Sunday, December 30, 2007

MAC Issue

I have a MAC because my school gave it to me so this was not something I chose to do. But here I am, finding myself using it more and more as my PC sits off to the side. My MAC is MUCH lighter and quicker, and so there you have. BUT I am having an issue. For the past two weeks, there are times I turn it on and my entire desktop is shifted to the right, so much that I can't even see the icons on the right. Then it will begin to flash repeatedly. If I take out the battery and let it sit for a bit, it fixes itself - but I want to know if you are a MAC user, do you have any insight??

Thursday, December 27, 2007

The New MTV (Our Way!)

The post below directs you to Shay's page because she give a great description of our events last night. So for great detail, go there, but basically, Andrew and I made up a "Truth or Dare" game and many of these clips take you to the action! I am afraid some of you will never want to visit again after you see the torture we put our loved ones through.

Three Day Christmas

It has been a tough year for many and because of some of our recent trials, Christmas was not what it has been. There were a lot of mixed emotions this year but overall, I have to say we were pleased. We had a chance to really count our blessings and look to the true meaning. We can't thank you all enough for your thoughts and prayers and Jackson can't thank you enough for all his new toys!! :)

Shay gave a great description of our night last night, so check out Shay Marie

At Your Service

NEVER ask an Anderson to pick you up from the airport!!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

The Forgotten Carols

Yes we went out without Jackson and yes, I am actually still awake. Tori, Andrew and I just got home from T.O. where we had the chance to see Michael's The Forgotten Carols. It was a great way to start off the Christmas rush. And the best part about it was we were able to see some old friends - we miss that area for so many reasons!!!! Back at home - Jackson was enjoying some R&R with grandpa! Overall - a successful evening!

Friday, December 21, 2007

Ward Christmas Party

It was last weekend but here we go... It was PACKED!! I have never seen a ward function that is SO full of people - so you can imagine it was pretty chaotic. Luckily for Jackson he has a daddy that is SUCH the trooper- more so than his mommy!!! So this is what Jackson and Daddy created that evening...

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


(This photo is actually only nine years old - I was 17!)

I was playing the vacuuming video (see below) for Jackson because he loves to watch himself - vain child! Considering he watched it half a dozen times, I had a chance to view other things on our page. While doing so - it hit me... DECEMBER 11th.... TWELVE years ago today, Andrew came over to my house after football practice. We hung out for a while before we had to leave for cheer practice. When we got out of the car, we started walking up to the Mulit-Purpose room. It was then that Andrew gave me his football picture. On the back it read something like this, "Please don't use this as a dart board, it might hurt . bla bla bla Will you be my girlfriend? YOu don't have to if you don't want to..." I wish I had the picture here so I could post it and give the exact quote, but most of that stuff is in storage. For now, I have these two pictures I found in a drawer. So "Spike" (that was what I called him in high school), I stand here, barefoot and pregnant, telling you that I love you and I wish you a very happy Anniversary TWELVE years later - and only twelve pounds heavier - hahahaha yeah right :)
(I had this picture on my wall for many years - that's the reason behind the sticker... it was nothing recent!)

Chore Chart

I used to make them for my family while I was growing up and I can't wait to make them for my kids... I think it might be sooner than I thought!

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Anderson Weekend

Last weekend was the Cali. memorial for Wes - this brought together much of Andrew's family. I was not myself that weekend and so I did not take any photos, but thanks for Uncle Mike - we have some memories documented!!

Saturday, December 08, 2007

4 IN 1

Wes LOVES Christmas - well really, who doesn't? This week Annette and Richard are in Ut. working on the basement of the house and so Tori thought it would be nice to get the house decorated for them and in honor of Wes. So we have spent the last few days preparing the house and today, Chris and Andrew ventured out in the cold, I believe it was around 35 degrees (we are babies!!!), to hang the lights outside. Jackson has been playing the guitar lately and so he entertained all inside.
**Oh boy I just realized I am an idiot - it looks as though I took this video as though I were taking a still shot - whoops!

Last night Andrew had his work Christmas Party! Nothing like getting all dressed up when you are EIGHT months pregnant. Does anyone else have a son that is obsessed with HEELS?

The pictures from Ut. are actually in reverse order from when they were taken. You have Wes' funeral (by the way, "I Walk the Line" is playing!)

Then we took a walk through one of the places Wes liked to visit. Notice the waterfall is frozen!!

Remember the house we bought in Ut - this is it!!! It looks incredible - they did an amazing job!

Wes' tools and bike.

We spent a lot of time hanging out in the basement of Paige's parents house and in the motorhome.

These last two pictures are just random shots of Jackson before Utah. He loves that he can now see the backyard from his own room. And the toilet - well that's a work in progress!