Showing posts with label colorful. Show all posts
Showing posts with label colorful. Show all posts

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Mother Nature Gone wild!!

I love my local polymer clay guild.  
We have so many creative and fun people in this group.
I am the happy host for the posts of our group challenge entries.

They are so colorful, creative and diverse.  
I am so lucky to have found this fabulous group and be a part of it. 

Starting with the top left hand corner and going down and around the square counter clockwise we have:

1-A fabulous "Desert Garden" by Marty complete with our beloved Desert Tortoises 
or is it Torteye in the plural. 
There is even a little bird perched in a hole in the deceased cactus, 
something we have a lot of here in the desert. 

2- My "Disco Dino-Lizard" who glows in the dark- (the yellow is flourescent clay)

3-"Two Frogs in Love" by Rhonda

4- The "Back Side Couture" view of my Disco Dino

5- Rhonda's Fabulous "Praying Mantis" (about 8 inches high!)

6- "Glam Flower Ring number 2" by Michele

7- The "Hinie" Couture view of Rhondas Praying Mantis- stunning tuxedo he has on! 

8- "A Garden Creature" by Rhonda

9- "By the Power Invested in me" Wedding scene by Rhonda

10- "Arial view" of my Disco Dino's Extremely Fit Bod

11- "Purple Flower Ring" by Michele

12- "Tripplets" Polymer clay hollow form contruction and found objects,
 inspired by Japanese flowers on kimono fabric.
And in the center

13- "Stay Away From My Pods!!" by Rhonda

We had more entries but need to get photos in.
I will bring my camera to the next meeting a be sure to capture them all. 
Swing by next month August 20th to see the  
"I've Never Seen That Before"  
Challenge entries.  

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Spring, Glorious Spring!!

I had a fabulously productive week inspite of two meetings I had to attend 
and some home service repairs going on, 
a sample beaded flower and two crochet patterns I needed to write up  chart and deliver, 
a belated birthday lunch with Barb and Teresa and 
I can't remember what else. 
Monday night was the Las Vegas Polymer Clay Guild meeting 
 I shared my knowledge and information about selling on Etsy with the group. 
 We meet at a private school in the art teacher's classroom. 
She had a Mac (oh happy me!!) with the big screen in the room 
so everyone could see what I pulled up on the desktop.  
I quit teaching in the public schools 7 years ago
so I missed the boat on this fabulous technology that is available today for teachers. 
 Anyhow I think it went well, 
 perhaps more people in the guild will start up shops and sell their wonderful items online.
We also have a demo each month.
Here is one of the little boxes we learned how to make.

I only had a dollar and still won one in the raffle.  
My lucky streak is still going. 
Wednesday was our first "Art Quilt ect.."meeting at one of our local libraries 
that just happens to be only 10 mins from my house.  
With the escalating price of gas this is going to be wonderful for me and my mustang. 
We have a monthly challenge.
 I am behind one month but working furiously to complete them all.
 Be sure to check my new post on the Fiber Art page. (click on that word at the top of this post) Spring is here and the birds are singing. 
I have one little birdy who has a new home. 
Thursday while waiting for the air conditioning company to come 
and prep our unit for the summer 
I pulled out my silk paints, my metallic guttas, seta fabric paints, 
the wonderful adjustable stretching frame I bought from Dharma 2 years ago 
 and some great items to practice on. Here's what happened- 
First I set up outside in the back yard with the seta colors and some macrame purses 
my friend Margaret from " Art quilts ect" gave me 
because in her words "I knew you would do something fabulous with them."

They were part of the stash of former member who passed away.
She had donated her things to people in our group.  

I hope she is up there smiling down at me because I made them so colorful. 
When it got too windy and cold to be outside I moved in to the dining room table and set up the silk supplies.  
Here is my first scarf in awhile.  

First I created the flowers and leaves with antique gold gutta.
After it is all dry
this is my favorite part!!! 
 you fill in with the silk paints and play with water spots ect which adds texture. 
Oh the unusual colors you can create.  
I used only 4 colors of silk paint: magenta, yellow, citrus and  turquoise
to create all these different colors.  
So Fun!!!
Next - the tricky part- heat setting and steam setting the paints. 
Happy Weekend!!
PS for all the Bead Soup People - I am still hopping- I WILL GET TO YOU! 

Saturday, February 12, 2011

My head is still spinning!!

Dreams do come true!!! Woohoo!! 
And sometimes things happen you haven't even dreamed of yet. 
I am amazed at the snow ball effect that is happening to me this year 
and I am working very hard to keep my heart and head from exploding with joy and excitement 
and I must admit just a little tiny bit of fear I just keep pushing aside. 
I just had a photo shoot yesterday for the !! 
It is a free publication distributed in the city at places like 
the Neiman Marcus Cafe in Fashion Show Mall downtown!! 
Yes, I am still shaking because I can't believe this is happening.
I will be in the March 2011 issue! 
The photographer, Michael and his loft mates were young and hip and their studio was amazing.
They all loved the suitcase full of my goodies I brought for the shoot. 
As soon as I arrived I felt more relaxed and they made the shoot really fun.  
I had to lay down on the floor under a really large sheet of glass 
and my items were laid on top of the glass all around my face.  
A very creative way to photograph me and my art work. 
It was thrilling to finally meet the wonderful "Ida" who said: 
"I am an etsy addict and when I found your Glam Wrist Pin Cushions

