Showing posts with label prayers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label prayers. Show all posts

Monday, June 21, 2010

A Friends Heart

Scattered fragments

Broken pieces
Questions untold

Scattered fragments

Untold stories
One day told

Scattered fragments

A heart of gold
Forever unfolds.

A little child steps boldly into adulthood placing the words, scattered fragments, and symbols into eloquently written poems, essays, journals, and stories penned by professor, writer, and best of all, friend!

I wrote this poem after visiting my friend, MaryGrace. We began sharing how our desire to write came very early in our lives. The unexplainable desire was placed in our hearts before our ability to read or form sentences.

Our time together was therapeutic for both of us. She is recovering well. The stroke has left her to more
dependent on GOD. Her speech and gait have have returned to normal, however, her vision is still impaired. Of all abilities, her vision is likely the most precious to her. As a prolific reader and writer she needs her vision. She is also learning to pace herself and "not" overdo it.  Please continue to pray for GOD's healing in her body, her sensitiveness to GOD's lead, and provision in all areas of her life.

Blessed to have beautiful friends,


*Thank you to all of you who prayed for Macy. She is doing much  better. I am amazed how GOD is working through each of you in my life. Thank you for hanging in here with me. I am totally amazed that each of you come back to visit and read my blogs. I am truly blessed!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Continued Journey

Pray for David

Today is a new day in our journey. David will endure further testing (colonoscopy and endoscopy). The doctors and staff at Baptist Hospital in Pensacola Florida are being thorough before they give a detailed diagnosis and prognosis.

However, our family knows God is the only one with "all" the answers. He knows the number of days we will be on this earth as well as how many hairs are on our head. He loves each of us and He will indeed see us through this difficult time.

"But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Therefore, do not fear; you are of more value than many sparrows." Matthew 10:31-31

As we continue to walk this journey knowing we are in the palm of GOD's hand we covet your prayers and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Forever in HIS grip,


*Please pick up David's prayer button on the side bar and place it on your blog.

Friday, October 9, 2009


"Be gentle with one another, sensitive. Forgive one another as quickly and thoroughly as God in Christ forgave you." Ephesians 4:32 The Message

Many of you know, I have been plagued with allergies lately. Some days are bad and yesterday was one of them. Unfortunately, my family suffers along with me. I was miserable no matter what I did.

My day began in prayer. I then spent a little time reading blogs and trying to find encouragement. The many Thankful Thursday posts touched my heart.

My day was full, even though I did not feel like doing anything. My hubby's truck needed to be dropped off with the mechanic and picked up later in the day. He also had a few errands he wanted to take care of before we could go home. Doug is a wonderful husband and prefers for us to do things together. He enjoys having me with him.

Then there is homeschooling. We only have one child left at home. He is the easiest of all five. Wil has a tender heart and has given us NO problems up to this point. I cherish our time with him. He makes parenting easy.

By now you are probably saying, "What's the problem? Sounds like a great day." Well, it would have been, but my attitude was horrible. I did not enjoy any of it and that oozed from my being. At one point, Doug said, "you are cranky" and he was right. I was even cranky with the dogs.

I awoke at 3 am this morning thinking about forgiveness. I am blessed to have a wonderful husband and child who forgive me, but I am even more blessed to have a Heavenly Father who recognizes my weaknesses, loves me fully, and forgives "ALL" my sins.

Clearly, I am a work in progress.

Blessings and prayers,


Thursday, July 23, 2009

Beach Bound

Today, my husband and I will travel to the Outer Banks. We will be driving two separate cars, because he will return on Monday and I will stay through the end of next week. We were extended an offer by a close friend to share their vacation. They rent a "huge" home, ocean front with many amenities. GOD has truly blessed us.When my husband returns, our son will leave for lake Gaston with other close family friends.

Please pray for safe travel and safe adventures for each of us. Each of us are fortunate to share our adventures with close friends. We are thankful for the opportunities God has given us. These vacations for each of us are beyond what we could do on our own and they are certainly "extravagant."

GOD knows our needs down to the smallest detail. He cares deeply for us and wants the best. Sometimes we take these abundant gifts for granted. I praise HIM for all the opportunities He has laid at our feet.

"I'm ready, GOD, so ready, ready from head to toe. Ready to sing, ready to raise a GOD song: Wake soul! Wake,lute! Wake up, you sleepyhead sun!" Psalm 108:12 The Message

I am ready for my adventure!
