Showing posts with label Hotz. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hotz. Show all posts

Monday, October 3, 2011

Annie C Hotz - Timeline

This is the fifth and final installment in a series detailing my research of Annie Katy Hotz (Shimitz) Holmes and her family. I hope that by presenting the information I've found in this format that my cousins may be able to learn more about Annie and her ancestors. I have included me suggestions for further research.

1846, October - Mother, Barbara Vrchoticky born Bohemia

c.1848 - Father, James Hotz/Kotz/Krotz born Bohemia

1870 - Parents census records

Clear Creek, Johnson, Iowa, USA, page 13, family 89. Barbara WHITE, age 24 b. Bohemia. With parents Frank & Catherine WHITE.
"The nucleus of the Union township colony was formed by Peter Kodl (Cole) and Frank Vrchoticky (usually known as Bily or White), and soon after Thomas Neuzil, Hibl, Hrade, and others from Iowa City and Newport township followed." SOURCE: THE BOHEMIANS IN JOHNSON COUNTY By B. Simek (pronounced Shimek)
English River, Washington, Iowa, page 30, family 212. James Krotz, age 22 b. Bohemia. In home of Frank & Annie Krotz.

1874 - February 4. Parents marriage.
James Hotz and Barbara WHITE. Johnson County, Iowa, USA. Iowa Marriages, 1809-1992. Index.
Since this is an index record the original should be found and evaluated.

c.1876 - Sister, Mary Hotz born.

1879 - August 4, Annie C Hotz born.
On the 1895 census Annie's place of birth was listed as Iowa City, Johnson County, Iowa however at the time of the 1880 census the family was living in Lime Creek, Washington County, Iowa. Births were not registered until 1880.
Catholic church records may exist in both places and should be checked for Annie's baptism record. Sisters Mary and Rosa may also have baptism records.

1880 - Census - Lime Creek, Washington, Iowa, page 6C.
James Kotz, age 32 b. Czechoslovakia
Barbara Kotz, age 29 b. Czechoslovakia
Mary Kotz, age 4 b. Iowa
Annie C Kotz, age 1 b. Iowa (indexed as KATZ at FamilySearch)

1880 - August 17. Death of father.
James Kotz, age 36 born Bohemia, died Lime Creek, Washington County, Iowa. Iowa Deaths and Burials, 1850-1990 at
Since he is listed in the death index the original record should be located. The index also says he was buried in Richmond so cemetery records could be checked. A search should be made for a probate file. Additionally, I would do further research on the parents of James, shown on the 1870 census, and try and locate probate files for them which may list the children of James as heirs.

c.1881 - Sister, Rosa Hotz born Richmond, Washington, Iowa.
I did not find a record for her in the index however a search of the birth records should be made.

1884 - Frank Shimets marries Barbara Choe, 15 Jan 1884.
Iowa Marriages, 1809-1992 @FamilySearch, index only.
The original of this record really needs to be examined!

1885 - Iowa State Census, Highland, Washington, Iowa, page 15, family 79:
Franklin Simitz, age 35
Barbra Simitz, age 38
Mary Simitz, age 4
Mary Hotz, age 9
Anna Hotz, age 6
Rosa Hotz, age 4

c.1888 - Half-brother, Frank J. Shimitz born Washington County, Iowa.
There should be a record of this birth and it should be examined to see if it gives any clues that might apply to Annie.

1895 - Iowa City, Johnson, Iowa, Ward 3
Barbra Shimitz, age 49 born Bohemia
Annia Shimitz, age 16 born Iowa City, Iowa
Rosa Shimitz, age 14 born Iowa City, Iowa
Frank Shimitz, age 7 born Iowa City, Iowa

1900 - Census record for Annie needs to be found.
By 1900 Annie's mother, Barbara, was a widow, living with her youngest child, Frank. She stated that she had had four children and all were still living.
The census record for all three of the Hotz daughters should be located. Chances are that eldest daughter, Mary Hotz, was married by this time and the record should also be located.

