"Be gentle with one another, sensitive. Forgive one another as quickly and thoroughly as God in Christ forgave you." Ephesians 4:32 The MessageMany of you know, I have been plagued with allergies lately. Some days are bad and yesterday was one of them. Unfortunately, my family suffers along with me. I was miserable no matter what I did.
My day began in prayer. I then spent a little time reading blogs and trying to find encouragement. The many Thankful Thursday posts touched my heart.
My day was full, even though I did not feel like doing anything. My hubby's truck needed to be dropped off with the mechanic and picked up later in the day. He also had a few errands he wanted to take care of before we could go home. Doug is a wonderful husband and prefers for us to do things together. He enjoys having me with him.
Then there is homeschooling. We only have one child left at home. He is the easiest of all five. Wil has a tender heart and has given us NO problems up to this point. I cherish our time with him. He makes parenting easy.
By now you are probably saying, "What's the problem? Sounds like a great day." Well, it would have been, but my attitude was horrible. I did not enjoy any of it and that oozed from my being. At one point, Doug said, "you are cranky" and he was right. I was even cranky with the dogs.
I awoke at 3 am this morning thinking about forgiveness. I am blessed to have a wonderful husband and child who forgive me, but I am even more blessed to have a Heavenly Father who recognizes my weaknesses, loves me fully, and forgives "ALL" my sins.
Clearly, I am a work in progress.
Blessings and prayers,