Showing posts with label The End Is Nigh. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The End Is Nigh. Show all posts

Monday, December 31, 2012

The End (of the year) Is Nigh!

Well, it's flown by, but our debut year is ending! It's been quite an adventure for the group; we saw our first books (and a few babies!) enter the world, we've made new friends, and met lots of readers. We've enjoyed the thrill of becoming published authors, but we've learned that publication doesn't mean the struggles of the writing life are over. Through it all, we've had a great support group to hold our virtual hands in the tough times and celebrate with us during the good times.

Check out our "What's Next?" post to see what's coming up for us in 2013 and beyond. For now, here are some parting words from some of your Apocalypsies, about what we've learned and our favorite moments of 2012:

"What I've Learned:
A. You are your book's best advocate. Don't be shy.
B. Make at least one trip out of your own region for a book signing event--even if you have to pay for it yourself. Personal appearances make a much bigger impression on readers than a Tweet."
~ Anne Greenwood Brown (LIES BENEATH, Random House/Delacorte)

"What I learned from my debut year: It's natural for us to have a lot of expectations around the actual book release date, but I found that the work of promotion and growing into my skin as an author was just beginning when my book was published in March, and the process continues. So my advice to new authors is totally enjoy THE DAY, eat your chocolate, crack the champagne, get a massage, soak in the Twitter accolades, but remember that it's not all going to happen at once, and save some energy because tomorrow there's more work to do.
Highlights from the year: Besides meeting other Apocalypsies and developing wonderful friendships with fellow debut authors, I'd say the major highlight has been the little surprise kindnesses that happen when you finally get published—the high school friend of your sister who buys the book for his niece, the reader who shows up at an event with a thoughtful gift, the aunts and uncles that talk you up to random strangers, the librarians and bookstore owners and teachers who go out of their way to give you a platform. I was incredibly moved, on multiple occasions, by what people were willing to do to help me and my career."
~ Elisa Ludwig (PRETTY CROOKED, Katherine Tegen Books)

"Fave thing about the debut year: Getting to meet and learn from so many amazing writers, within the Apocalypsies and the wider kidlit community.
One thing I've learned: Promotion can be fun and creative, and when you've spent so much time on a book it's important to do your best to get it out into the world. But promotion can easily become a full-time job. And expensive. Keep promotion in perspective, in terms of time and money, and don't let it get in the way of writing the next book."
~ Diana Renn (TOKYO HEIST, Viking)

"What I learned this debut year: Surrounding yourself with supportive people, such as the wonder-group, The Apocalypsies, proved to be quite the necessary thing to do. Debut year is a roller coaster ride, and you need a rock solid 'cart of support' to ride in, especially when you crest those hills.
My favorite thing this debut year: Heartfelt feedback from readers, especially teen readers. I hope it will always blow my mind that complete strangers are moved to tears from characters and scenes I created—it’s rather humbling."
~ K.M. Walton (CRACKED, Simon Pulse)

"My favorite thing about this year has been all of my debut author friends. They have given an endless supply of support, real and virtual hugs and a gazillion laughs. I wouldn't have wanted to do it without them. As for what I've learned--for better or worse--I am me and that is enough. I'm looking forward to supporting the Lucky 13's in 2013!!!
~ Kimberly Sabatini (TOUCHING THE SURFACE, Simon Pulse)

"Picture a debut author in the middle of an otherwise great tour suddenly panicked. In a chilly city where you’ve never been before, the B&N who loves your book has a nice poster outside announcing your arrival, but inside, no one is in the store. There’s a sports final going on and everyone is there instead. To top it off, the shipper made an error and only sent a few boxes of your book. The rest were the more expensive jacketless library copies.
A few people do show up but the night is really saved when an Apocalypsie you’ve never met before arrives. And she’s brought her writing group. They’re bundled up in coats and smiles and it’s something you’ll remember forever.
The debut year has more ups and downs than any ride at Disneyland. One constant for me was having the support and friendship of the Apocalypsies. Some of you are wild and crazy, some hysterically funny, some bloodthirsty (in a good way), but I've loved meeting you in chats, at conferences, in restaurants and bars. And of course, bookstores."
~ Lissa Price (STARTERS, Random House)

