Saturday, August 30, 2008


It's A Miracle!

Ryan was so sleepy from being sick the night before, he crashed on the couch, while eating his morning breakfast - the miracle: Jackson and I had some free time in the morning. We found Jackson's paints - the miracle: it kept him busy while I worked on laundry

Ryan was feeling so much better - the miracle: he was able to play and laugh which made me feel better
Jackson was in such a great mood all day - the miracle: he was willing to share with his brother

While I was making dinner for us and a family in our ward, Jackson helped me feed Ryan his dinner - the miracle: no one was harmed, Ryan went to bed shortly after this picture, and nine people were fed
7:00 - the boys took a relaxing bath together
7:30 - Ryan was in bed, out for the night
8:30 - Jackson was in bed, OUT FOR THE NIGHT
Yes ladies and gentlemen, both boys slept from the moment we tucked them in until SEVEN AM!!!! Every single time I woke up during the night, which is often when you are pregnant and like to drink a lot of water, I expected to hear one of the boys - NOPE! I can't tell you the last time this has happened.
Moral of the story: Do everything we did yesterday for the rest of our lives!!!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Are We Done Yet?

Really there are a million titles I could have used for this post and that's not to say this is the best one, but it is the way I most feel now. I am TIRED - we are all TIRED! It began SUNDAY with the anticipation of my starting work, but MONDAY it hit hard! MONDAY began with the doorbell at 6am. My father-in-law was an hour early but it was needed because I set my alarm the night before, but I did not enable it. So chaos right off the bat. My meetings went well, but then when I went to organize my room, I was informed I was being moved and yet none of my stuff had yet to be moved. 100 degree weather, pregnant, tired, and anxious to get home... not ideal moving circumstances - OH and I was being moved UPSTAIRS! THEN I get home to a very sad little boy :( So needless to say, a clingy afternoon and a tough night and I was on my own because Andrew had a basketball game.

TUESDAY it all began again but this time, Andrew stayed home. This made me relax more and it made Jackson so very happy. Meetings went well, but then my desk STILL had not been moved. The most important piece of furniture and so I still couldn't get my room done. It arrived three minutes before my 11am meeting. Two hours there and then off to my room. We then had a fire a few miles away from school so when I went to leave, I had to go the round-about way and then I had to go another round-about way to avoide an accident. (sorry had to change a diaper... I lost my train of thought...) Okay, then that night was visiting teaching and I had to cancel the week before because of everything with my grandma, so there was no bailing this week. Then the Relief Society Social - I wanted to go visit my grandma but by then it was so late I figured she would be pretty out of it. Then when I got home around 9pm, Andrew headed out for basketball practice.

WEDNESDAY was no school BUT I had to play catch-up at home like you would not believe. EIGHT loads of laundry and much organization was needed. Ahhh, we were exhausted, Jackson didn't want Andrew to leave for work, he was so clingy with me, he was crying at the drop of a hat, ahhh it was a day let me tell you. Adjustment has not been fun. We went swimming for about an hour which was lovely and not all at the same time. That evening Andrew got home late, I hadn't had a chance to work on anything for school because of Jackson's clinginess, and so when it was time for Young Women's, I didn't know how I was going to pull it off. Jackson was having a tough evening and it was just too much. I went to see if they needed me, turns out I was free to go and I can't tell you the relief that brought. I came home, Andrew left to give our friend a blessing, came home and we put J to bed like a normal night. Then I plowed into my "homework". Oh we are so so sleepy.

THURSDAY was my first day of class - Jackson did pretty well saying good-bye and I think he had a pretty good day overall. It helped I am sure to have a normal morning before I left at 9:15am. My dad and Bri came over when I got home, then when Andrew got home we met my mom at Costco. Last night was tough. We have had Jackson sleep with us twice this week but last night takes the cake. I was up checking on Jackson every 45min. after 11pm because he just kept crying. Then around 2am, Andrew brought Ryan in our room because he was so congested, he wasn't able to breathe real well. Oh he was ticked getting his nose sucked in the middle of the night. Both boys were up by 5am :(

TODAY WE ARE ALL SO TIRED and we are so looking forward to a long weekend. It's been a tough adjustment but it's getting better and I think it will work out well. We have been so blessed this week and I am so grateful to our families for that. As for my grandma, she was able to go to her new home, my parent's house, last night and she's even able to walk around a little - which is AMAZING! So treatment is going well and things are looking up.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Jackson's Tango

Family Time

We woke up to a gorgeous day and so by 9:30am, we headed to the pool. It was PERFECT - not a soul was there and the weather was so pleasant.
When Jackson lays out with me, he insists on taking off his hat and using my sunglasses - weird boy!
Because my grandma is sick, my abuelos wanted to come out and visit with her. This gave us a great chance to spend some time with them.

Considering all the drama of this week and all the emotions everyone is dealing with, I have to say this day was very much needed.

Who Would Have Thought?

