Thursday, July 3, 2008


One of my friend(yes Brook I am talking about you) called me last night and asked what I was doing. I replied "Painting" and she said something to the affect of "Oh you're all crafty?" I said, "Nope I can only paint." Anyway here is what I have been painting. For some reason I find great satisfaction in buying the wood and painting it than paying for it already made..who knows?
And for those girls who did these for craft night I am happy to say I only have August left. I bought the final things of wood when I was home last. It will be nice to be done seeing how I was only able to do two months at craft night. PS Does craft night still happen? If not can we start it up again when I move home? I would do it at my place if no one else wanted to...we could be cozy!
Here is a little Glimpse of my wardrobe in the like?


The Johnson Family said...

See I knew you were "all crafty".
Those are so cute. Why dont we have a craft night before you move and you could teach me how to make one of those way way cute things.

Kara said...

First of all, super cute crafts!! Second, I know! isn't it funny how you feel like you totally know someone from their blog!? Ha Ha, I really feel like it hasn't been that long since I have seen you but it probably has been just after high school since the last time I saw you!! Crazy huh! thank heavens for blogging :) It was Shawn Blymillers wedding. Do you remember him?

Anonymous said...

REally cute leash, I love them both, however I can't figure out on the first one what the middle thing is supposed to be. fill me in! Good job sis you are a little crafty girl!

Gina said...

Those both turned out really cute! I LOVE the sun one! Sweet!

Natalie Carver said...

I am very impressed! I want to start being crafty! I have time now that I am home with Callie! You have inspired me! ha ha
Great Job

Amie said...

Those are way cute. You are to crafty. I would like to see all the other months. That is a way cute idea.

brady and britton said...

Yeah, good job Lesh. They're both super cute. I made a patriotic door mat the other day with Brady's mom and I felt pretty crafty, but if I were to make those I would feel great about myself! LOL

Team Fraser said...

Those look professional!!! Can you paint mine? I still have at leat 3 or 4 to paint...:(

M I N D Y said...

We haven't been getting together for craft night. Will have to start up again soon.

Kris and Brent said...

Cute, Lesh! I used to LOVE to paint, too. It's really fun, isn't it? Good job!

Cristin said...

lesha..those are so good!! I want to paint!!! You have inspired me! :)