"I've learned not to compare my writing journey to anyone else's. If jealousy is a green-eyed monster, then comparison is a troll with extremely sharp teeth that will chew you up and spit you out, leaving your self-confidence in shreds. Comparison is the quickest way to suck the joy out of your writing life. Don't do it.
My favorite thing about this year has been getting to know other writers and learn about their books. Some of my favorite books this year have been from the Apocalypsies!"
~ Jenny Lundquist (SEEING CINDERELLA, Aladdin)

"I know it's a bit cheesy, but the best thing about my debut year was meeting the Apocalypsies! They have been a wonderful support - we've laughed, cried, drunk virtual cocktails and offered hugs when needed. I really couldn't have survived my debut year without them!!!"
~ Elizabeth Richards (BLACK CITY, Putnam)

"The most important thing I learned this year was to listen to my experienced writer friends. A year ago, I was chock full of hope, dreams, and WAY too much confidence in my task-juggling abilities. A good writer friend cautioned me to write as fast as I could before my launch date, 'because you won't have time to write anything for a year after that.'
I sort of laughed at her. I need to apologize.
Of course, she wasn't right entirely - I've written lots of revisions, a few chapters on a new manuscript, and a million and forty-seven guest blog posts since this summer. But not anywhere near the pillowy mounds of weekly drafting that had served for years as my happy place.
I'm learning to lie fallow, a bit. And to listen not just to my friends, but my heart, when it tells me 'back to the page.' Because, to me, the page is home.
And there's no place like it."

"Wow, what to say? My favorite part was launch week, when I got to meet readers face to face and see people holding the book. That was the moment it finally felt real. The rest of it sort of seemed like just a dream.
The surprising (and perhaps disappointing?) thing for me was how little time I had to WRITE this year. I wish I'd known that getting on the path to publishing would triple my email load and internet/social media demands. I really have to work hard to MAKE the time to write these days, so that's been a learning curve."
~ Erin Jade Lange (BUTTER, Bloomsbury)

"Like Erin, I learned that for the first few months after my launch, I had almost no time to write.
I also learned that there is strength in numbers, and being a part of this group helped me grow stronger as a writer and as a promoter of my book!
And here is my favorite thing about the year: I loved getting that first piece of fan mail, from a little girl whose signature included 'Your biggest fan.'"
~ Kami Kinard (THE BOY PROJECT, Scholastic)

"My favorite thing? Meeting readers. Meeting people who are passionate about the books they read, and who work hard to spread the book love to everyone they know.
The most surprising thing? How quickly time went by."
~ Jodi Meadows (INCARNATE, Katherine Tegen Books)

"My favorite thing about this year were all the people who posted pics of my "book in the wild" on my Facebook page during launch week. This included old high school friends I hadn't spoken to in years as well as fabulous new Apocalypsies friends and everyone in between. It seriously made me weepy like nothing else did to know all these lovely people were going out of their way to find the book and send me a photo.
The most surprising thing: how life post-book publication is really not very different from pre-publication. There is still writing, rewriting and rejections to be had."
~ Sarvenaz Tash (THE MAPMAKER AND THE GHOST, Bloomsbury/Walker)

"For my favorite part, I have to go with reader responses, too. I've enjoyed reading professional, blogger, and Goodreads reviews (well, most of them). I've enjoyed hearing from family and friends who read my book. I haven't heard from any teens post-pub, but I got some pre-pub responses that brought me to tears with their enthusiasm and honesty.
My launch events were also very rewarding. Family, friends, coworkers, and people from my past (my first and second grade teachers, among others!) came out to support me, and it was great fun. Next week I'll be doing my first teen event, and I'm optimistic for that as well."
~ Lisa Jenn Bigelow (STARTING FROM HERE, Amazon Children's Publishing)

