Showing posts with label Playroom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Playroom. Show all posts

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Play School



I'm doing a Play School this year for kids my daughters age {2}.
This is how I have the room(s) set up and thought I would share.

You can find these hooks at IKEA for $9.99.

IKEA spice racks for book holders.  Each rack is $3.99.

Room 1:
 I will use this room for play, craft, centers, etc...

Room 2:
 This is where I store some of my stuff and where we will have circle/group time.

I created these communication folders to go home each day with the kids.  That way the parents know how their kid did that day.
You can download the Behavior/Mood Chart HERE
 I glued them on to the front of a folder (without prongs)
Then, laminated the folder.
I will use a Expo or Vis-a-Vis Markers to complete each day they come.  That way I can mark if they needed a diaper change, etc...
Our schedule

"Donut" forget school starts on August 12th ;)
Used this at the Meet the Teacher

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Friday, April 26, 2013

Our Playroom

So, here is a little tour of my kids' playroom.
One of my favorite rooms in the house.  :)
There are some things I still need to do. 
But overall, it's functioning right now. 
This is what a Teacher does with her classroom stuff when she isn't teaching. :)
{What's sad is... I have more buckets in the garage!}

I scored this whiteboard at Goodwill for $4.99!
You can buy one at Home Depot and have it cut to size.
Just make sure you take an Expo marker with you to try out the board!

Our family library

I got these at IKEA.
I want to redo them with vinyl and pictures.  So, my non-readers will know what's in what box.

Our learning corner

Our themes for the week.
Days of the week
Weather Chart
5 Senses Chart

I just cut off the bottom of a shoe organizer.
I keep his reading folder, reading phone, handwriting practice, reading group items, etc... here
 {I had used the upper part in my classroom to store our class set of calculators in.}

Reading Wall

Math Wall

Behavior Management Chart
Each kid has their own "shop" they earn money by doing chores & being caught being good etc...
Can buy things out of their shop.
If they are misbehaving, then they get strikes on the windows.  3 strikes, they lose money. 
I drew and painted these.
Working on designing this so I can cut it out of vinyl and put it in my Etsy shop.

Toy bins and book in the bags.

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