Showing posts with label God Bless America. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God Bless America. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


As I enjoy the beauty surrounding me, I think of those who are serving our country. I eat when I want to, read the books I chose, and speak the words upon my heart freely each day.

While visiting Skyland Lodge last week, a gentleman came to our table. we did not know him. He simply came up and began to talk to us. The lodge was full and there were many lovely people around, but he chose to speak with my husband and I.

As he chatted about hiking trails, bears, and other wildlife, our conversation turned. He asked about our children. He smiled as we briefly shared a little about them. Soon our conversation took another twist. He thanked us for our son's service to out country. Seth, our oldest son is a U.S. Marine.

As it turns out the older gentleman was a WWII veteran and a Marine! We were shocked. He had an altered gait and some frailties, but looked young for his age. In fact, despite the deformities in his leg and hand he hikes and enjoys other adventures in his beloved America.

I was touched deeply by the compassion this gentleman had for our soldiers and all Americans. My son always says, "Once a marine, always a marine."

Our discussion ended on the note, "Freedom is never free."

I leave you with the same thought: "Freedom is never free."

Blessed to be an American,


Saturday, October 3, 2009

Thank you, Jerry K. Brown

(Scripture tag made by Edie)

Doug and I would like to thank Jerry K. Brown. He faithfully serves our country in Iraq. We enjoy the freedoms of American because of Jerry and other men and woman like him. Jerry flew a beautiful American flag in Iraq on September 11, 2009 and presented it to Doug and I through the mail. We have a beautiful certificate presenting it to us, too.

Doug and I are overwhelmed. This gift brought both of us to tears. We can not possibly express our feelings adequately. The best gift we could give back to Jerry and others serving our country is our continued prayers and support.

Please join Doug and I as we storm the heavens with prayers for Jerry and all those who serve our country in the armed forces.

May GOD bless America and all our troops!
