Sunday, February 24, 2013


One day last week Andi wanted a play date with Corinne.  Lucky girl just so happened to want it on a day Corinne was able to bring a friend to gymnastics.  I have always said this is something I would like Andi to do.  When asked, Andi will also tell you she would prefer to do gymnastics over dance.  Odd, considering she had yet to try either.  But here she was, her first chance at gymnastics and she was freaking out.  I was nervous because at each of the three dance lessons she has had, she has had a meltdown.  Always excited to go and then once there, she has a tough time.  I attribute this to it being late afternoon on a school day, but you never know.  Gymnastics was a whole different story, though.  She was beaming the entire time and kept looking up to make sure we were watching.  I would love nothing more than to make this happen for her - crossing our fingers we can find a way.  Thanks, Nikki!!

That afternoon she told grandpa grandpa all about gymnastics and they shared a bit of a "princess" moment.

Cousins in St. George

 Last Thanksgiving we had tentative plans to visit St. George, UT where "the cousins" live.  The kids were devastated when we weren't able to go and it is now often in their prayers that, "we would soon have the money to go to Utah and visit cousins."  We were blessed enough over Presidents Day weekend to finally take the kids out to see their cousins.
We left Vegas and made it to St. George shortly before noon on Saturday.  We, and everyone else in town, meet up with the family at Cafe Rio and it was delicious!  Andrew, of course, then took the kids across the parking lot to Neilsen's.  Seriously, I couldn't believe how grown up Ivan, Mya and Zoe are but yet they were still so good with out little ones.

 Ivan had a pretty day with rehearsals and what not, so after lunch, we took Mya and Zoe with us to check into our hotel and go swimming.
Saturday evening we all made our way to Shay and Mike's for a BBQ and some play in the backyard.  
That night our kids were exhausted - psh, we were all exhausted.  I even pumped myself with diet coke and raisins to have the energy for a hot tub visit with Tori which was SO worth it.  Knocked me out enough to not even hear Cole fall off the bed.
Sunday morning everyone slept in until 9am which is probably the second time in the last 7 years.  Once up, we packed up our stuff, loaded to car and headed to Tori's for breakfast.
Fortunately for us, we were also able to visit with Aunt Paige's parents who were in town "on business".  We adore Robin and Eric and were so glad to catch up with them.  Overall, it was a great trip and the kids truly adored their time with their cousins.  They kept asking us why they moved away and when they will be able to play with them again.  The drive home took us about 10 hours with pit stops and traffic but it was worth the trip.
Monday morning the kids truly appreciated having a day off of school to recoup, stretch out and veg.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Happy Birthday, Ryan

cupcakes for preschool

preschool buddies

Wednesday after school, Andrew picked up Ryan and his closest buddies to hit up Chuck E Cheese.  I figured in the middle of the day, middle of the week, there wouldn't be too many people or too much chaos.  They had a blast - now Jackson's saying he wants to do the same thing for his birthday.

Ryan felt so loved and so lucky that he got such fabulous gifts from his friends.  He was one happy boy.
2012 Questionnaire an included in parentheses...
 How old are you? FIVE (Four with excitement)
What is your favourite color?  orange, green, blue... and black, too (Blue and red)
What is your favourite animal?  Crocodile  (Hmm, giraffe.  I like the ocean.)
What is your favourite food?  dinosaur nuggets (Tofu and tofu sauce, chicken nuggets, and rice)
What do you want to be when you grow up?  construction worker  (A firefighter)
What is your favourite book? Ummm, about dinosaurs (Pirate ones with a ship)
What is your favourite song?  A Jesus one  (My Jesus song)
What is your favourite TV show? Third and Bird  (Cinderella (oh boy, he spends a lot of time with his sister) and I even like our new shows that grandma got us (grandma shopping bought some VHS's for their bedroom))
What is your favorite holiday?  Christmas  (Halloween)
Where would you most like to go for a holiday? the hotel  (Las Vegas) 
What is your favourite thing to do? play with grandma shopping's game  (go to the sushi place, go to the beach with my friends and I like something special for me that Corinne and Missy won't get it)
Where do you like to go for dinner? Sushi!  (Sushi, sushi, sushi)
Who is your best friend?  Brandon, Carson & Gagey  (Gagey and Gunner and someone else I don't know)
What do you like doing at home?  play with Jackson, Andi and Cole  (Play my football game)
What do you love about your sister?  hug her  (She plays with me)
What do you love about Jackson?  play with him  (He helps me to get all the water in the hole at the beach)
What do you love about Cole?  hugs  (I like him to color)
What do you love about school?  painting  (um, paint)
What do you love about church?  the class  (don't play)
What do you love about mom and dad?  hug them and kiss them   (kissing, I just like pretend kissing (it's hit and miss, sometimes he likes affection, sometimes not so much))
We had a road trip planned for this holiday weekend and so first thing that morning, we met up with Grandma Shopping and Grandpa grandpa and Bri for a birthday breakfast.  I loved seeing this boy so happy and feeling so special. 
It was quite fitting that this road trip just so happened to begin on Ryan's birthday because he's always asking to go on a road trip and to stay in a hotel!
It was a lousy drive to Vegas and we were so ready to get out of the car once we arrived.  But even more so, we were grateful to arrive.  The car was driving horribly most of the way there and by the time we exited the 15, we were putting along and we're sure we're make it much further.  After checking in, I took the kids to the pool so Andrew could get the car fixed.  Amazingly enough, he did.  A spark plug change and we were good to go.  Man he's come a long way!!
The kids and I had a blast waiting.  It was a bit chilly and at first, they were apprehensive in the water.  Thankfully they became little fish once again.
I'm not sure which was more exciting:
1- learning Cole was not quite afraid of the water, but much more cautious than he was last summer
2 - Andrew going out to fix the car without arguing with me about the need for dinner first... and the fact that he actually fixed it.