I guess in a way I have been in denial and so this post is a little delayed. Last Tuesday my grandma drove with her best friend from Nevada, to come visit for a day or two. When she arrived, everything my mom had heard about her health, seemed even worse in person. She was able to convince my grandma to go to the hospital to see what was causing the extreme weight loss, fatigue, inability to walk, etc. Needless to say, it's been an exhausting and emotional week as she has endured test after test. My grandma has stage four liver and lung cancer which could take her life very soon. She is going to try treatment which could prolong her life up to a year if all goes well. So here we wait, wondering what the future holds for her. It's a weird thing to face really, hence my denial I suppose. (And yes this picture was taken last August and yes, I was pregnant then too!)

Friday, August 22, 2008

Sitting Up

I thought he'd never grow up!

The First Fort of MANY To Come

Maybe it is time for me to have a girl :)

I Hate Reality Sometimes

Missing From:
Palmdale, CA
Missing Date:
8/21/2008 12:00 AM
Los Angeles County Sheriff Department323-881-8100
Missing Child

Name: Megan Teresa Roy
Hair Color: Brown
Skin Color: Black
Age: 9
Height: 4'10
Weight: 70 lbs.
Gender: Female
Description: Wearing glasses, pink pants, and a yellow T-shirt

Name: Jeremy Roy
Alias: Roland
Hair Color: Brown
Skin Color: Black
Age: 5
Height: 4'8
Weight: 48 lbs.
Gender: Male
Description: Wearing a red T-shirt and blue jean shorts
Name: Teresa Roy
Skin Color: Black
Age: 39
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 140 lbs.
Gender: FemaleVehicle Information
Make: Toyota
Model: Sienna
Color: Blue
License State: CA
License Text: 4HYR792
Vehicle: Minivan
Description: Gray trim, cracked windshield

Thursday, August 21, 2008

I Hate My Camera

This is all I have to show for a way fun Young Women's Progressive Dinner and two precious Jackson moments - I hate dark, blurry pictures!! Grrrrr.....

And yes, he is wearing my heels and glasses - he was going to "work"!

This Gave Me Chills

I wanted to share something that happened today while shopping at Sam's Club. A mother was leaning over looking for meat and turned around to find her 4 yr. old daughter was missing. I was standing right there beside her, and she was calling her daughter with no luck..I asked a man who worked at Sam's to announce it over the loud speaker. He did, and let me say he immediately walked right past me when I asked and went to a pole where there was a phone. He made an announcement for all the doors and gates to be locked (a code 'something').
So they locked all the doors at once. This took all of 3 minutes after I asked the guy to do this. They found the little girl 5 minutes later in a bathroom stall. Her head was half shaved, and she was dressed in her underwear with a bag of clothes, a razor, and wig on the floor beside her to make her look different.Whoever this person was, took the little girl, brought her into the bathroom, shaved half her head, and undressed her in a matter of less than 10 minutes. This makes me shake to no end. Please keep a close eye on your kids when in big places where it's easy for you to get separated.It only took a few minutes to do all of that - another 5 minutes and she would have been out the door. I am still in shock that some sick person could do this, let alone in a matter of minutes. The days are over when our little ones could run rampant all over the place and nothing would happen to them.The little girl is fine. Thank God for fast workers who didn't take any chances.(This happened at the Sam's Wholesale Club in Omaha , Nebraska .)
This following message has been added to the story above:
I received this e-mail from one of my friends today. Let me first tell you that I work at the Sam's club in Lincoln , NE. The code that was spoken of is called a 'Code Adam'. It is named after John Walsh's (host of Americas Most Wanted) son Adam who was kidnapped and murdered many years ago. It is used in all Sam's Clubs, Wal-marts, and Wal-mart super centers to locate lost children.This is how it works. If by some means you have been separated from your child tell the nearest employee! The employee will page a 'Code Adam' (missing child in the store) over the intercom system followed by a description of the child (height, weight, hair color, age, name etc).When that page goes out all the exits are immediately guarded, and/or locked in some cases, also every employee will stop whatever they are doing, no matter what it is, and help look for the missing child. This will continue until the child is found.If the child is not found within a reasonable time then the police are notified and the store will conduct an aisle by aisle search. So if you are ever separated from your child, now you know what to do.
Missing children pictures hang by the exits of all Wal-mart and Sam's Club stores, please take a few minutes to look these over as you leave. You just might have seen one of the children on them and you might be the one to give their parents hope and the police a new lead in finding them.Thank you.Sincerely, Rudy Magee Sam's Club #6413

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Not Your Typical Male Bonding

Gee Am I Pregnat?

Today I went to the store looking for a 6v battery - good thing I came home with a 9v!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

School Prep

I can't believe I am going back next week!! It's crazy because so much of me thought I was never going back and now... So last night I did my calendar for my students and this morning, the schedule for my boys. I don't think it will be real until those kids enter my classroom for the start of a new year!

