Sunday, July 27, 2008

Nursery or Zoo?

Today when we sat the kids down to have snack time I couldn't help but take a pic! HOLY COW! besides this table we had two kids off to the side on chairs and Koen, Tess and one other kid where with their parents. WOW! Time to split huh?

Ohhh...those suuummer niiiighhhts

Hooray for summer and fun with friends! This past weekend we got together at Skip and Brook's house. They have a little fire pit in their backyard where we roasted marshmallows and made smores! YUMMY!(Gina in my mind I said this like the green block on the Leap Frog car wash toy!) After we made smores we went inside to play games...which never happened but we enjoyed just chatting and eating with one another!Skip, Kort and Just Roastin mallows, well only Justin
Suzi, Kassidy and Levi
Stephen, Me and Phil (Laura was anti pics)
Brook and Skip The Hostess with the mostess!
The girls. I have been making an effort to take pics with my friends, dont want to forget what cha all look like! Ü
Me tickling cute Tessy Jo's face like my gram use to do! She was in heaven.
Then she passed out! AWE! I love her! I was recently telling Laura I feel like I have as many pics on my blog of Tess as of Koen! haha

Thanks Skook! haha It was a good time! Cafe Rion night, my house 2 weeks, be there or be square!

Thursday, July 24, 2008


Yahoo for me it was my birthday yesterday! I have officially decided that as an adult I don't think I look forward to my birthday but I must because I feel every year I am slightly let down. No no no not because my birthday is totally lame, but it isn't anything exciting. Which is why I have realized that I must in someway have weird expectations. But birthdays as an adult tend to be just like every other day. So I have also decided that next year, when we will not be "so poor" anymore. I am treating my self to a KID FREE day at the spa...I have yet to tell Phil of this! haha

Anyway so the happenings...Woke up WAY to early, Koen drew in permanent marker on our table, did a ton of stuff for camp(its next week AHH), not that this day is horrible by any means, just "regular" THEN the day looked up...Phil came home from school and watched Koen so I could go with some friends to a movie! Thank you Brook and Laura for the escape and Phil for keeping the rugrat. It was so fun to just go out with the girls in the middle of the day. I am sad I brought my camera and everything, and then forgot to snap a photo! When I came home Phil was ready to go to dinner, Brook took Koen, and Phil and I headed to Olive Garden, where I did not have hair in my food. (on special occasions I tend to have hair in my food)YAHOO! Then we just had a low key night, Phil put Ko to bed(present enough) and I feel asleep while we watched a movie at like 10:30.

Thanks for all the calls, songs, texts and posts dedicated to me on my day! Those are the things that make it great!
PS yes it did rain on my birthday. I don't know how it works when your birthday is the 23 of July but I think it has rained like 20 out of 24 times. Wierd huh? Ü
Us eating some YUMMY Olive Garden!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Some Ko Favorites!

Again on the carousel at the Zoo! He wants to ride it the whole time, so much for the animals!

Koen's Favorite shows right now:
* Letter Factory- he loves learning the things the letters say. He walks around all day saying some letter says something.
*Super Why- Can I just say I can't wait for this to come out on DVD. He loves this show. Too bad he isn't always awake when it is on. I think he likes anything with letters, the kids loves letters and I think they come pretty easy for him.
*"credibles" and "monsters" are the new favs! I am so glad to not see cars for like a month now! All though he is totally obsessed with anything cars he sees.

Fav toys:
*Elmo song book Nana gave him for Christmas, he makes me sing them like 100 times each!
*Any little cars, trucks, buses, anything of the sort. It is really cute to see him being all boy, laying on the ground driving cars and trucks around.
*Alphabet puzzle and foam letter things...literally anything letters.

Most frequent words or phrases:
*"No please" He is the most paticular kid I have ever met. I really dont understand it. Like here are two examples. If I put my arm on Phil's seat while he is driving, he says "no please, arm off." or today in the car I was singing along and he said "No singing please" I mean at least he is saying please but really why does he care? And I am not joking it is for EVERYTHING!

*"sit by ya" Especially when it is bed time, except then it is "lay by ya"
*"say payer" Everytime we get in the car he thinks we need to say a prayer. It is really cute. Obviously we have been driving long distances in the car that we prayed for, now it is an everyday occurance.
*"I wake up" Mostly when you are trying to put him to bed
*"Konah's ____" or "my _____" Gotta love this one. But how cute that he calls himself Konah
*"Night night beanbee...hide it?" Cause I always tell him he can only have "beanbee" when its bed time, so he tells me to hide it. Its too big of a temptation in plain sight.
*"Wheels bus again" or any other of his favorite songs, the whole time we ride in the car.
*"Chalka Milk peese" Kid loves his chocolate milk.