That night we wanted to take Ryan out to a fun dinner where he could have endless dessert options.  It was such a nice family night and really, by the end of the evening, we were all on cloud nine.  Who wouldn't be with endless crepes!
As the kids passed out, we realized that we really are blessed and so very grateful for our little Ryan.  He has been sick a lot during his five years but it seems as though that shouldn't be for much longer.  He is so kind, loving, and giving.  In fact today while waiting to pick up Andi from preschool, my friend Jenna told me about a day that Ryan was so kind to her son and he offered to share his play-doh when no one else would.  That's Ryan, for ya.  I've always said, the boy will give you the shirt off his back.  And now, he's not just the loving one, he's also the big jokester.  Ry, we love you and are so glad you had a wonderful birthday!

*PS - I think we're going to have to start rethinking our hotel set-ups... these kids don't fit too well on a double bed!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day

Each kid did their own Valentines which meant they were simple, but perfect. 

I'm assuming that when Andrew got home from Basketball around midnight or so, he made me heart shaped oatmeal cookies because they were ready and presented first thing Valentine's Day morn.  So thoughtful and simply perfect.

Jackson made a box for his Valentines that were passed out in class - it seems as though he  "lovs" Zuri - say what!?!?  When I called him out, he was so embarrassed and told me no one was supposed to see it.  Andrew's just glad to hear Jackson has good taste!

I just love my mini Valentine's!

"You're still the one:  If I had it to do all over again, I wouldn't change a thing.  Through the twists and turns of life, you have always been there for me, my constant partner and friend.  Our love only grows deeper and more beautiful the longer we're together... And as we celebrate our journey, keep your hand in mine and I'll be by your side forever"
**The best part about my card is that he told me he found it two weeks ago and has been saving it in his truck.
"I love you more now that ever.  You are everything I ever wanted in a partner.  You make me a better person each day by your love, patience and example.  Love always, Spike."

Good Times

Marci's baby shower was so beautiful and simply perfect for her and her baby girl.  I am grateful for the chance I hang out with these girls and to help out a bit - even though I lost the giant steak knife in my car....
Bunco has taught me that I can't count and talk at the same time, I truly am a social eater, I can have fun after 9pm!
Relief Society Valentine's Day with a Twist - Speed Dating

Sunday, February 10, 2013



It was a scream I had never heard before.  Immediately I envisioned Cole, passed out in the shower, and Jackson helpless.  But no, instead I found Jackson, shrieking for joy over losing his FIRST TOOTH.  For weeks he has anticipated this wiggly tooth falling out at lunch like it did for one of his peers.  This of course made him nervous because he is no fan of blood.  Or the unknown.  We discussed the Lord's "tender mercies" and in his prayer on the way to school, he thanked God for allowing his tooth to fall out in the shower so he didn't get freaked out by the blood.

This four, ALMOST five year old, attended his first birthday party without us or his siblings.  He's getting so old but more importantly, he has become so polite and obedient that it doesn't really worry me to send him off on a journey such as this.  But as Marci pointed out, we really do need to work on his volume control so the adults can actually hear him.  
Classic Ryan story.... upon arrival he asked them if he could get the inflatable snake.  After Ryan's earnings and Jamie's jackpot, all the kids were actually able to get this coveted snake.  Of course, Ryan's didn't even make it home before it was fatally wounded.  Yep, it's always happening to Ryan.  Indeed we are grateful that he doesn't throw fits over things like this and we're also grateful for Cameron's sacrifice in giving Ryan his snake.


"Blue pants" are all the rage these days.  Believe me, I get it, a good pair of jeans, or blue pants, can change a girl's world.  But really, a 4 year old's world!?!?  The fights are out of this world and we must find a compromise SOON!  But I suppose if you're old enough to hit up the mall with a girlfriend, you're old enough to throw a fit over a good pair of "blue pants".
At least she WANTS to do homework!

Just another day hangin' at the mall with a friend.


It has been a BIG week for this little man... big man... soon true man!  One month before his second birthday the boy has moved to a toddler bed and has been potty trained.  

He decided he wanted to be potty trained a couple weeks ago.  Things went well at first and although I never attempted to take him out of the house without a diaper.  But then he got sick and reverted; of course.  So four days ago I decided to hit it hard.... nudest toddler for two days and next thing you know, he's fully trained.  The child had no accidents for three days in a row even with being out and about in the car and other places.  Well, except for that one time I told him to wait and well, he couldn't.  Go figure, it was the one time I had forgotten a change of pants and yeah, that mistake cost me $22!  Rip off.

This week he also graduated to a toddler bed simply because his lovely siblings taught him out to climb out of his crib.  He is our climber so we have been shocked he never tried on his own but there ya have it, it happened anyway.  Considering we live in a tiled home, the urgency to move him out of the crib was at an ultimate high.  I took it upon myself to dig out our old crib and take it all apart and put it all back together.  Andrew came home and called me crazy but hey, every woman knows if she wants it done......

I absolutely love seeing him passed out in his "new" bed.  I equally loved getting rid of our last crib - say what!?!?  Crazy but so exciting.  No more diapers (well, pull ups for sleeping) and no more crib.  Ahhhh this is so exciting!

Cole is also now old enough for play dates and he's loving every moment!

I truly love watching these four (five) grow up!