"The best part of this debut year for me has been meeting other authors. It's a great big scary publishing world and it's nice to have peers to look up to. I've had a great time interacting with bloggers and readers. Knowing someone is picking up your work is a truly great feeling."
~ Zoraida Cordova (THE VICIOUS DEEP, Sourcebooks Fire)

"One thing I learned this year was how glad I am to have the Apocalypsies--launching a debut novel would be so much scarier without people to lean on who are all going through the same thing.
My favorite thing this year was hearing from readers and realizing all the different ways many people can read one book!"
~ Emily Hainsworth (THROUGH TO YOU, Balzer & Bray)

"Something I learned: Take a break. I discovered very early that I was so much more creative and productive when I scheduled time AWAY from writing and promoting. I actually declared some days 'CHLOE-free days.'
Favorite moment: Seeing WELCOME, CALLER, THIS IS CHLOE on library shelves. Brought me to tears because libraries were such a huge part of my life growing up."
~ Shelley Coriell (WELCOME, CALLER, THIS IS CHLOE, Amulet Books/Abrams)

"My highlights of the year were releasing book two in the Magic Most Foul saga, THE TWISTED TRAGEDY OF MISS NATALIE STEWART and landing a 3 book deal with Tor/Macmillan for a new Historical Fantasy saga for adults with cross-genre crossover potential as characters from my other series will enter into this new parallel story line. THE ETERNA FILES will debut 2014 along with a reissue of my first Historical Fantasy saga."
~ Leanna Renee Hieber (DARKER STILL, Sourcebooks Fire)

"I've learned to enjoy myself, not get caught up in all my writing insecurities. I don't want to look back on this time and only remember how scared I was. I want to remember that this was the year one of my very oldest dreams came true."
~ Kristen Simmons (ARTICLE 5, Tor Teen)

"Don’t read critiques of your book. It will only slow you down on your real job: writing the next one. The good ones intimidate you, the bad ones discourage you, and either way they don’t help. Just sit down and keep on writing."
~ Huntley Fitzpatrick (MY LIFE NEXT DOOR, Penguin/Dial)

"Try not to take criticism personally, not everyone is going to enjoy your book. Trust your agent and editor's advice, they know what they're doing and are working in the best interest of you and your story. Lastly, take biotin every day and do yoga because writing and publishing books will make your hair fall out."
~ Colleen Clayton (WHAT HAPPENS NEXT, Penguin/Poppy)

"What I have learned this year: life is sweet; the world is beautiful;
writers are an amazingly supportive bunch. Learn to doodle--very useful
for book signings. Keep hydrated. Get some sleep. Keep writing. Keep
writing! And if life decides to throw you a major curve ball or two, just
smile and bring out the bright blue hair."
~ Anne Nesbet (THE CABINET OF EARTHS, HarperCollins)

"What I learned about my debut year: Don’t take it personal; you’ll never please everyone. This lesson was hard for me because I have a tendency to get along with most people I meet. Putting your work out there makes you vulnerable to criticism. All of it is subjective. What one person loves, ten will hate, and trying to cater to everyone may risk your creativity.
My favorite thing about this year: Meeting cool authors and swapping stories and war wounds. The support system is amazing and it’s a comfort to know while in a crisis that one email, Tweet or chat will bring the cavalry."

Thanks so much to everyone who's been following our progress and supporting us along our road to publication this year, and to everyone who helped us achieve the dream of becoming published authors. We'd like to gather you all up in a giant group hug.

We hope to bring you many more books in the coming years, and we'll have occasional posts here about author events and the writing life.

And now, we turn things over to The Lucky 13s! Best wishes, debut authors, and Happy New Year to all!

