Thursday, June 26, 2008

Ocean City Maryland

So Saturday (6/14) we headed to Ocean City to stay at my Aunt and Uncles beach house!. Nate and Gina had met us at my aunts house Friday night, so it was our little families headed off. We got there with a little time to catch lunch and have our first little sit on the beach! LOVE! Pure love. I told Phil one day there isn't much I love more than the beach and being tan...and family of course!Ü Koen and Kade were not so sure about the water(waves) or the sand at first. They both like to be clean, so sand stuck all over them wasn't so hot.
Sunday morning we went on a boat ride that took us out to see dolphins. We were so mad at ourselves that we didn't bring our cameras. We thought we might be getting wet, but we totally didn't. The boys loved the dolphins, they kept saying "dolphins again" like we had any control over them. Funny kids. The most annoying part about not having the camera is the fact that they let every little kid on the boat drive and they would snap a pic for when it was Koen's turn he was all hunky dory and then the guy got on the mic and was like "this is our youngest captain Koen, he is two" and he freaked out, I am not sure if he was like "how do you know my name, where's my mom" or what. But I am totally sad I don't have a pic of him driving, bummer.
Most of the days were spent just catching some rays on the beach. I swear I spent 5-6 hours a day out there, and I was so content. A day or two into the trip Koen started really enjoying being outside. I could take him out at 10 with me and he would play till 1, then Phil would usually take him in, feed him and put him down while I still hung on the beach. He would sit with his feet not touching the sand when we would first set him down, but would soon get used to it. Every time we would walk on the boardwalk he would say "swim water pees" Cute kid.
My Aunt and Uncles beach house is right on the about luxury! So we did walk down the boardwalk quite a few times. We had to go get some Polish Water Ice, my favorite since I was a teen. I've only ever seen it there! So yummy, no fat, no cholesterol, and kind of like Rita's! LOVE! Nate and Gina left Tuesday morning so the night before Gina and I walked down to let the kids go on some rides. We did this little boat(Koen did not like, "off mommy") and the Ferris wheel which they both loved. Such a great view of the beach and boardwalk. We also got some ice cream which the boys loved. So sad though...Koen insisted on bringing the pillow Grandpa Olsen recently made him and it got super windy on the way back and must have blown out of the stroller. Cause when we got home it couldn't be found! awe man! Steve and Laura came and met us in OC on Tuesday. We also walked the boardwalk a couple of times with them, did the Ferris wheel again and went out on the pier and took some cute pics. Had to bribe Ko and Tess with huge suckers from the Candy Kitchen for them to be good on the 25 block stroller ride back.
Phil went golfing about 5 3 really(1 with Nate and 2 with Steve), so Laura and I wanted to do something fun to "even" up the score. So we decided to go on this sling shot thing. Oh my heck it was so fun! I had done it once before at the former Fun Dome but it has been years! When we were coming down I was like "oh my heck I want to do that again" and then the guy running it was like "do it again for $10" "Yes please" so we took off again, this time with our eyes open!

The boys also watched the kids one night so we could go shopping at the outlets. We found some killer deals for the kids, and some killer stuff for ourselves! We really wanted to go back again but didn't find the time! (Kin I got that same black and white shirt at Katos, love it. Am I you?)
Phil and Nate ready to go golfing!

Koen and Tess were so hilarious together, one minute they were best of friends and the next they were teasing each other to no end! I still think I would take a friend any day over entertaining him myself! They loved playing out on the porch and eating a serious number of otter pops, all of which had to be the same color, at Koen's request.
Koen really loves Beckham. I think he thinks he is just the cutest thing. He always talks to him in this cutest softest voice and is so cute and soft with him. On Thursday night we went out to Phillips, an all you can eat seafood buffet. I am not a seafood fan at all, but did find plenty to eat...$27 dollars worth? probably not, but it was good, and it's vacation right? Tess obviously has seen her dad go to town on the crabs before huh?
We'll try anything to keep them entertained...sunglasses was the thing that day. Stylin buddy!

I don't have any pics of this either, but we(couples) each took turns going jet skiing. We went Thursday morning and Steve and Lo went Friday morning. It was so much fun. Both of us girls got thrown of by our husbands, of course. But Phil did say I was a crazy driver, and asked if I felt like we were on a "cool Bachelor like date" haha, the whole way home he kept saying things like "I just knew she was the one for me when she started whippin us around on that jet ski...she is so hot" haha, he is funny!
Saturday morning we woke up cleaned, and decided we were going to drive the whole way home instead of staying at my aunts house. We made a stop there to drop the keys and say thank you and such. We let the kids have a ride on the tire swing. At first Tess wasn't so sure, but I think after seeing how much Ko liked it, she thought she'd better try it out!