*"Owie, kiss it?"
*"Big car owies...hold you hold you" He freaks out when cars come, I guess maybe I went a little overboard on letting him know that cars can give you owies...opps!

Favorite Songs:

*"Jee Sunbeam" And he can actually jump now! Both feet at the same time!

*"Bitsy Pider"
*"Wheels bus"
*"Boys do it" (Elmo Potty song)

Things he does that get a "you're a little bit kook" response from me:
*saying "peepee potty", taking off his pants and diaper and sit on the potty but doing nothing.
*His Mack impression from cars
*wearing his Crocs to bed...I swear they never leave his feet. (thanks Michelle, you got my child addicted)
*tantrums...I swear I am like what on earth are you you think that's effective?

Things he's recently learned:
*Opposites- up/down, hot/cold, on/off etc
*how to sing most of the words to songs.
*to speak in 4+ word sentences. It seems like since we have been home from UT his talking has gone crazy!
* I think I can officially say he knows his colors and shapes. (maybe minus 1 of each) It is funny he has taken so long to click with it, seeing how he knew all his letters by sight months ago. You would think that would be a lot harder. I swear I thought he was color blind for a while until one day he picked up a pink spoon and said "Tessa's" (cause last time they ate together she used that spoon) then I realized he must see color.
*He went to the Doc today and these are the stats. 27.7 Lbs (30%, thats the highest he has ever been YAHOO! No more Vitamin D milk) 35 3/4 In (75%) and 75% for head.
*Can I please just say my child poo'd in the bathtub today. What the? NEVER before has he done that. I washed him and then walked away and said "when you ready to get out tell me" so like 2 minutes later he was like "eww yuckie momma" over and over and then he said "Towel, get out" So I go in there and am like "whats yuckie?" and look and he is pointing at poo EVERYWHERE! I couldn't believe it. Poor kid has the runs for some reason, so I am hoping that was just a freak accident!

Sorry if I bored you all but I use to be really good at keeping a journal for Ko and not so much anymore so I wanted to get a few things down!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Hill Cumorah Pageant

Yesterday we headed up to Palmyra for the pageant! We had great plans of getting to Rochester around 12-1 to let Koen play at there supposedly really cool children's museum. Obviously that didn't happen. At least we got there in time for the pageant huh? When we walked into the grounds there was really loud church music playing and Koen's eyes got so big, it was really cute to see him all excited. We got there about an hour before the pageant started so we let the kids run around like wild and crazy animals to burn some energy.
Gotta love the Nasty rag hanging from his mouth.
Some of the kids. Nice Eyes on Koen! and of course he is mid-flight.
Phil and Steve entertained the kids by playing ring around the rosies.
This was the only way we could get Koen to stop and take a pic with dad, he is crazy.
I know this pic is blurry but I still think it is so cute! Kort brought some glow sticks for the kids and they thought they were awesome! Why does my camera take blurry pics if I turn the flash off? Ghetto. I secretly think it is cool though.
Love Tess gettin fresh with Max. haha, and Loner Koen chessin it! haha
There were 7 or so couples and their kids that went together. I of course only got pic of a few, but it was really fun to have all of us and our little kiddies there.Phil and I with the Hill and such in the back
The Browns Minus Becks
The Snedakers!
Me and my little monster.
The pageant was really good. I could get really any pictures cause my camera was dying and it starts taking really blurry pictures when it gets to that point.
Lots of people! I told Phil that I would LOVE to try to be in the pageant in a few years. I think it is really cool you can do it with your whole family and it is only 2 weeks long! I think that would be such an awesome experience!
Koen and Dad watching. Koen Kept saying "woahhhh" and "look at that" One time in the pageant they said something about Jesus Christ and from then on Koen and Tessa kept saying it over and over. I dont know if that is ok but it was so adorable.
One of the cute little kids in the pageant, see that needs to be me and my kids!
We got back to our hotel late last night and had an eventful time trying to get Ko to sleep. He ended up sleeping next to Phil in "Daddy's bed" Needless to say we definitely got a good nights sleep. NOT! When we woke up this morning Kort and Justin's car wouldn't start. As we sat around and talked the boys tried to get the car to work. Max and Koen watched Monsters Inc.
We ended up getting home around 4:30. It was so funny cause Koen slept like 90% of the time but when he woke up we turned on Monsters for him and at the beginning there is a commercial for Beauty and the Beast and he kept saying "mom no princess'" I thought it was so funny that he didn't like watching even the advertisement.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Ko Ko and Tessie time