~ Lynne Kelly (CHAINED, Macmillan/FSG)

Friday, December 21, 2012

The End (of the week) Is Nigh!

Happy Friday! Here's our latest news:

New release:
THE MARBLE QUEEN by Stephanie Blake

New sales:
Kami Kinard's THE BOY PROJECT TOO: Notes and Observations of Tabbi Reddy
Jenny Lundquist's THE PRINCESS IN THE OPAL MASK, a YA fantasy, has sold to Running Press in a two-book deal, with book one set to be released in the fall of 2013

Susanne Winnacker is celebrating her new publication date for IMPOSTOR with an ARC giveaway

Other awesomeness:
GRAVITY by M.B. West is the featured book club pick at Seventeen Magazine online. Read the article and see the GRAVITY trailer here
Croak by Gina Damico, Personal Effects by E.M. Kokie, and Starters by Lissa Price are among The Chicago Public Library's Best of the Best Teen Books List
K.M Walton presented a TEDx talk about "The Power of Human Kindness"
Lauren Morrill wrote an article for USA Today's Happily Ever After blog about her favorite YA romances

Hope everyone has a safe and happy weekend, and gets to enjoy some holiday time with family and friends and books!

Friday, December 7, 2012

The End (of the week) Is Nigh!

Weekend update, with the Apocalypsies!

Giving books for the holidays? A few of our members are giving away signed bookplates and other swag as holiday bonuses

Foreign rights:
Elizabeth Richards' BLACK CITY trilogy - Hungary

Film rights:
Jennifer Shaw Wolf's BREAKING BEAUTIFUL - MRB Productions

Stop by Laurisa White Reyes' blog to read an interview with the authors of FISHTALE and enter to win a copy of the book
Enter to win one of two signed and personalized copies of Lynne Kelly's CHAINED in this holiday giveaway
Read an excerpt of Fading Amber, the last of the Cambion Chronicles, and enter to win an ARC on Jaime Reed's blog. Also check out the Goodreads giveaways
Count down to the release of Shannon Messenger's LET THE SKY FALL, and enter to win an ARC of the novel

Other awesomeness:
Congratulations to all our members nominated for YABC Choice Awards! Stop by and vote for your favorites
LITTLE DOG LOST by Monica Carnesi is a Horn Book 2012 Fanfare pick
Stop by A.G. Howard's SPLINTERED blog tour for interviews and giveaways
STARTERS by Lissa Price was chosen by B&N and the Los Angeles Public Library as one of their Best Teen Books of 2012, and Lissa was interviewed in the Jan 2013 issue of Writer's Digest

Friday, November 30, 2012

The End (of the week) Is Nigh!

Happy Friday! Here's our latest news:

See seven Apocalypsies tonight in Chicago and Saturday in Madison, Wisconsin

New releases:
Corrine Jackson's TOUCHED

New deals:
Two new YA novels for Diana Renn, LATITUDE ZERO (2014) and BLUE VOYAGE (2015), mysteries featuring globetrotting teens, action, and international intrigue with Viking/Penguin

Foreign rights:
Tamara Ireland Stone's TIME BETWEEN US and the upcoming sequel - Taiwan

Film rights:
Diana Renn's TOKYO HEIST, to the production company Anonymous Content

Enter to win an advance copy of Jodi Meadow's ASUNDER in her Reviewer Appreciation Giveaway
Suggest a song for the playlist of Hemlock 3 by Kathleen Peacock for a chance to be included in book three's acknowledgements

Other awesomeness:
Congratulations to all our members on YALSA's best of young adult literature list
Anne Nesbet's THE CABINET OF EARTHS is featured in School Library Journal's article on middle grade fantasy, and J. Anderson Coats' THE WICKED AND THE JUST, Veronica Rossi's UNDER THE NEVER SKY, and Emily Danforth's THE MISEDUCATION OF CAMERON POST are on SLJ's Best Books of 2012 list
Starters by Lissa Price won the Crimezone Award in the Netherlands for Best YA Thriller of 2012 (non-Netherlands) and the ist Eselsohr Award in Germany for Best YA 2012. Barnes & Noble picked Starters as one of the Best Teen Books of 2012
Fans of LIES BENEATH can now read extra scenes on Anne Greenwood Brown's blog

Friday, November 16, 2012

The End (of the week) Is Nigh!

