Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Koen's Brithday ExtravaganzaS!!!

Well we got to celebrate Koen's birthday 3 days in a row....
1st we had a party at my brother Jeff's house on Saturday the 31st. His son Franklin is one year and one day older than Koen. So we had a little party for the two of them and my other nephew Dillian whose birthday is next week. A good ol BBQ~ I am not sure if I love anything more than BBQ's with the fam, and Jeff and Kirst have a great backyard for hosting! Thanks guys!

Nice Smile Ko...haha. His cars cake! He was so excited from the moment he saw it. The kids loves cars.

He wanted to take the cars off immediatley and play with them!
Frank the Tank! Isnt my brother creative...what a cute cake!
Obviously enjoying Frankie's cake...yum yum!
The 3 birthday boys opening some presents!
Koen with his new car figurines...he went from 0 to 6 in one day with the ones off his cake. He thinks he is pretty cool. Thanks Ky and Jen!
Trying out Franks new ride.
2nd we had a little Sunday get together with the Olsens. There Koen got to blow out more candles. It was fun to spend time with Phil's family, and I know that is Phil's most jealous thing from my whole trip! Phil's Grandparents where there too. Koen made Uncle Brady play outside with him forever, I am sure you are front runner for favorite uncle Brad. Granpa Brent spent his fair share of time out playing with him too. It was either "Brady Come" or "Grandpa Come".
Grandpa holding Ko while we sing Happy Birthday!
Likin his lips...acting like he wants some of that.
Then when we try to give him some no go...poor kid will hardly eat anything because of his teeth....don't worry I took care of it! Ü YUM!
And for Koen's real birthday(Monday) we headed to the park. Nana thanks for planning an activity for us all to get together, Ang it was great to see you. Koen wanted to swing the WHOLE time. I swear he would swing all day if I'd push him that long. And he got a 3rd try at the candles, by this time I think he actually knew what to do. Thanks for making brownies Nana, little did you know those are Koen's favorite!
This kid loves to swing!
When I would ask him if he was all done he would reply "No I swingin"
He seems pretty interested in those candles Nana has. He made the K on his brownies with a little help from Mom.
So happy to be the center of attention while being sang too!
Good blowing Ko! Cute little lips I want to smooch!

Fun times for Ko's birthday so far. One party left at home with all his little friends! Happy Birthday Ko. You're the bomb buddy!


Ashley said...

first of all, what are you doing posting at one in the morning?!
spoiled Koen! why don't i get 3 cakes for my birthday? I bet he was on cloud 9.

Team Fraser said...

What a fun birthday! And what another when you get home! Well he looks like he's having so much fun!

Matt Olsen Family said...

Yay, fun for Koen! And you're right, they do grow up WAY TOO fast.

The Johnson Family said...

Wow so much fun. I think we can officially say he is spoiled. Cant wait to have you home so we can hang out. Looking forward to the big party.


Angie said...

Looks like fun! Too bad Phil wasn't there. Looks like he had a great 2nd. Way to go mom!!

becca said...

WOW, that is a lot of partying for the little guy. He deserves it though. He is such a sweet little guy! He is almost a whole year younger than Ty? I thought they were closer than that. He seems so big and he talks so well! Happy Birthday Koen!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Ashely...little spoiled boy...I still feel bad that we didn't call. And I feel bad that we missed the big party...Ky is so cute...those cakes are adorable. Glad it has been a fun ya!!!

brady and britton said...

He totally is the bomb-biggety! LOL. Fun pictures! Love Koen so much. I'm sad you're leaving in 2 days. :(

kori said...

Fun! I wish I got to celebrate my b-day that many times! He is adorable.

Julie said...

Wow! Happy Birthday Koen! What a lucky boy to have so many parties and so many people who love him!

And yes, I did go private for a while. There was some guy in Erie who watches all the Erie blogs. He freaked me out a little, but I think my blog is free of all mentions of where we live and what our last name is so I went public again. Anyway. Sorry if you didn't get an invite. Apparently a bunch of people I sent invites to didn't get them or were later kicked off. Anyway, I am glad you are back too. See you later today.

Julie said...

Oh yeah, PS I like your new hair cut. Very cute!

Cicely said...

You are going to die. I was at church today and told someone we were moving to PA and she said that her husband's cousin is in PA- not even Erie, but Pennsylvania. Guess who? You guys.

Unreal. I don't know his last name, but her maiden name is Rebecca Crosby. I think her husband is Phil's cousin.


ps. Koen is adorable. And you are an adorable Mom.

Kris and Brent said...

Fun birthday update! I loved seeing all the pictures - but my favorite is the one where he has the smoochey lips blowing out the candles - and guess what, I took it! Wahoo! Once in a while one works!