Thursday, December 20, 2012

Dear Santa... and other letters that aren't so friendly...

I touched Elfy on accident.  I'm sorry.  Can I please still have my gun that shoots water?
Love, Ryan Anderson

Some writings that were sent home in Jackson's backpack, today:

Dear Santa,
Please bring me a castl with the gards and the dragn and the poosh thing because I ben real good by caring.
Love Jackson Andersin

I can make this a bright holiday for my family by being good and helping keeping the house clean and doing my chores without being told and being nice.

Notes are also taped all around our home:
Presents for Jesus, Joseph and Mary in the stable, Anderson family strip: Jackson, Ryan, Andi, Mom, Cole, Dad, Anderson family number 6.
But two nights ago, I went to bed and found this "lovely" note on my pillow: 
Dear mom and dad I do not belong in this family.  I will not talk to everybody and it's hard because you and dad are too young to have kids and every time my brother and sister is rude.
What happened was earlier that night we got the kids some hot chocolate and took them on a drive to see the light show, again.  Andrew still hadn't seen it and they all wanted to show him.  It was a good night until on the way home, they began singing that obnoxious "Jingle Bells" song where you insert one another's name and say they stink or farted, etc.  Mind you, this was after they each beautifully sang a Christmas carol in preparation for the Fogg's Sing-a-long.... sad how quickly things go awry.  Anyway, Jackson inserted Andi's name, then Andi inserted Jackson's name.  HE WAS NOT HAPPY - he threw a book to the back seat to show her just how unhappy he was.  We've had this problem with him dishing it out and then not being able to take it.  So I pulled over and we sternly told him that that behavior was not right.  Mind you, I didn't even yell... probably because as soon as it happened, I heard Jackson say, "Sorry, I wasn't thinking."  Anyway, after bedtime story and prayers, Andi and Jackson were battling it out for the book I read because they each wanted to take in into bed.  Andi asked first so I was on her side, but that did not go over well, again.  At this point, all went to bed but I guess Jackson chose to write a note first.  
Hours later, when we went to bed, I found the dreaded note and so badly wished I had seen it sooner.  I climbed up the top bunk to talk to Jackson but he was knocked out!  Believe me, I tried to wake him.

The next morning we had a chat.  We discussed that I appreciate him letting me know his feelings because that's important but that he should never feel like he's not apart of this family.  He's so important, etc., etc.  Despite our talk, we had a tough day.  This boy pushed buttons all day and I struggled between being too hard on him and not hard enough.  I knew he was volatile but that can't excuse him from behavior he knows is unacceptable.
Well that afternoon I found a new note taped to the picture by my bed:
Dear mom and dad you are going too far.  I am starting to thinking that I am do not belong in this family.  Love Jackson.  to mom. 
Are you kidding me!?!?  Ok, another chat.  He was upset telling me he thinks we stole him from another family because no one loves him as much as everyone else.  Andi and Ryan are always being rude to him or not playing like he wants to.  We discussed how he can't force them to play every game the way he wants to play (oh man, this was so me and Bri growing up) and that he needs to understand they're still young and not like his friends at school.  He talked about how he has felt this way since he was 5 but couldn't write very well then so he couldn't express himself.  He started crying so much he couldn't talk and he explained that he has to write his feelings down.  I laughed and told him I know he's part of our family because he's just like me.  I too have to write down my feelings when I'm upset with Andrew, friends, family, life, etc.  I let him go write down what he wanted to tell me and it read:
I just go too ahead of myself and you teach me whatever I see what you do and I feel when I grow up I feel to do those things. 
So of course, it's all my fault.  I asked him what I do that he's doing wrong and he says, "like spank butts."  I asked when I last spanked someone's butt and he had no answer for me.  In fact, he laughed because he knew he was wrong.  I asked him if I had ever thrown a book to the back seat because I was mad at someone, again, no.  I told him he has the agency to make his own decisions and he can't feel bad about them and then put the responsibility on me... or anyone else for that matter.  We talked again about how much we love him and how important he is and how we do everything to try to make him and the others happy.  
J was still in a bit of a funk when Andrew got home.  Andrew gave him a hug and said, "Hey, what's your problem?".  Jackson explained, yet again, and Andrew said, "Get over it!"  That was it - get over it.  And guess what, 15 minutes later, Jackson was hugging me, talking to me, being Jackson.  Then he asked for wrapping paper and wrapped "gifts" so everyone in the family.  As he handed them out, he told me, "Mom, I feel so good giving gifts.  And that's what Christmas is all about; the feeling you get from giving.  I don't even need anything I just love giving to other people."

