Monday, June 30, 2008

His Camera Obsession

Jackson loves the camera and I think I know where he gets that from. Last night my parents had to come by so they came in to visit for a bit. Because he was waiting for them to get here when it was already past his bedtime, Jackson brought out his pillow and blankie to await their arrival. Once they got here, they had to experience bedtime with Jackson on our living room floor. He made them lie there and read a book while we took pictures and then while he took pictures of them.

Today Jackson decided it was just time to really ride his motorcycle, his birthday gift from my parents. It has been pushed around the house, but it has been ridden by Jackson - until today. I think he sensed my excitement because he ran to get the camera and he made me take many photos and video of him cruising around. He's getting so big - it's exciting!!

Saturday, June 28, 2008


We had a pretty relaxing day planned for today, but things changed and our boys tagged along for our celebration. Five years ago Andrew and I became residents of Malibu, just the two of us. Today we entered as visitors and we brought 2.5 more people with us. It was a wonderful place to celebrate our anniversary and it was gorgeous!!! The only problem is Andrew didn't put on sunscreen and now, well he's fried!
When we first arrived, Jackson had to be woken up from 15minutes of sleep and he did not wake up happy. He cried for the first 20min. or so and somewhere between the sobs, he kept asking to go home. He finally took cover with Ryan in the shade tent.
After some doritos, a protein bar, some water, and encouraging words from his brother, Jackson finally began to enjoy the beach.

It was a wonderful day as a family and it has been an incredible five years. But it's even more exciting to imagine what the next five years will bring!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Photo Shoot in the Park

First I took one of Jackson, then he took one of me.
Then we took a couple together!

I love my little man!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Life Before Motherhood

Once my father-in-law left with the boys around 8am yesterday, I was on my own. I can't say I accomplished much, but it was relaxing. A couple of my girlfriends from Agoura came over to eat and swim - I'd say all we were missing was some dessert. It was interesting just hanging out and worrying only of myself. It's so unusual for me to have the opportunity to just talk and laugh with Lisa and Jenn without having to watch my kids or our students. What a bizarre but fun day! So here's to next WEDNESDAY :)

A Night of Tricks

One man talks and the other makes quarters disappear!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Summer of '07 Random Pics

As stated in a previous post, there will be random pictures posted from last Summer simply because it will always be one of the most important 2.5 months of our lives!

Monday, June 23, 2008

The Celebration of 30

It was over 100 degrees at 10am, but we were ready and willing to play the nine hole par 3. Andrew was stoked to find out that we were doing a tournament and in fact, he asked me yesterday if we could plan to do it again in a couple months. Be prepared guys! I find this picture funny because the shoes so ruin everyone's outfits - I should design golf shoes!!

Bri golfs in style!
The three men - Abuelito, Dad, Rob!

The Winners - by one stroke!
Yes, they are playing basketball in 110 degree weather - well HORSE actually, but it's still crazy. I can't tell you how mad I am at myself because this is the only picture I took back at our place. I even have memories of taking pictures by the pool and today, when I uploaded all the pictures, I was wrong. If you aren't a blogger or a scrapbooker, I don't think you will understand just how upset I am about this.
That should look like the number 30 - sorry.

We love you - Happy Birthday!

Friday, June 20, 2008

A Day For Boys Named Andrew

Yesterday it was my husband's birthday, but it was also my friend's son's birthday party. You have met them before, Giselle, Andrew, Ben, and their new one, Matthew. It was a blazing hot day as you all know, but it was most enjoyable.
I thought this was SO cute. Plus, Giselle made all the aprons - amazing!

As you can imagine, it was a sight trying to get a group shot! The funny thing is, it's just as hard when you are adults, the difference is we simply don't like the way we look. They all look adorable, no matter which direction they are looking.
Considering the party began at 1pm, Jackson didn't get a nap. He was SO upset during the first ten minutes of our drive home, but then there was silence. I looked back and saw Jackson's arm over in Ryan's seat. Using the mirror, I saw how he used Ryan to comfort himself and go to sleep. These were the best pictures I could get while driving.

After work, Andrew and my dad went golfing at a course new to them. They had a lot of fun, got their butts beat and melted away - but they loved it. Once they got home we all headed to dinner and dessert. Nothing like sitting outside in 110 degree weather around 8pm eating Coldstone.

IN OTHER NEWS - Ryan just survived the three ginger mints his brother just tried to feed him - that was a close one!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

30 Years Young - Where Has The Time Gone?

I am so excited for my husband because today he turns 30! It's crazy, it's such a benchmark I think and I am so proud of him for all he has accomplished. I think I am going to copy Jena and write 30 things we love about you!

1- You can always make me smile, even when I don't like you very much :)
2- You have big dreams and you usually aren't afraid to pursue them.
3- You adore your children.
4- Jackson loves that you let him eat chocolate with you.
5- You love to come home and go swimming with us.
6- You put your family first.
7- Your passion for sports.
8- You always take care of me.
9- You are a team player, you don't expect me to do all the work with the kids no matter what time it is and how early you have to get up for work.
10- You can laugh at yourself.
11- You always want to forgive.
12- You are very intelligent.
13- You like So You Think You Can Dance and other shows I love.
14- You let me crack your knuckles.
15- You are so supportive in your efforts to let me get out of the house.
16- You are very appreciative of every little thing I do no matter how insignificant.
17- You can always make Ryan smile.
18- You make me think about you all day because you leave your mark EVERYWHERE - ok sometimes I am not too happy about it, but it's still apart of you.
19- Your little man is so excited to see you - that says a lot about you!
20- You always want to learn to be a better husband, friend, father, etc.
21- You hate letting people down.
22- You can't stand being a flake.
23- You dance with your son even though it's sometimes an interesting sight.
24- You always care to know how I am doing.
25- You love and honor the Priesthood.
26- You try to do things in a way that won't bother me when I don't feel well, or it's early or late, etc.
27- You have been there for us for 12.5 years.
28- You are kind to those that have wronged you repeatedly.
29- You try to find the good in everyone.
30- You are you!
I am sure there is so much more, things like how you're creative, kind, fun, etc., and I just can't think because I am thinking too hard, but just know we hope you have the very best day today and all year. Have fun golfing and see you soon - love you!