Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Caribbean Bound-Day 7 and 8

Friday was a sea day. We woke up and looked at the clock, 10:15. FABULOUS! We went to the comedy brunch in one of the main dining rooms because we hadn't done that yet. It was so yummy. I am glad we went. Then we took Koen to camp carnival so we could hit the gym one last time. We picked him up in time for some ice cream and to get ready for dinner. We enjoyed one final meal. I think I ate more shrimp on this trip than I have in my whole life. I am not a huge seafood fan so I was trying to branch out. I really enjoyed most of it.

We did the comedy show one more time and skipped the last show so we could finish packing. Sadness.

Saturday October 20 

We decided to all walk our stuff off so we could get off quickly. Phil, Koen and I had an early flight so we got off just before 8 and shortly there after were headed to the airport. We luckily had another straight shot(both ways!!!) and got home about 2 PM. It was a good thing because we had a 2 hour drive each way down to my sisters to pick up the Briggy man! We sure were excited to see him! She nicely fed us dinner(as if watching our child for a week wasn't enough ;) and then we headed home!

Another fabulous trip here and gone! Can't wait for the next one! :) 

Caribbean Boun-Day 6-Costa Maya, Mexico

Costa Maya was beautiful. I had never even heard of it, but totally loved it. We went snorkeling and even though the clarity was less than great we saw some awesome things. Koen was able to see a baby stingray, a conch in it's shell, a brittle star fish and so much more. They also had paddle boats and canoes that we could use when we got back. I enjoyed just laying on the beach watching the waves. It was SUCH a nice day. We really couldn't have asked for better weather while we were there. Especially considering the storm that was brewing their last week.

 You know that is an awesome, giant leap. ;)

 When we got back to the pier guess who forgot his shoes? Ya not Phil...haha. Only a child could seriously get in the car and not think, "Oh I don't have shoes on." The ground was so hot so I rolled bare foot on the long pier walk back while Koen wore my shoes.
We had to be back on by 1:30 so we were just in time to met up for lunch. Then Phil and Koen took a long nap while I laid on deck 10 with Suz and Ter catching some rays and chatting. We saw lots of "flying fish" off the side of the boat and likely a shark chasing a fish. Rather neat.
This was our last formal night. We went and saw the comedian and the show. The comedy was supposed to be PG and it was not too bad but I wasn't sad that Ko wanted to wear headphones and do his own thing on Phil's phone. We were pretty excited about our towel monkey when we got back!

Caribbean Bound-Day 5-Roatan, Honduras

In Roatan we went scuba diving. Kris, Julie, Diane and grandma and grandpa were so nice to keep Koen. They had meltdown #2 on their watch. Darn it. Kids are such nerds sometimes. I am just so grateful they were willing to take him snorkeling and hang out with him. It ended up being quite a long day, and we had a lot of fun. THANK YOU!

So we hurried and got off the ship and went to get a taxi to a dive shop that Brent and Suzi had used before. He wanted to charge us 30 per person. umm, no. So we ended up renting a car and driving ourselves on over, for $50 total. I was pretty nervous to dive again, not gonna lie. However I was not letting myself back out. I really like diving. It just really scares me too. I have decided it is just too much time in my own brain.  haha You can't talk so you can just think. I like talking way too much. ;)

Our first dive I was feeling a little anxious and kicking around a lot. Suzi came up, took my arm, gave me a few puffs of air in my BC and I was golden. I realized then, that was a huge problem in my "big tunnel of death" dive. My buoyancy was not good and I was swimming all over so I wouldn't sink and there for it was like a workout. I think I was so scared of doing what my MIL had done (coming up fast) that I was afraid to put air in. Phil got me a underwater pad to write on. They all held their breath as I pulled out the pen to write....
Then took a huge sigh of relief when I wrote "fun" with a big smiley face. Then I told Suz thanks for helping me. It ended up being a perfect dive. I did have a couple times where I would start to get nervous but then I would just pay attn to all the cool things surrounding me and I was good. Yahoo! Success!
We did one more dive and even saw a sea horse! It was awesome. The clarity wasn't quite as good as Grand Cayman but definitely still amazing. There was some very pretty coral and bright colors.

 When we got back we looked around just a smidge and took a few pics. Carnival owns this pier so it is really nice and they have a beach and stuff that is all theirs. It looked really nice but we didn't head over there.

 We got on, had a bite to eat, we were STARVING, found Koen and played a lil mini golf.
At dinner Koen finally decided to get up and dance with the staff. He has some pretty sweet moves!