So, there you have it, PARENTING 101... tell the kid to "GET OVER IT!"

*"Watching You"

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Christmas at First Grade

Jackson has been super excited about his program for weeks.  Last night he had a freak out that he didn't have a "costume" and he didn't know the parts well enough.  The fact was, I was not willing to put him in a boy elf costume.  I mean really, have you seen those things?  Suspenders and all?  Yeah, he got a hat and a green shirt - good enough.  But I must add in here just how proud I am of the five of us.  I pondered from about 4:30am on as to how I was going to pull it off this morning and at 6am thought maybe I'd get up and shower earlier than my alarm.  Well, I must have fallen asleep because when the alarm went off at 6:45am, not even Jackson was awake.  SO RARE.  I got up and jumped in the shower, Ry woke up and jumped in too.  Then I got J up and in the shower and we all started getting ready.  Yeah, I did fail in the sense that Cole and Andi did not get a shower this morning and my kids had instant breakfast for their "meal", but hey, we were all dressed and out the door on time at 7:30am.  The kids and I dropped off Jackson and then found a parking spot before the show.  At this time I did my make up and tied Ryan's shoes.  8am we went to get our spot in the cafeteria for the show.  Whew!
While waiting in the cafeteria, the kids played with Mary Poppin's, I mean Francesca's, purse contents and I browsed the walls for Jackson's elf.  Cute!
"If I would have an efs holiday helper, first I would have him put up decorashins.  Next I would have him make randeer food.  Last I would have him leave cookies and milk.  By Jackson"
Burkman's was the last class in and I felt a sense of relief when they finally did!

Kindergarten and First Grade

I think Jackson needs chapstick
Joy to the World

Feliz Navidad


Snowballs... Jackson kept talking about a "surprise" in the show and so I knew I needed to pay attention to detail.  At one point I saw the back row bend down and come right back up so I knew the surprise was coming.  That's when I started recording....

After the show we headed back to Jackson's class and Cole went at it - that boy is into everything right now and it's driving me crazy.  Jackson was so good to tend to him instead of his friends.
Jackson & Mrs. Burkman
The kids were hanging out so I grabbed a picture....
And then more kids just kept coming and coming - it was so cute they were all so excited to just run up and get in a picture!  I love how courageous children are.
Their class Christmas party, or actually I'm pretty sure it was titled, "Holiday Party", featured a book exchange.  Instead of a book, Jackson received an "activity" and he just had to do it before we took our ornament picture.
The show and preschool lead to a veg out lunch session in front of the tube.  Thank you Curtis and Tristan for the kids' Christmas gift!!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Christmas at Preschool

Ryan's program was Monday and he did a great job as Joseph... again.  Apparently it's not favoritism but rather necessity considering others weren't willing to perform that role.  I'll yell ya, though, it's great being able to understand most of what this boy is saying!  His speech teacher feels that he'll probably go to speech once a week for one semester in Kindergarten and then that'll be it!  I just wish we had found his glasses the morning of the program - poor kid!
Santa joined the party and Ryan got to request, yet again, a GUN.  Andi and Cole scored some candy but Andi had to wait until Tuesday for her turn on Santa's lap.  Cole could care less. 

So proud of this little man - he's grown SO much since last year.

Silent Night

Sadly my battery died so I couldn't get a video of Ryan clarify to Santa he wants a WATER gun!

Andi's program was today, Tuesday.  Jenny made her a tutu for today's program so she had to sport her immodest attire until Jenny arrived.  It was so cute watching them open her gift in our freezing crowded garage at 8am.  :)
The three year old's didn't really have assigned parts because, well, have you met a three year old?

For some unknown reason, Andi had a meltdown during the program.  She was hysterical, actually, and I have no clue why.  She says she just wanted to be done, but I don't know, seemed like something more than that.  Anyhow, the second Santa walked into the room, Andi ran up to him and held onto his legs.  She was so happy to finally have her turn.  You can't tell in the pictures, but she's rather happy Santa arrived on her preschool day.

Ding Dong


Jingle Bells

Andi with Santa

We have seen this program 5 times already and we will hopefully see it 3 more times.... it never gets old.

On another note, secret santa's visited us while we were out.  I'm pretty sure I know all who are guilty but I still can't get over their kindness, love and generosity.  I pray that as we can, we too will think of others and show them the same kindness others have shown us.

