Friday, March 18, 2011

Happy St Pat's!

Wow I am on a roll for blogging this month!
We had a fun St Patrick's day over here. We woke up to find a little leprechaun had visited us. He left goodies in our shoes, a trail of chocolate coins all over the house and turned our milk green. Silly little leprechaun. Koen was like "mom Brigs only got chocolate" like that was the lamest thing he had ever heard. I assured him the little leprechaun knew exactly what B would like. He ate about 6 before we even got breakfast. :)

 We then headed down to eat a breakfast full of green deliciousness. Pancakes, eggs and smoothies. And what made it even better? Dad was home to share it with us! YAH! (Phil is rollin some sweet hair and B has no time for pictures  ;)

My little darlings looked so handsome in their green shirts. And I, I wore purple....what the? It totally didn't even cross my mind while getting dressed. Later that day Koen noticed and decided he'd give me a pinch. ;)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Ode to "bean bee"(s)

A few years back I did a post about Koen's beloved. See it here. (if for no other reason that to see its size decrease! WOW) We now have two beloveds in our for each of course. Maybe it will soon be 3. We already have 3 "bean bees" for baby to take his choice of. :)

This is the current state of Koen's beloved...eek I fear its time is short.
We have been discussing his options. Possibly building it inside a build a bear...

Brigs also chews on his (yum) luckily it is a little more reinforced and in it for the long haul. :) And he doesn't suck his thumb or a pacifier. (all though some times with his screaming I think, "that wouldn't be so bad")

Monday, March 14, 2011


Why do I get pics of one child like this.....

and of the other like this....

and the occasional wonderful together shot....

Does it really need to be THAT hard to get something more like this....

But maybe together...both looking, making pleasant faces and not after 400 tries? Ahh...I'll just keep trying. :)

He {hearts} books!

Really he does. Every time he sees a book he says "book" (clear as day, probably his best word), picks it up and backs his little self up onto your lap. I {heart} him!

Friday, March 11, 2011


This little stinker...
does this with his dinner...
rather than eat it. 
All he really wants to eat is.....
icecream.....and....his personal favorite....

Tell me one day he will decide to eat again.....

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

3rd trimester

Kinda cant believe I am already at the 3rd trimester. But at the same time 3 more months of pregnancy seems so long still. However, I am NOT wishing it away, I am literally ScArEd for 3 kids! So here is whats up with the bump....

*things have been going lots better. Better sleeping, no heartburn (unless I bend over a lot), and more energy.
*packing on the lbs...eek. I gained 10 lbs at my last appt. WOW. In all my pregnancies I have never done that. the most I gained in a month with Ko was 5 and B was 6. So this is intense. Puts me at 16 lbs total. I will likely go over what I gained with the other two(22lbs).
*feeling a lot more movement in the last few weeks. I feel him a lot more in the day rather than just at night. nothing painful. 
*have been feeling faint and lightheaded often which is not fun and generally sends me into a mild panic attack. Not sure exactly what to do about this. I watch my fluid intake and not sure what else to do???
*started working out again last week which is nice. I was taking it easy during the 1st trimester because when I miscarried I was running  about 10 miles a week and didn't want to risk it this time. I guess then all the holidays came and I lost track, is good to be exercising again. Gives me better energy and I think helps me sleep at night.
*my anti-E is still super low and on my last blood work the titer actually came back "too low to titer" YAHOO! (this plays a big factor in thinking of having more kiddos) still doing blood work every appt. Lets just say those phlebotomists know my name and what "weird" test I am coming to get very well now. 
*overall feeling good. Not minding things too much which is more like my past pregnancies. :) Although I am feeling pretty house-ish! 

12 weeks and 2 days to go!