Felted Scarves

I was in love."
She writes the articles and chooses artists and 
then presents them to her editor for the magazine. 
I let her choose one of the Glam Cuffs as a thank you for choosing me.  
My friend Barbara drove and helped fix my hair and arranged the items 
because when you are propped up on your elbows you can't do any of that yourself 
and then...
drum roll...............
I, who was so high on adrenalin and joy was completely oblivious to my friends crafty ways.  
Barbara whisked me off to a surprise celebration hosted by another 
wonderful, kind and awesome friend Teresa, 
who graciously hosted a surprise celebration for me!  
She had decked out the table in white lace, a vase of roses,
crystal champagne glasses complete with champagne and sliced strawberries, 
popcorn and some of the nicest people I have ever met here in Las Vegas. 
They insisted I drag in my suitcase of goodies 
so they could ooh, aah and touch all of them 
and it looks like I have sold my most recent items before I can even list them in my shop. 
What a fun day!! I am still feeling the effects today!  
The future will tell how this will effect my little Etsy Shop business so 
I plan on being very busy creating.  
Still awaiting my bead soup ingredients so I will post about that when they come!! 
Happy Weekend Everyone!! 

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Last Minute Christmas Items!!

I have been madly creating special orders.  
I several of my glam wrist pin cushions- I think photographing the lot of them is what attracted my buyers.
Gone are the turquoise and the olive with oak leaves 
but you can still get the others in this picture. 
I crochet over 3/4" waistband elastic so one size fits all. 
Each one has a hand felted wool center for carrying your pins and 
machine felted and free-motion stitched petals or leaves 
and I hand beaded them with sequins and little bits of bling. 
Here is a close-up of my newer turquoise one - not in the picture above. 
Thus the Glamor!! 

For your convenience and because you are all very special to me
I am now able to let you purchase items in this post 
through Pay Pal directly from the Add to Cart Buttons. 
Be sure to use the scroll menu on the left to select your choice
before you click the add to cart button. For example there are 6 color choices for my Glam Wrist Pin Cushion Cuffs so select the one you want then click the Add to Cart Button. 
So Simple and Fast!! 
I am pretty sure if you order by Monday I can get it to you for Christmas. 
Custom orders however will need to be set up through my Etsy Shop.

Glam Wrist Pin Cushion colors

While I am showing my wearable fiber art
 Here is the newest Scarf- more like a luscious whirly boa- six feet long.  
I love this one and I want to keep it but wouldn't mind making it again - it was fun. 
Whirly Blues Crocheted Boa Scarf

I still have the smooch attracting Mistletoe Earrings available for 
everyone who needs a good kiss for the Holidays. 
Mistletoe Earrings.
metal choice

This is a long post but please keep reading because there are
LAST AND ONLY CHANCE to get items below from my friend Barbara 
Click here to see her shop: Woolcrafter on Etsy.
She makes the most adorable and unique ornaments from chenille sticks, 
the old fashioned bumpy ones. 
Her Pet ornaments are so adorable. 
use the Add to Cart button

 THIS ITEM is NOT in her shop. 

and it comes delivered in a gift box!!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

What have I been doing.... creating and more creating...

All this week I have been slaving over my McElligut's Pool quilt 
to prepare for entering it in the Road to California Quilt Show.  
The deadline is looming and I decided to take the binding apart and redo it. 
Lots of stitch pulling and trimming and hopefully the binding over all the curved edges 
will lay smoothly. 
I cannot post pictures of it until after the show so I am sorry you can't see it.  
It will be worth the wait, I promise.

Earlier this month I finally made it to my Polymer Clay Guild Meeting
 and my wonderful teacher, mentor and friend Karin 
gave a demo on how to make Worry Dolls.  
This doll idea is thought to have originated in Mayan culture. 

Click here to read the story of their creation and magic. 
I have some of the little cloth dolls that are still made in Guatemala in my stash
but Karin taught us how to make hollow bodied dolls from clay. 
The reason they are hollow and the head can be removed
 is so that you can write down your worries and put them inside. 
The magic your worries are gone!  
Here is my first attempt.
Her 50"s hairdo makes me laugh, more good medicine for worriers. 

Her head is formed on a  toothpick which is completely covered with clay 
and inserts into the open neck.
I am planning on making a lot of these for the Holidays.  
My first batch will have wings.  "Worry Angels".
I am working in my head on designs 
so that they can be worn as jewelry 
or hung on the wall or even a Christmas tree. 
Come back for more about these in October. 
In the meantime I have more Tarot Bags and they will be in my Etsy Shop this weekend.  
The name Tarot because the first one I made I use to carry my Tarot Deck and book in. 
Of course you can use them for any purpose.
These are so fun and relaxing for me to make.  
I love just playing with the different colors and textures of the yarns. 
I am completely spontaneous when creating them 
so each one has it's own shape, size, fringe and color combination. 
 I have added beads and my handmade polymer clay pieces to many of the bags.
Here is a little indian summer piece. 
Have a great weekend everyone!