Showing posts with label urgent prayer request. Show all posts
Showing posts with label urgent prayer request. Show all posts

Monday, March 11, 2013

Message from our 5 year old!

Message from our 5 year old!

Savannah: "Papa can we go to the book store and get a new book? I want a book I can read."

Papa: "Did you bring your money?"

Savannah: "No, my money has to be used as an offering for people who need food, shelter, and water!"

Papa: "Don't you need shelter?"

Savannah: "Papa, I already have shelter!"

Papa: "Point taken!"

And we were off to find a book for Savannah to read. Minutes later our precious little 5 year old pulled a second grade book of the shelf and began reading it to Papa and I. 

Savannah's heart speaks loudly without needed interpretation from Nana. I pray you will let her words touch your heart today allowing GOD to use them for HIS glory. 

By HIS mercy and in the grip of HIS grace,

Andrea Bowling Perdue

~URGENT PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for my friend Dianne's sister, Sheriann. She has Stage II Breast Cancer and was admitted to the hospital last night (3/10/2013) with multiple blood clots. Sheriann needs a miracle and her family has requested prayer on her behalf. Please add this request to any prayer group you are a part of. THANK YOU!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Please storm the heavens in prayer for my husband, Doug. Recently, his PSA levels jumped from .8 to 7.4. After repeated blood-work, the levels maintained an elevated status. We met with our urologist in late December. After examination, he scheduled a biopsy. Today, Dr. Morgan did 12 biopsy's. We meet with Dr. Morgan on January 25th to discuss the results and treatment options, if necessary.

Up until today, Doug did NOT want to discuss his medical situation. The children and I respected his request. We only shared it with some family and a few close friends. After Doug's biopsy, he asked me to write about his medical situation.

Doug loves the Lord and knows the power of prayer. He and I both appreciate your love, encouragement, and prayers more than you will ever know.

By HIS mercy and in the grip of HIS grace,

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Please pray for my awesome friend, MaryGrace! She had a stroke, last week. She has regained her speech and balance. Her vision remains impaired. She returned home and will begin physical therapy this week. Please pray for complete healing, comfort, peace, strength, and divine guidance as the doctors develop a continued plan of care.

MaryGrace is a special lady. God brought her into my life during one of the most turbulent and difficult times I have faced. She accepted me unconditionally, loved and encouraged me, and has become a treasured friend. She is a brilliant lady. I am amazed at her many talents. She is an English Professor, Journal Editor, writer, poet, and much, much more.

I praise GOD for having HIS hand on her, from the beginning. All circumstances were in place for this episode. Her husband was home, the EMS responded in a timely manner, she received treatment quickly, and is making strides in her recovery. I pray GOD will continue to prepare the way before MaryGrace!

Love always wants the best for others. I pray GOD's best for MaryGrace! Please join me storming the heavens on her behalf.

Storming the heavens,


Saturday, January 2, 2010

Urgent Prayer Request

Pray for Mary

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My great Aunt Mary was hospitalized with pneumonia. She will be 100 years old in March. She is a wonderful lady who spent many years of her life educating children in South Carolina.

Please also pray for her daughter, Aurelia. She is Aunt Mary's caregiver.

I praise GOD for each of you who faithfully storm the heavens with me. I am blessed to partner with each of you.

Storming the heavens,


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Update: Urgent Call To Prayer

Pray for David

We just received the diagnosis for my brother in law, David. He has lymphoma. We do not know what stage, yet. The doctors are running more tests.

Please continue to storm the heavens on his behalf. Thank you for your faithful prayer support.


Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Please pray for my BIL, David Smith. He is very ill. He is being admitted to the hospital right now. His hemoglobin is 3. They are giving him blood. Undetermined diagnosis at this time. Please storm the heavens on his behalf. I will update as soon as I have information.



Friday, September 25, 2009

Urgent Prayer Request


I planned to post a long list of awards, however, GOD has a different plan. I received a request for prayer from a dear friend, this evening. She lives in New Jersey and I in Virginia. I am very concerned about her well being, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. She has hit a very low point. I must trust GOD with her care.

As I place my worry and concern at the feet of Jesus, I ask each of you to visit her blog (Sea Glass Reflections), pray for her, and leave a comment of encouragement. Together, our prayers and encouragement can and will make a difference.

I apologize to all of you who have faithfully and beautifully given me awards that I have yet to post. I will get each of them up, in GOD's time.

I thank each of you for standing with me in prayer! I am truly amazed as I continue my journey in word and deed. God astounds me time and time again. HE is awesome!

Storming the heavens,


Saturday, July 25, 2009

Urgent Prayer Request

Please pray for our friend Ellen. She lives in Arkansas. She has a very serious condition in her left eye. These are her words:

"After 2 1/2 years the macular hole in my left eye has reopened and I am had surgery Thursday, July 23rd. I will be in "face down recovery" again for 2 weeks...ugh! Please keep me in your prayers that this time it will remain permanently closed and that this doesn't occur in my right eye. A scan showed signs of it developing there, but the doctor says he has seen this reverse in a small % of cases. This is the small % I want to be in! Ellen"

Storming the heavens on Ellen's behalf,
