In Portland our PBS station has something called Oregon Art Beat. Each week they have three segments about local artist...music, dance, visual art. Anyway the clips and broken up by artist and are not blocked by our district firewall so I like to show them to the kids. It is a great way to incorporate technology and prove to them that not all artist are dead white men:)
Last week they had the best clip to go with any printmaking unit...a group of artist in Oregon are doing printmaking with a STEAMROLLER! Such fun!! I can't wait to show it during our next printmaking unit.
Check it out!! Steamroller art
does your state have a similar tv show?
What a great video. It makes me want to work big like that too. Our local KCPT PBS station has a great show called "Rare Visions and Roadside Revelations. Check them out!http://cove.kcpt.org/program/1029187488/