Time for another news update!

Check out the Kidlit Cares auction to bid on lots of bookish items to benefit Hurricane Sandy relief!

New releases:
MEANT TO BE by Lauren Morrill
RENEGADE by J.A. Souders
BLACK CITY by Elizabeth Richards

Cover reveals:
CHICK-O-SAURUS REX by Lenore Appelhans

Seen Elizabeth Richards' BLACK CITY out in the wild? Enter the BLACK CITY photo challenge and win some signed swag

Other awesomeness:
Jane McLoughlin's AT YELLOW LAKE has been longlisted for a Carnegie Medal in the U.K.
MEANT TO BE by Lauren Morrill was included in Huffington Post Teen's 5 Things We're Into This Week

Enjoy your weekend, and Happy Thanksgiving to all our friends in the U.S!

Friday, November 2, 2012

The End (of the week) Is Nigh!

Thanks to everyone who participated in the YAmazing Race With MGnificent Prizes! We had a lot of fun playing and hope you all did too.

We've taken a couple of weeks off of the good news updates while the race was going on, so let's get caught up:

New releases:
CREWEL by Gennifer Albin
BLIND SPOT by Laura Ellen
VENOM by Fiona Paul
TOUCHING THE SURFACE by Kimberly Sabatini
GRAVITY by Melissa West
OUT OF REACH by Carrie Arcos

Cover reveals:
Paperback of PUSHING THE LIMITS by Katie McGarry
IMPOSTOR by Susanne Winnacker
UK cover for THE LIFE BEYOND by Susanne Winnacker
Paperback for Jessica Spotswood's BORN WICKED

Foreign rights:
OUT OF REACH by Carrie Arcos - Spain

Other awesomeness:
Take a peek at the first chapter of RENEGADE by J.A. Souders
WAY TO GO by Tom Ryan has been nominated for Canada's White Pine Award
THE MONSTER WHO LOST HIS MEAN by Tiffany Strelitz Haber was featured in The New York Times' Sunday Book Review
OUT OF REACH by Carrie Arcos is a finalist for the National Book Awards for young people's literature, and received a starred review from the Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books

Book trailer:

Have a great weekend, readers!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

The End (of the week) Is Nigh!

Happy Friday! Have a look at this week's exciting news:

New releases:
TIME BETWEEN US by Tamara Ireland Stone
WHAT HAPPENS NEXT by Colleen Clayton
VELVETEEN by Daniel Marks
FREAKLING by Lana Krumwiede
VALKYRIE RISING by Ingrid Paulson

Cover reveal:
Eve Marie Mont's next novel, A TOUCH OF SCARLET

Film rights:
Rights to Elizabeth Richards' BLACK CITY series sold to Screen Gems

Other awesomeness:
Carrie Arcos' OUT OF REACH is a National Book Award nominee
VELVETEEN by Daniel Marks is one of the novels recommended in this USA Today article
Some familiar names are on YALSA'S article "The Next Big Thing In Contemporary/Realistic Fiction"

Book trailers:
CREWEL by Genn Albin:

OUT OF REACH by Carrie Arcos:

Have a great weekend, readers!

Friday, October 5, 2012

The End (of the week) Is Nigh!