And another note, a note that also warms my heart, I received this text today and it made me so very happy!!!  Love my Paige and Brittany - Wes sure had good taste!!!

Family Unity

The other night I met up with my parents at Sam's Club.  The kids always love these outings, but I think Grandma Shopping may love them even more.  Grandpa grandpa and I are on the fence.  And Andrew, well he was working to pay for Sam's Club :)  This trip started out a bit tricky because Fran unknowingly poisoned Jackson... or was it an accident?  Anyway, the two doses of Benadryl knocked him out until the magic in the air brought him back to life!

On the way home I remembered about the light show near my friend, Brooke.  We're never out that way in the evening and so despite it being so late in the evening, and me being such a stickler on bed time, we swung by so the kids and I could see the light show.  Everyone LOVED the show so much and Jackson kept saying it was "the best night ever".  The only thing missing was Andrew... everyone wished daddy was there. It made me think about those that don't have dad around all the time, or the ones that have passed on, or the ones serving our Country, or the ones that choose not to be there... I felt lucky that we don't always have to do these things without him.  And it warmed my heart that the kids want him to experience everything with us.

After the lights I realized we haven't enjoyed much of the Christmas festivities this year.  I had many plans and many fell through simply because of life getting in the way.  Saturday I think I had a migraine all day and Andrew worked all day.  My head felt awful as did my eyes and stomach.  Luckily Cole took a three hour nap and the other three let me lie in bed.

But that evening I threw it out on FB that I wanted to check out the Grove for the first time ever and I was stoked when the Evans decided to join us.  Then I was even happier when Andrew realized he could stop working for a bit and join us before going back for the night.  It was perfect - well aside from the traffic.  Traffic and chaos sort of turns Andrew into a freak but once we pulled it all together, it turned out to be a beautiful and memorable evening.

I first spotted the Cheesecake Factory but they had a TWO HOUR wait so we hit up the Farmer's Market (thanks, Jimmy!) instead.  We scored on the table situation and were able to get a boy table and a girl table. Poor Hunter is still at the mommy table and doesn't get to hang with the boys.  Or is he better off!?!?  :)
With food in our bellies we headed back to the tree for the 8pm snow show!
I'm not real sure the cute, cuddly couple enjoyed our kids crashing their hot date, but hey, whatcha gonna do?  Well I'll tell ya... you're gonna take their seat over once they decide they've had enough!

So grateful Andrew came with us and then went back to work from 9pm-1am.  The next day was a crazy Sunday, as they always are, but we were able to go see the Wakefield lights with some good friends.  I love how the rain from that night made it look like it was snowing!  One can not help but be grateful for the people that continually make an effort to be in your life.  Thanks, ladies.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Portable Potty??? Ewww!

Years ago someone gave us a potty training toilet... wait, let's back up.  Some time before that, I had a visiting teacher come to see me and she brought a toilet with her.  I was beside myself.  Jackson was only a few months old so I hadn't even thought about potty training, but I remember thinking if potty training meant bringing a toilet with you, I never wanted to do it.  But then some time after someone gave us a little toilet with all the bells and whistles and I thought, hmm, maybe this isn't too bad.  Certainly we'll leave it in the house but this may just do the trick.  Uh, yeah, we never tried it.  No need because he used the toilet toilet and I was happy I didn't have to try to relate to the servants back in the day dumping out bed pans.

But here we are, years later, and Cole wants underwear.  This kid doesn't fit too well on the toilet and is ridiculously independent and I'm not too sure he'd succeed right now if he couldn't do it on his own.  All this to justify that I went out and bought a stinken' $12 froggie toilet because this boy does not want to wear a diaper.  I bring out all the kids' clothes each morning and he goes and steals their underwear and attempts to put it on - even Andi's.  And sometimes, two pairs at once.  So I bought one, about a week ago, and he still has not peed in it.  He sits on it all the time and Andi helps him undress, but he only seems to pee when he's focused on something else, albeit in underwear playing somewhere.  Again, grateful for tile!
Keeping all this in mind, I need to stop sticking Cole in onesies!
But I think it goes without saying, although I'll say it anyway, that we are not doing this full out until I'm ready - I do not need to be toting around a million kids when Cole suddenly decides he needs to use the restroom!
But at home, it's just fine - the kids work on presents for friends and santa and Cole hangs out on his froggy. 
And mommy does her thingys...