Boys’ Schedule

7am Jackson warm milk
Ryan 6 oz. formula & fruit w/ rice cereal

9am Ryan nap until 10am

11:45 Jackson lunch
Ryan entire jar of veggies

12:30 Ryan nap until 2:30

12:45 Jackson nap until 2:30

2:30 Jackson snack
Ryan 7-8 oz of formula

4:15 Jackson snack
Ryan 4 oz of juice

5 Ryan nap??

5:30 Ryan fruit & water

6:30 Jackson dinner
Ryan 7 oz. of formula

7 Ryan go to bed!

8:15 Jackson go to bed!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Earthquake Test

For You Julie

List 3 joys, 3 fears, 3 obsessions/collections, 3 surprising facts and then tag five other people. Leave a comment for the people you tag so they know they have been tagged.
Joys: Watching Jackson and Ryan play and laugh together / Reading a good book / staying up late to talk with Andrew - we can actually hear eachother after 9 - and yes that's late!Fears: Not giving our family all I can / watching one of the boys get hurt / being left along Obsessions: organizing / internet / many many more Surprising facts: I don't know, I am pretty out there - My purse is no longer perfectly organized and clean / I still color coordinate my clothes in my closet / I am hoping for a girl

A Date with the Dodger's

We did it, we got out of the house without kids - Again. Crazy, I think that's twice this year!! Friday night we headed to the game with our friends Matt and Michalle and family Curtis and Tristan. We ventured to try the all-you-can-eat pavilion and for some, may be great, but for me and my belly, one dodger dog a night is plenty!!


We have a few of Jackson giving the bird, I guess it was finally Ryan's turn.

Our Little Tiger

Gampa figured it would be better for Jackson to have his own club instead of trying to play with his daddy's clubs - He loves it!

Friday, August 15, 2008

My Students?????

It is so weird sitting in my living room, randomly turning on a movie I have never heard of, and seeing a few of my former students right there interacting with Will Ferrell. I swear, these Agoura kids are very fortunate!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Ok so they haven't gotten around to sending pictures yet, but with five days still left to go, they had their little baby girl. Can't wait to see some photos guys - congrats :)

Fun In The Sun

You have seen it before, but the aquatic center is worth another post. Mom's club was moved from friday to today before all the kids go back to school AND it was moved from the park to the aquatic center. So naturally we couldn't pass it up and neither could Giselle and her family. Ryan on the other hand, he chose to stay cozy while grandma nette watched him. As for the rest of us, it was a perfect day to go considering Jackson was trying my patience from the very start of the day, oh I mean it was a perfect day to go because the weather was so warm. :) Jackson actually went down the slide today, but I have no proof.

I swear Jackson was hitting the water, not Hayley (sp?).

Can you believe the SUMMER is ALMOST over???

Hoping for a Girl

They all are - my mother-in-law even bought this cute dress in Hawaii for our new baby "girl" - if it's not a girl we are going to have one confused little baby boy because I LOVE this dress!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

An Accent Wall

I HATE WHITE WALLS! And in theory, I have always hated flat paint, but never had to really live with it. Now with kids, I KNOW I hate flat paint. So when we were told we couldn't paint, my heart was broken. I am in awe at each home I visit because I just marvel at all the color. BUT, a few mornings ago, around 2:38am, I received a text saying I could do some paint as long as I paint it back before we leave.

So here's the deal... we painted A LOT at Second St. so I wasn't too gung ho on painting a ton. Plus I had NO desire to spend money on paint for a place we will probably leave come April. My solution, an accent wall or two using the left-over paint from our house in Acton. This wall sucked up about 3/4 of a gallon of paint - again I am glad I wasn't paying for the paint or painting a ton of walls.
I was planning on painting a wall or two in the boys room, but now I am really not sure there is enough paint. Oh well, for now I will enjoy the ACCENT WALL in my living room!


Andrew and Curtis had another game last night and because it was actually at 7pm, the boys and I decided to tag along. I really can't report much, because I didn't see much - and what I did see, well, it shouldn't really be brought up again. What distracted me through most of the game was watching Jackson play with another little boy, watching Ryan play with grandma nette, and of course, and most of all, reading BREAKING DAWN!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Not Pictured

Well sort of. Our friends, Jake and Julie, were in town this weekend for the blessing of their little girl. So we and my mom ventured out to Simi to go to their ward. It was a great meeting and their little family looked amazing. The sad news is I didn't get a picture and we only stayed for Sacrament so we didn't have a chance to hang out with them afterwards. It was an awful time for church, 11am, so the boys needed to get home and get to bed.

That evening Bri came over to watch the boys and my parents picked us up to attend a Mona-Vie meeting. My dad's side of the family joined us all the way from Corona so it was a great way to spend the evening. It seems we rarely get to see them all so I am grateful for this opportunity. The meeting was amazing because it's so inspiring to hear what this juice has done for people. So leaving inspired, we were able to enjoy the rest of the evening with my family and I am so bummed I didn't bring my camera - I thought about it but that wasn't good enough.
So to end our weekend, we had our third and last VERY late night - but a good one overall thanks to Bri for watching the boys.