Happy Friday! Here's what our authors have been celebrating lately:

New releases:
SKINNY by Donna Cooner
THROUGH TO YOU by Emily Hainsworth
KEEPER OF THE LOST CITIES by Shannon Messenger
CHASING THE SKIP by Janci Patterson
SEND ME A SIGN by Tiffany Schmidt
STEALING PARKER by Miranda Kenneally

Cover reveals:
Elizabeth Richards' next novel PHOENIX (plus and excerpt and giveaway)

Foreign rights:
Marissa Meyer's CINDER - Japan

New sites:
J.A. Souders website (with ARC giveaways)

Enter to win signed SPLINTERED advanced reader copies, an interactive Alice In Wonderland book, & lots more in A.G. Howard's "Unlock the Secrets to Splintered" giveaway

Other awesomeness:
J.A. Souders has a free Elysium Chronicles German short story, A DARK GRAVE
Shannon Messenger's KEEPER OF THE LOST CITIES is the Simon Kids' book of the month. Read the first three chapters on their Facebook page

Enjoy your weekend, everyone!

Friday, September 28, 2012

The End (of the week) Is Nigh!

Happy Friday! Take a gander at our latest news:

New release:
SCORCH by Gina Damico -

Cover reveals:
EMPTY by K.M. Walton

Foreign rights:
Tamara Ireland Stone's TIME BETWEEN US - Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Turkey

PERSONAL EFFECTS by E.M. Kokie received a starred review from Publishers Weekly
FISHTALE by Catherine Masciola received positive reviews from Kirkus and Booklist

Enter to win books and other fun prizes when you pre-order Mike Jung's GEEKS, GIRLS, AND SECRET IDENTITIES

Other awesomeness:
Katherine Longshore announced the title and subject of her next book in the Royal Circle Series
BOY + BOT by Ame Dyckman was chosen for Reading is Fundamental's 2012-2013 STEAM Multicultural Book Collection. Thanks to the generous support of Macy’s, more than 600 book collections will be donated to RIF programs serving children in low-income communities throughout the U.S.
STARTERS by Lissa Price made a surprise reappearance on the Southern California Independent Booksellers Assoc Bestseller list at #8
K.M. Walton's CRACKED was nominated for the American Library Association's Quick Picks Award

Enjoy your weekend, everyone!

Friday, September 21, 2012

The End (of the week) Is Nigh!

Here's what we're celebrating this week!

Cover reveal:
K.M. Walton's EMPTY (plus giveaway)

New releases:
TEN by Gretchen McNeil
WHAT'S LEFT OF ME by Kat Zhang
STORMDANCER by Jay Kristoff (U.S. release)
Chanelle Gray's MY HEART BE DAMNED

Enter to win Elizabeth Richards' BLACK CITY in the Goodreads giveaway

Other awesomeness:
The Veteran's History Project is featuring Corrine Jackson's IF I LIE this weekend at the National Book Festival. Find out more on Corrine's post, including the secret passphrases you can mention at the festival to win prizes
Pre-order KEEPER OF THE LOST CITIES by Shannon Messenger to receive a limited edition swag pack and benefit the Kids Need to Read organization

Enjoy a book-filled weekend!

Friday, September 14, 2012

The End (of the week) Is Nigh!

Happy Friday! Here's another good news round up:

New releases:

Film rights:
Dreamworks picked up the movie rights to Leigh Bardugo's SHADOW AND BONE

New sales:
Two new YA novels for Gretchen McNeil, GET EVEN and GET DIRTY in the DON'T GET MAD series

Enter to win an advance copy of Janci Patterson's next novel, CHASING THE SKIP
Comment on Kami Kinard's article "7 Things I've Learned So Far" on the Writer's Digest blog to enter to win a copy of THE BOY PROJECT.

Other awesomeness:
Read the first 50 pages of LEVEL 2 by Lenore Appelhans on the new Facebook page

Book trailer:
Tiffany Schmidt's SEND ME A SIGN

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Friday, September 7, 2012

The End (of the week) Is Nigh!

It's Friday, and that means it's a good news day!