We had Tessie over a couple times this week while Laura was doing some things and the kids had a great time playing outside. The first day they plated in the pool and water table! I am glad the water table gets used as a pool too!;) Its a good thing these kids don't weigh too much, I was kinda waiting for it to buckle!
The next day Tess came over it was pretty rainy but I let the kids play outside anyway. Tess brought over her new bubble blower and the kids went crazy with it!

These two are so funny together. They ask for eachother pretty much all day long, and then fight 50% of the time they are together! They are like an old married couple! haha but they are still the best of friends!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Lets take a walk...

Down memory Lane...I feel like this is really fun. I hope you will play along. Here are the directions:

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

It's no wonder

It is no wonder I had wrist problems for more than 6 months. Phil and I found this pic yesterday from his phone, he took it obviously without me knowing, its a good thing I actually have clothes on, I usually sleep in my underwear!...not the greatest quality(it was taken with a phone in the dark) but it speaks volumes!hahaI am really cracking up that I am posting this...because hello I am sleeping, is that ever a flattering pic? No! Umm...does anyone else think I look like my brother Jeff in this pic?

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Hot as a firecracker

On the 4th of July our ward had a breakfast at 8AM...seeing how my child doesn't usually wake up by that time, we decided to call Steve and Laura over for our own breakfast more on our schedule...9:45! haha We didn't want to miss out on a great breakfast so we did own of our own. We decided we ought to just document this in writing as we were all straight out of bed. The timing worked out great because we had a BBQ out at the beach at the food schedule was right on. We had such a fun time at the beach eating, chatting and swimming. Thanks Levi and Suzi for planning, it was so much fun!

On the way back from the beach we stopped at Sarah's for ice cream at Koen's nonstop request. "iseam peese" It was thoroughly enjoyed.
Then we headed over to some friends for fireworks. It was so funny to watch all the kids. Some were scared, other intrigued, and most plugged their ears. Koen didn't want anything to do with holding the sparklers but from a distance he loved the other fireworks. Thanks Matt and Michelle for having us over, I think that was perfect for the kids!

PS The title of my post comes from this so cute shirt I bought to sport on the 4th, but then ended up returning all of our 4th outfits...not in the budget.

Precious Moments

Koen and I have caught a little bug going around, so he has been more on the mellow side these last few days. Phil also injured himself playing church ball Wednesday night. So we are all out of comish! Thursday I walked down to find this...
Dad and his boysWatching his new favorite show Monsters Inc.

A first of MANY

Some friends and I made our first trip of the summer out to the beach! We have decided this needs to become a regular. We went to a beach that is mostly shallow and not very crowded. The water was also pleasantly warm...way warmer than the ocean. Koen was tired when we headed out to the beach so he only made it less than two hours, but it was well worth it. I declare a weekly occurrence girls.
PS Michelle I want your pics...

Thursday, July 3, 2008


One of my friend(yes Brook I am talking about you) called me last night and asked what I was doing. I replied "Painting" and she said something to the affect of "Oh you're all crafty?" I said, "Nope I can only paint." Anyway here is what I have been painting. For some reason I find great satisfaction in buying the wood and painting it than paying for it already made..who knows?
And for those girls who did these for craft night I am happy to say I only have August left. I bought the final things of wood when I was home last. It will be nice to be done seeing how I was only able to do two months at craft night. PS Does craft night still happen? If not can we start it up again when I move home? I would do it at my place if no one else wanted to...we could be cozy!
Here is a little Glimpse of my wardrobe in the like?


We finally had a nice non-rainy day on Tuesday so we decided to take the kids to the zoo. My pass came with free rides on the carousel, so I took Ko and Tess. These pics aren't that great as they were taken with my phone on a moving carousel. They loved it. When it stopped Koen said "again" and held so tight on to the bar so I couldn't get him off. Needless to say we walked out of the carousel with screaming children.

Tess Rode on a warthog, which Koen insisted on callin and elephant.

Koen said "wee-haw" the whole time, while Tess smiled her little face off.

Ko picked a cheetah. His new thing is saying "cheetah fast" so I told him if he rode on there he would go really fast!

Koen looking in wonder at whatever animal in front of him going up and down!