up on her offer to take us out of town.
 The kids and I began our journey alone and stopped at Las Vegas Town Square (thanks, Tristan).  This playground was a blast and I could only wish that one day we'd have something this "cool" nearby.  Honestly, Santa Clarita could really use more splash pads.

Once everyone else arrived, my kids were drenched and starving.  Lunch at Claim Jumpers was divine.

 The first night of our trip was planned to come to a hault in Cedar City, UT.  I believe we arrived somewhere after 7:30 or 8pm and the kids had had it.  There was some confusion with the rooms and the pool and dinner yada yada and this all resulted in some emotional meltdowns.  Andi missed daddy, Jackson wanted to be on the bed, Ryan wasn't willing to budge and Cole, well Cole was actually asleep within two minutes of his head hitting his pillow.  That was the best behaved he was all weekend.  I don't think everyone was asleep until 10pm but thank goodness grandma shopping was willing to help soothe the pills while I ate my Cafe Rio salad on the floor in the hallway.

Day Six:  Saturday morning we loaded up at about 9:30am, after an awful night's sleep, to do some more driving.  Surprisingly, I didn't feel too bad.  Before heading up the mountain, we tackled Walmart along side your typical polygamist.  Good times!

 At least there was a helpful Mexican at the local gas station....

Juana drove this two hour journey with us up the mountain.  We oohed and ahhed over the crystal clear creek chasing down the mountains.  Jackson suggested we stop to take some pictures but time, ie, Cole's time, wasn't on our side, so we kept driving.  Once we reached Eagle Point, Markie met up with us and informed us our cabin wouldn't be ready until 4pm... two hours from then.  It's a good thing the Grill was so delicious and comfortable.  I mean really, the best pizza, burger, onion rings, french fries, wraps, EVER!

4pm came and went and still no keys for our cabin.  This is when we made a mistake... we decided to dive into the thickest snow in our most California snow getup.

 You would take a step and sink, way down deep.  Jeans do not hold up too well when you're knee deep in the snow.  Cole was grumpy and over it before we barely began.  Jackson was hysterical proclaiming he was going to die on this mountain.  Andi was just kinda over it but RYAN loved it.  When we went to Brianhead, UT a few years ago, Ryan was the one out there sledding and playing long past everyone else.  Considering the circumstances and his attitude toward it all this time around, I'm pretty certain it's safe to say he's our little mountain/snow man.
Cole's Meltdown

See, can't you see it, Jackson is just barely hanging on to life right here!
"I'm going to die up here!"

 But not Ryan, he takes after his uncle Markie and grandma shopping - crazy people!
BUT, he still isn't much of a thrill seeker
First attempt
DSCN0768 from Rachel Anderson on Vimeo.

Ryan - thumbs down
DSCN0769 from Rachel Anderson on Vimeo.

I think we finally made it to the cabin about an hour and a half later and the kids had no problem stripping off their clothes and climbing into their pj's.  It was a good thing too because it took another half hour or so for us all the hike up and down unloading all our luggage and groceries.

Uncle Markie got off work just shortly before the kids were put to bed.  He loves them and they love him so I'm glad they were able to say goodnight!

Once the kids were tucked in and half of them were asleep, I made a couple more trips to the car for forgotten items.  Seriously, this was a hike and a total butt kicker on the lungs.

 That night did not bring any sleep but we were warm.

Day Seven:  HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Grandpa, grandpa!  Sorry Mr. Cole was at his worst this day.  This kid was so clingy all week and simply emotional.  I am sure he wasn't feeling too hot considering he could have possibly had influenza, test results won't be in until middle of this week - awesome insurance, and was constipated.  Good times.  Thankfully grandma got him distracted looking at the trees for a bit while I finished packing and loading.  Also grateful that Jackson helped me hike up one of our suitcase.  Jackson Ryan and Andi were all so helpful loading up the cars.

 We're also thankful Juana was there to help get the cabin in check-out status while we loaded up the cars.  This gave us a pretty decent start at the mountain for tubing.

Grandpa, grandpa and the kids on his birthday ride!  He spent most of the time at the bottom of the hill catching the kids so I'm glad he got at least one ride down.

Still being a pain, Cole wailed and shrieked all the way down the mountain.  Oh well, I tried!  And then I took him back inside to watch from the window and warmth of the lodge.

Markie worked the entire weekend so everyone was so excited to times he was able to stop by and play with us.

 For as much as Ryan loves the snow, he's still cautious.  But have no fear, by the end of our tubing time, Ryan was on top of the mountain with everyone else.

 Well, everyone but Cole.

DSCN0812 from Rachel Anderson on Vimeo.

 After watching, Juana decided she could totally do this and surprisingly, ito decided to join her!

She loved it!!!  If it wasn't for hiking back up the mountain after each run, she would have gone more. Let's hope and pray I'm flying down a hill at 80 years old!

DSCN0839 from Rachel Anderson on Vimeo.

DSCN0840 from Rachel Anderson on Vimeo.

This was quite the journey over three days, three states and a ton of miles.  I'm exhausted but so glad we did it and so grateful to my parents for making it happen.  And although I'm beat and wouldn't mind now taking a vacation, I'm grateful my kids did as well as they did.  To be honest, the trip home yesterday, 12 hours 8.5 of them in the car, wasn't too bad - major kudos to mom, though, for helping me make that drive.

 Our drive down the mountain from Jackson's perspective....

So, here we are, Spring Break and we played it by ear....