We left my aunts about 6 PM, thinking we would get home around 12:30 AM with one stop for dinner. Well we were right on track when we left dinner at about 9:30 and then the drama started: rain like I've never seen before, then fog, then a dead stop in traffic. After sitting there for about an hour we found out a tractor trailer had tipped and leaked gas across both sides of the freeway. We found another route on our atlas, and Phil and Steve four wheeled through the median while I put my head down and pretended I wasn't there. I kept telling Phil if he got stuck in the middle, I was going to pretend I didn't know him, and be like "who is that crazy single dad from Utah?" Well I didn't have to because they made it through pretty easy! It was definitely continued to be foggy the whole way which doesn't help sleepy eyes, and we were taking just some two lane highway. All the sudden we came up to a sing saying "DANGEROUS ROADS AHEAD" with flashing lights. After about the 5th one of those signs I was kinda scared. I thought we were gonna be on like this thin little road with cliffs off the side. And literally it was equivalent to the first like 3 miles of Little Cottonwood know your in the East when...huh? Luckily Ko's seat reclines and he slept like a log from about 12 AM on till we got home about 3 AM. Crazy ride home but such a fun fun trip! Thanks N&G for coming and S&L! It wouldn't have been the same with out good friends! And mostly THANK YOU THANK YOU! Lieu Lieu and Dougy for letting us stay at your house and the beach. You are the best, we love you! ♥

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Zoo or Melting Pot?

On Thursday(6/12) we took the 6 hour drive down to my Aunt Lieu and uncle Doug's! They live pretty much in the middle of DC, Baltimore and Annapolis. Super surprisingly the drive was not bad AT ALL. I don't think Koen even whined one time, and he only napped for 20 minutes. Maybe the 28 hour cross country drive for the move isn't that unfathomable after all? We got there around 4:30 and spent an enjoyable evening out on the deck enjoying one anothers company while Koen entertained himself, isn't he great? Friday we thought we would try out the National Zoo. Oh my heck! It was literally death. It was so blasted hot and humid. Koen refused to walk or ride in the stroller. He only wanted to be carried and only by me. I was dying! We saw as much as we could before we all got way too grumpy! It is really big though and a lot to see. But I would deff say the best part of the day was getting in the car and blasting the AC!This is how we got Koen to let Dad hold him. Gotta make it exciting.
I have some cute cute boys!

Ko and I in front of a pretty little waterfall.
We really didn't get to see many animals. Because it was SO hot they were all sleeping in the shade. Koen of course loved the little monkeys we saw inside, and the orangutans. At least they were doing something, except dying from heat. Oh well, good memories as a fam, huh?

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Party Time!

The Tuesday after we got home from Utah(6/10) we had a little water party for Koen. When we woke up the weather was deffinetly iffy. Phil being the optimistic person he is said "just do it." So we set up two pools, a sprinkler, the water table and any other toy we thought would be apealing and hoped the weather would hold out. When the kids got here Koen had already been playing in the water for like an hour, which was great for my prep! So when they came we let them at it. They seemed to all enjoy themselves.
We took a intermission with the swimming and had pizza, subs, fruit and chips for lunch!
After lunch some of the kids played a little more and the others wanted cake! So we busted out Koen's Elmo cupcake cake. I decided to do Elmo since he had already had a cars cake, his two favs! (side note, I am kind of proud of this masterpiece but a little embarrased at the same time...first try. Koen did however think it was pretty cool. I)

I am sad I didnt get one of Jace and Kassidy, they were too busy playing at the water table!
Then we let Koen open his presents. I decided I am not sure why we give toys in packaging...all they say when they open it is "out please"! Koen got some great gifts! Catepilar trucks, 2 pairs of summer jammies, a great Elmo toy, cars sand toys, an Elmo aquadoodle, bat and ball, and then with the gift card his Nana gave him we got a alphabet fridge toy, a bubble blowing airplane, and stacking/nesting cars! He loves all his present! So thank you everone!

Over all I think the party was a hit. And about five minutes after everyone left...this is what we had... Lucky us, it held out just long enough!
PS Sorry if you hate the collages, I like them better than slide shows. And if you didn't know, you can click on them to enlarge.

Monday, June 23, 2008

It's the end of our sleep as we know it....