New releases:
STARTING FROM HERE by Lisa Jenn Bigelow
BUTTER by Erin Jade Lange

Other awesomeness:
Help out cancer charities when you pre-order Tiffany Schmidt's SEND ME A SIGN
CINDER by Marissa Meyers, SHADOW AND BONE by Leigh Bardugo, and STARTERS by Lissa Price make an appearance on this Best Young Adult Books of 2012 list
CREWEL by Gennifer Albin, VENOM by Fiona Paul, and WHAT'S LEFT OF ME by Kat Zhang are among those mentioned in Publishers Weekly's "The Freshman Class: Fall 2012 Debuts"

Book trailer:
STORMDANCER by Jay Kristoff

Have a fantastic weekend full of books!

Friday, August 24, 2012

The End (of the week) Is Nigh!

Happy Friday! Here's the latest round of good news from our authors:

New releases:

New deals:
Elissa Hoole's next YA novel, THE TRUTH ABOUT NEVER AND ALWAYS, to Flux

Read about Claire Legrand's blog tour and starred Kirkus review for THE CAVENDISH HOME FOR GIRLS AND BOYS

Enter to win an ARC of E.C. Myers' QUANTAM COIN in his Goodreads giveaway
Join Gretchen McNeil's Army of Ten to win signed books and other prizes

Other awesomeness:
A few familiar names are on ABA's Autumn Kids' Indie Next List
Nikki Loftin's THE SINISTER SWEETNESS OF SPLENDID ACADEMY is among August's "Best Books of the Month" for Apple iBooks

Have a great weekend, and hope everyone going back to school next week has a fabulous start to the new school year!

Friday, August 17, 2012

The End (of the week) Is Nigh!

Happy Friday! Hope everyone's enjoying the last days of summer vacation. Here's our latest good news:

New releases:
FALSE MEMORY by Dan Krokos

New deals:
More mermaid fun: Anne Greenwood's Brown LIES BENEATH will now be a trilogy
Trish Doller's second book, ALL THAT WAS LOST, sold to Bloomsbury for publication in February 2014.

Just a little time left to enter E.M. Kokie's PERSONAL EFFECTS Goodreads giveaway
Head over to Safari Poet to enter to win a 10-page + query letter critique from Colleen Clayton

Friday, August 10, 2012

The End (of the week) Is Nigh!

It's Friday, and time for a good news update!

New releases:
GLITCH by Heather Anastasiu
THRONE OF GLASS by Sarah J. Maas
FINGERPRINTS OF YOU by Kristen-Paige Madonia
AURACLE by Gina Rosati

Win a signed copy of IF I LIE in Corrine Jackson's IF I LIE Freaking Awesome Contest
Enter to win Colleen Clayton's WHAT HAPPENS NEXT in the Goodreads giveaway
Five ARCs of Kimberly Sabatini's TOUCHING THE SURFACE are up for grabs in this Goodreads giveaway
Win one of five prize packs of books, ARCs, and signed copies of WHAT'S LEFT OF ME in Kat Zhang's Hybrid Art Contest of Awesome

Other awesomeness:
Congratulations to Lynda Mullaly Hunt, Erin Jade Lange, and Dan Krokos for being selected for the Fall New Voices List.

Friday, August 3, 2012

The End (of the week) Is Nigh!

Happy Friday, everyone! Here's our latest news:

Cover reveals:
Cole Gibsen's SENSHI (KATANA book 2)

New releases:

Film rights:
Gretchen McNeil's POSSESS

Six copies of BUTTER by Erin Jade Lange are up for grabs in this Goodreads giveaway

Foreign rights:
Lissa Price's STARTERS - Japan

E.M. Kokie's PERSONAL EFFECTS received a positive review from Kirkus

Other awesomeness:
Download free samples of Penguin's Fall Breathless Reads, like BLACK CITY by Elizabeth Richards and VENOM by Fiona Paul
Lissa Price's STARTERS is a teen bestseller in the Philippines

Friday, July 27, 2012

The End (of the week) Is Nigh!