1903 - January 18 Annie Hotz married Emery Holmes, St Rose of Lima Catholic Church, Chicago, Cook, Illinois.
The marriage license and church record have both been located.

1903 - April 14 Birth of son, Leonard Joseph Holmes
Family members have said he was born in Chicago, Cook, Illinois. Census records do indicate that he was born in Illinois.
I did not find his record in the Cook County birth index. I did not find a baptism record for him in the St. Rose of Lima records. His birth record and/or baptism records should be located.

1905 - Iowa State census
Sometime between 1903 and 1906 Annie and Emery returned to Iowa. A search of the 1905 census may help determine when.

1906 - December 11 Birth of son, Lloyd Edward Holmes, Pleasant Valley, Johnson, Iowa
Louyd Edward Holmes, child of Emory O Holmes and Anna Della Hotz. Iowa Births and Christenings, 1830-1950 at FamilySearch, index only.
Original record should be checked to verify Anna's name. Other records have her middle initial as C. and family indicates she used the middle name Katy.

Beyond this I would gather every census record.

My cousin tells me that Annie and Emery divorced and that Annie remarried. Both the divorce record and her second marriage record may include her maiden name.

I am told that Annie's death record does not list her parents names but it should still be included as part of a complete record of Annie.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

More Records for Annie

This is the fourth in a series detailing my research of Annie Katy Hotz (Shimitz) Holmes and her family.

Three very kind people, Deborah Andrew of The Sum of All My Research, Donna Hague Wendt of Another Day With Donna ..... Genealogy - Family History Blog and a reader who wishes to remain anonymous, all went to the trouble to look up the 1880 census that was recorded in the index at FamilySearch for the James KATZ family. Thank you all! Here is a cropped image of the record.
Personally, I think it looks like KOTZ but certainly the handwritting leaves room for other interpretations.

Deborah Andrew also found a possible record for Annie in the 1900 census. Due to the immigration information included for that Annie I don't believe it is for my subject but I'm hanging onto it in my file in case it makes sense later.

The majority of my research has been conducted at FamilySearch where they have added Chicago Catholic church records. They are browse only and I missed them altogether. Annie in Austin of The Transplantable Rose was not only kind enough to point out the record set to me, she found Annie and Emery's church record and told me exactly where it was! Thanks Annie!

For Annie's marriage to Emery Holmes we now have three surname variations created from a single life event!

1. On her marriage license she was recorded as Annie HUTZ.

2. Her name on the record of her marriage at St Rose of Lima is Annie HOTZ. The marriage license number is a match. Witnesses were Robert Shrader and Celia Shrader. No parents names were given. Illinois, Chicago, Catholic Church Records, 1833-1925. St. Rose of Lima (Chicago), Marriages, 1882-1915, page 116 (image 63 of 97).

3. Also included with the St Rose of Lima records is a hand written index where her name was written ANNA HOLTZ. Illinois, Chicago, Catholic Church Records, 1833-1925. St. Rose of Lima (Chicago), Marriage index, 1882 (no page number, image 40 of 110).

So we now have Katz, Kotz, Holtz, Hotz, Hutz and Shimitz. In my next (and last post) I'll recap what I have in an easier to follow timeline format. I will be including missing items, records that need more scrutiny and other thoughts as to where my cousins can look for more answers.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Searching for Annie's Parents

This is the last third in a series detailing my research of Annie Katy Hotz (Shimitz) Holmes and her family.

Let's first review what I've already covered in the first two parts of this series.

Mr. Emery Holmes of Iowa City in the County of ---- and State of Iowa of the age of 22 years, and Miss Annie Hutz of Chicago in the County of Cook and State of Illinois of the age of 22 years. Married 18 Jan 1903, Chicago, Cook, Illinois.
(Illinois, Cook County Marriages, 1871-1920,

Annie Hotz, age 6 was found on the 1885 Iowa State census:
Iowa State Census, 1885 @FamilySearch (index only). Highland, Washington, Iowa, page 15, family 79:
Franklin Simitz, age 35
Barbra Simitz, age 38
Mary Simitz, age 4
Mary Hotz, age 9
Anna Hotz, age 6
Rosa Hotz, age 4

Annia Shimitz, age 16 was found on the 1895 Iowa State census:
1895. Iowa City, Johnson, Iowa, Ward 3
Barbra Shimitz, age 49 born Bohemia
Annia Shimitz, age 16 born Iowa City, Iowa
Rosa Shimitz, age 14 born Iowa City, Iowa
Frank Shimitz, age 7 born Iowa City, Iowa
(I found this transcription on the Iowa Genealogy Forum here.).

The Frank Shimitz found with Annie on the 1895 census had a marriage record listing his parents: Frank J Shimitz, age 33 b. Washington County, Iowa, son of Frank Shimitz and Barbara Vrchoticky married 7 Sep 1920, Riverside, Washington, Iowa to Pauline Shebanek, age 30 b. Washington County, Iowa, daughter of Paul Shebanek and Rose Soukup. (Iowa Marriages, 1809-1992 @FamilySearch, Index only.)

Now that we're caught up I expanded my search. I was unsuccessful in my efforts to find Annie Hutz, Annie Hotz or Annie Shimitz (with additional other spellings)  on the 1900 census.

I did find Barbara and Frank Shimitz on the 1900 census:
Iowa City, Johnson, Iowa, Ward 3, ED#84, sheet 10B, family 237.
Barbara Shunitz, self, born Oct 1846 Bohemia, widowed
Frank Shunitz, son, born Mar 1888 Iowa.

On the 1900 census I also learned that Barbara was the mother of 4 children, all 4 still living. This supports my theory that she was the mother of Mary, Annie and Rosa Hotz and Frank Shimitz and step-mother of Mary Shimitz.

A search for Rosa Hotz led to a marriage record. Miss Rose Hotz, age 28 b. Richmond, Iowa, daughter of James Hotz and Barbara Kichoticky married 22 Sep 1908, Iowa City, Johnson, Iowa to Joe Heisner age 29 b. Iowa City, Iowa, son of Joe Heisner and Margaret Meintzer. (Iowa Marriages, 1809-1992 @FamilySearch, Index only.)

Only the first two letters of Barbara's last name differ between Frank's marriage record and Rose's. I believe the error was on Rose's record.

Now that I had the name James Hotz I went to try and find the family on the 1880 census index. I believe I have found them listed as Katz. Since I only have access to the index I can't evaluate the record for myself. The grouping, ages and location all fit.

Lime Creek, Washington, Iowa, page 6C.
James Katz, age 32 b. Czechoslovakia
Barbara Katz, age 29 b. Czechoslovakia
Mary Katz, age 4 b. Iowa
Annie C Katz, age 1 b. Iowa

The next record I found was for the death of James Kotz, age 36 born Bohemia, died 18 Aug 1880 Richmond, Washington, Iowa. (Iowa Deaths and Burials, 1850-1990 @FamilySearch.) Very close name but once again I am stuck working from just an index. Also the age is different by 4 years from the 1880 census which may or may not mean anything. But note that James Kotz died in 1880 in Richmond, Iowa and Rose Hotz was born about 1881 in Richmond, Iowa per her marriage record.

I also found a marriage record for James Hotz to Barbara White on 4 Feb 1874, Johnson County, Iowa. (Iowa Marriages, 1809-1992 @FamilySearch, Index only.) This seems to match up with a couple starting a family about 1875 or 1876 (Mary Kotz) and Johnston County and Washington County are next to each other. However the surname White pretty much threw out my previous theory. Or did it?

I did much fruitless searching and seemed to be stuck. I don't remember exactly what search terms I was using but I chanced upon this link:

LEADING EVENTS IN JOHNSON COUNTY IOWA HISTORY, Pioneer Publishing Co., Chicago, 1911, pages 897-906

By B. Simek (pronounced Shimek)
The nucleus of the Union township colony was formed by Peter Kodl (Cole) and Frank Vrchoticky (usually known as Bily or White), and soon after Thomas Neuzil, Hibl, Hrade, and others from Iowa City and Newport township followed.

I was then able to find Barbara with her parents on the 1870 census.
Clear Creek, Johnson, Iowa, page 13, family 89, all born Bohemia.
Frank White, age 50y
Catharine White, age 53y
Barbara White, age 24y
Mary White, age 19y
Frank White, age 17y
Ann White, age 15y
Joseph White, age 15y
James White, age 11y
Catharina White, age 8y
Rosa White, age 5y

I did not research Barbara's parents any further. For now I am satisfied that Annie was the daughter of James Hotz and Barbara "White" Vrchoticky and step-daughter of Frank Simitz.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Searching for Annie's Maiden name

This is the first in a series detailing my research of Annie Katy Hotz (Shimitz) Holmes and her family.

I was recently contacted by two very distant cousins who are looking for more information about their ancestor, Annie, who I have in my tree. I had her listed as Anna Katy Simitiz and one of them asked where my information came from. When I looked it up I determined that her name came either from the cousin who was asking or another cousin who has a tree at So I decided to find a more reliable source. I do not have a subscription to so I turned to several other sources and often I had access to only an index.

Annie was the wife of Emory O Holmes. Emory was my 3rd cousin, 2x removed so what I had researched on him was minimal. Emory O Holmes was the son of Watson Arabia Holmes and Mary Jane (sometimes Jennie) Loan and was born 22 Sept 1884.
[Iowa Births and Christenings, 1830-1950 @FamilySearch (index only). Three records. Emory Holmes, 4th child of Watson A. Holmes (b. Canada) and Mary J Loan Holmes (age 30 b. Iowa), born 22 Sep 1885 Pleasant Valley Twp, Johnson, Iowa.]

I have Annie's birth as 4 Aug 1879, the exact date given by cousins. On the 1910 census she was born abt 1882 and on the 1920 census Born abt 1881. I could not locate an Annie Shimitz on the 1900 or 1880 censuses at FamilySearch despite the number of spelling variations that I tried.

I also did not find a marriage record by searching for Annie Shimitz so I decided to search instead for Emory Holmes and quickly found their marriage record at FamilySearch, however, her name was listed as Annie Hutz.


State of Illinois, Cook County } ss, THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS

Marriage may be Celebrated between Mr. Emery Holmes
Of Iowa City in the County of ---- and State of Iowa of the age
of 22 years, and Miss Annie Hutz of Chicago
in the County of Cook and State of Illinois of the age of 22 years.

Witness, PETER B. OLSEN, County Clerk and Clerk of the Court of said
Cook County, and the said Court, at my office in Chicago, this 16 day of
Jan'y A. D. 1903. [signed] Peter B. Olsen
County Clerk and Clerk of the County Court

STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF COOK} ss, I, Denis Hayes a Catholic Priest
hereby certify that Mr. Emery Holmes and Miss Annie Hutz
were united in Marriage by me at Chicago in the County of Cook and State of Illinois, on
the 18 th day of January 1903
Denis Hayes
______ __ R_ses Church

Illinois, Cook County Marriages, 1871-1920,
Emery Holmes was said to be of Iowa City and thus far I have only found one Emory Holmes in that area. The record says that Emery was age 22 and I suspect he lied just a bit. Annie's age is off by just a year (actually a few months). Emory and Annie Holmes had a son, Leonard J Holmes, who was born in Illinois 1903. I am confident that this is the correct marriage record.

Now that I had the maiden name of Hutz I went back to searching in the census indexes. I could find nothing for Hutz but I did find Anna Hotz.
Iowa State Census, 1885 @FamilySearch (index only). Highland, Washington, Iowa, page 15, family 79:
Franklin Simitz, age 35
Barbra Simitz, age 38
Mary Simitz, age 4
Mary Hotz, age 9
Anna Hotz, age 6
Rosa Hotz, age 4

So now I had found the Simitz name associated with Annie. The question was why were three children named Hotz with the Simitz family? Note that there were two girls in the home named Mary and also two children, Mary Simitz and Rosa Hotz both age 4.

I next looked at the 1880 census where I found two listings for Frank and Barbara Simitz. Tomorrow I will tackle sorting them out.