While in Utah Koen did a lot of climbing out of his bed. When we returned home Phil had high hopes that he would not climp of his actual crib. Those ideas where soon abolishment moments after we closed the door and heard a loud thud. That first night was rough and the next day at nap time this is what we found....
We figured maybe if we just took down his bed and put the mattress on the floor at least he could get back on it since he couldn't climb back in his bed. Well we took of the front of it and decided what the heck...its basically a toddler bed. It looks a lot better than just a plain ol matress.
Koen trying out his new bed with his cars blanket and cars jammies. We also since then have purchased some cars sheets to intice him to stay in his bed. No it is not working as he sleeps on the floor in front of the door every night! Any suggestions?
His first fall off the big boy bed! Guess we should work on getting a railing! So the good news is he has still been sleeping 12 hours on the floor. Hopefully it will keep up cause I love my wonderful sleeping child!

Any man can be a father, it takes a special one to be a dad!

Well now that I am back from vacation I wanted to do a little Father's day shout out! Better late than never I guess huh?
The greatest gift I ever had, came from God, I call him Dad! I love love love my dad! I seriously think he is one of the cutest people god made. Something about him is just so dang cute! He has always been such a great dad. He is the hardest worker I know, and the most optimistic person I know. I feel like if I worked half as much as he did I would be the grumpiest person alive. I love his jokes, big smile and loud laugh. I love that he answers the phone "Hi this is Whitt." When I went back to Utah recently he had a little note to self on his bathroom mirror that said "be a man of God, pray daily" I thought that was so cute, it made me teary! He is a great example to me and I love him a lot! Hope you had a good fathers day dad! I love you! (mom make sure he reads this)
All of my syblings and dad on a past fathers day! Ky, me, Nae, and Jeff
Me and my cute dad at my wedding! Yes his eyes are borderline shut! haha

Now to my the amazing father of my child! Phil is such a fun fun dad! He loves to play with Koen, and make him laugh and squel! He is good about watching him so mom can do her own thing, and always enjoys that time with him. He loves when Koen gives him kisses and "wants daddy" Thanks for the great dad you are Phil! We love you!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Back to life, back to reality.

Well the fun is over as of 3 AM this morning. We arrived home after a very adventerous ride (some serious rain, fog, tipped tactor trailors, dangerous roads...oh ya!) in the wee hours of morning...completly exhausted! We had a great time at the beach! For me it will be kind of nice to get back to real life. After being in Utah for 3 weeks and only coming home for days to leave for another week and half, some normalcy will be welcomed. This also means I will be back to the blogosphere...on my google reader I have 79 items to read...yikes, and thats not including my private blogs!! Hopefully by the end of the week I can read all those and do all the posting that I have....which is A TON! So keep checking fowks cause I am back in town! Ü

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Top 5...Utah 2nd half

1-Visiting with girlfriends! I was able to see so many of my girlfiends(however missed so many more, good thing I am moving home soon!) I'm mad I didnt take a pic at your house Ang!
My most best cousin Hay! Love good to see you!

Chels, Kens and Me at Leatherbys Yum!
Haylie Mcrae and I! Love love love her! She served her mission in Erie!
All the girlies at Leatherbys! We missed you Beara and Bean!
Yeah for my Oakcrest friends! So good to see them!
Got to visit my friend Chels in the hospital after she had her baby! So sweet!
Michelle and I! Love our Subway days!
Meeting the Cuz's for lunch at a Kid packed Chic-fil-a! Wouldnt find that in PA!

2-Spending time with the fam!
Sunday dinner at the Olsen's! Sure miss those! Love having so many sisters I love!
Spent lots of time with the madre...this night we went to a BBQ for Relief Society!

Could this picture be any cuter? Only if the sun wasn't blazing in the background! Cant wait till we move home and Frank and Ko can be Best little buddies!
Koen and Bevin...when he wasnt in the baby saucer he decided to let her try it out! ;)
Me and Bev! Loved meeting the newest member on Phils side! Such a good baby!

3-Ko Ko and mom time!
Koen's face...what do I say?
One of Ko's parties!
And another!
Hanging out on the porch! The only place Ko wants to be....outside!
Chowin down at chic-fil-a!

4-Swimming at Murray pool...mostly because of the company! I wish it would have been nice enough to go again! That weather was weird!
Is the sun bright Ko?
So fun to hang with the good ol days! Love ya Britanica!
He found his new love...otterpops!
Koen, me and Dillian (Bob) Koen though Bob was the cats meow!

5-Watching Koen with his Grandparents. He loved Both of his grandpas so much. Every morning when he would wake up he would ask for my dad. And when we went to Phil's parents house he always wanted grandpa to play with him! It is so fun to watch him get to know his grandparents like he should! I am sad I didn't get a picture of him with his Nana.
Koen thought he need to "help" Grandpa one point he put his hand on his shoulder and leaned over the plants "like hmmm...what next" it was so cute!
Like I said at the Olsen household here is where Koen likes to be...Brady he likes you too! ;)
Koen loves his Grandma!