Helloooo and happy Friday! Here's our latest news:

Cover reveals:
Heather Anastasiu's second book in the GLITCH series, OVERRIDE

New releases:

New sites:
A.G. Howard's website

New deals:
Leanna Renee Hieber's Gaslamp Fantasy saga, ETERNA, to Tor Books

Foreign rights:
Emily Hainsworth's THROUGH TO YOU - The U.K.
Lynne Kelly's CHAINED - France

Nikki Loftin's THE SINISTER SWEETNESS OF SPLENDID ACADEMY received positive reviews from Publishers Weekly and Kirkus

Other awesomeness:
Emily Hainsworth's THROUGH TO YOU made the Autumn Kids' Indie Next list

Friday, July 20, 2012

The End (of the week) Is Nigh!

Happy Friday, everyone! Take a gander at our latest news and contests:

New releases:
THE MONSTER WHO LOST HIS MEAN by Tiffany Strelitz Haber

Book trailer:
THE MONSTER WHO LOST HIS MEAN by Tiffany Strelitz Haber
DEFIANCE by C.J. Redwine

Enter to win tons of Apocalypsies swag in Lenore Appelhans' Apocalypsies Starter Pack Mega Summer Giveaway
Win a signed copy of Elisa Ludwig's PRETTY CROOKED, a signed ARC arrival the sequel PRETTY SLY, or a secret package from Willa in the Hello, Pretty Sly giveaway

Other awesomeness:
Hilary Graham and REUNITED made an appearance in The Huffington Post, Publishers Weekly, and will be on New Hampshire Public Radio today

Friday, June 22, 2012

The End (of the week) Is Nigh!

Hello and happy Friday! Here's the latest news our members are celebrating:

Going to ALA? Check out where some of the Apocalysies will be!
If you're in the Seattle area, catch the Words of Wonder book tour featuring Anne Nesbet, Jenny Lundquist, J. Anderson Coats, and Marissa Burt

New releases:
MY LIFE NEXT DOOR by Huntley Fitzpatrick

New sites:
Jay Kristoff's website
Tiffany Strelitz Haber's new Meter Maids blog

Foreign sales:
BORN WICKED by Jessica Spotswood - Turkey and Indonesia
CROAK by Gina Damico - Poland
HEMLOCK by Kathleen Peacock - France

Audio rights:
Gina Damico's CROAK trilogy sold to Audible

Cory Jackson's IF I LIE received a positive review from Kirkus

Other awesomeness:
Congratulations to all our members nominated for YALSA's Best Fiction for Young Adults

Friday, June 15, 2012

The End (of the week) Is Nigh!

Happy Friday! Here's our latest good news roundup!

New releases:
LIES BENEATH by Anne Greenwood Brown
REUNITED by Hilary Graham
MY LIFE NEXT DOOR by Huntley Fitzpatrick
TOKYO HEIST by Diana Renn

Cover reveals:

New deals:
Susanne Winnacker's IMPOSTOR, the story of a girl who uses her shape-shifting ability to assume the identity of a teenage murder victim and solve the mystery of a small-town serial killer, pitched as X-Men meets The Zodiac Killer, in a two-book deal to Razorbill

Foreign sales:
Elizabeth Richards' BLACK CITY CHRONICLES - Complex Chinese
Talia Vance's SILVER - Complex Chinese
Lauren Morrill's MEANT TO BE - Germany

Visit Diana Renn's TOKYO HEIST Art Gallery and enter the last giveaway

Joanne Levy's SMALL MEDIUM AT LARGE received a positive review from Kirkus

Other awesomeness:
Leigh Bardugo's SHADOW AND BONE debuted at #8 on the New York Times Bestseller List

Book trailers:
Diana Renn's TOKYO HEIST on YA Books Central
Robin Mellom's THE CLASSROOM: