We will be getting together with my Sister and Cousin once a week on Fridays for Nature/Science study. A little extra to give the kids a chance to get out and hang with there cousins and friends. :)
The kids are supposed to bring a Nature Journal so they can draw or journal whatever we happen to be studying that day. Our budget is super de duper tight right now so I decided we would just use paper on clipboards. So we did that last week, I even tied there pencils to the board with a string so they would not lose it.
Sadly they ended up being a tad too bulky and Mommy ended up carrying two of the boards by the end of the walk, plus the papers came out a bit to easy for rough little boys.
So week 2 and I decided to make some kind of homemade journal. So here is what I made.
The materials I used:
Cardboard pieces,
A drill to make the holes. :)
Paper and a paper cutter
Hole Punch
Glue Stick
Sugar and Cream cotton yarn (embroidery floss was too tight after it was tied and ripped the pages)
Duct Tape
This was all items I already owned and I think they turned out really cute. Lets hope they hold up to some rough kidlets for some nature and science exploration.
Showing posts with label Field Trip Friday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Field Trip Friday. Show all posts
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Friday, September 14, 2012
I can feel the taste of Autumn in the air and in myself. I Love this season.
So full of color and renewing. Everything sheds last years newness and settles into just being what God made it to be somehow.
I feel myself taking things slower taking care of those little things that since January I have been putting off. I finally notice the unfinished mending, the cluttered laundry room floor and not only do I notice but take a few minutes to actually do something about it.
The house is still a turmoil, my mind still tells me it is far too imperfect to reflect God to others, myself still feels that bit of shame when someone stops by, but there is more Hope within me that I am who God made me to be and He Loves me.
Why a new season is needed to remind me of that I will never know, but I am happy it always comes and renews me because I weary far too easily.
Today I rejoice
Today I rejoice
Nature Friday with some cousins.
The first day of school
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Safari Adventure
Safari Picture Overload coming up!
We had such a great day yesterday with Sheila and a bunch of cousins. It really was a blast even in the lovely Oregon rain and I am so glad we got this opportunity while Shae and the kids were in town. It will long be talked of by my kids and I am sure the others as well. :)
Feeding the Giraffe
The kids were just amazed by the Giraffe, his neck, his tongue. Just cool!
My little man and I!
Driving out to feed the Giraffe
Another giraffe, that we did not feed.
They were pretty sure this guy is a robot because he didn't move. :)
Riding on the train, Haven insisted on a picture because his feet now touch the ground. hehehe
Our personal train ride. :)
These little guys stole our childrens' hearts.
Being gentle
The Elephant Car Wash, pretty amazing to hear the kids laughing in wonder and excitement.
This girl really knew how to put on a good show for the kids.
The best I could get when it comes to a group pic. They were way too excited.
Throwing apples to the 3 bears.
These guys are amazingly cute. Glad they were behind a fence though. :)
In the van ready to start the day
We had such a great day yesterday with Sheila and a bunch of cousins. It really was a blast even in the lovely Oregon rain and I am so glad we got this opportunity while Shae and the kids were in town. It will long be talked of by my kids and I am sure the others as well. :)
Feeding the Giraffe
The kids were just amazed by the Giraffe, his neck, his tongue. Just cool!
My little man and I!
Driving out to feed the Giraffe
Another giraffe, that we did not feed.
They were pretty sure this guy is a robot because he didn't move. :)
Riding on the train, Haven insisted on a picture because his feet now touch the ground. hehehe
Our personal train ride. :)
These little guys stole our childrens' hearts.
Being gentle
The Elephant Car Wash, pretty amazing to hear the kids laughing in wonder and excitement.
This girl really knew how to put on a good show for the kids.
The best I could get when it comes to a group pic. They were way too excited.
Throwing apples to the 3 bears.
These guys are amazingly cute. Glad they were behind a fence though. :)
In the van ready to start the day
Friday, October 8, 2010
Weekly Wrap Up Week 5
So we made it 5 weeks. 5 weeks of almost staying on schedule, almost remembering to hold my temper in check, almost being the mother I wish to be. Some days were better than others of course and some weeks were better than others. :)
Anxiety has been attempting to get the better of me this week. We fell a bit behind from some unexpected scheduling and bad planning on my part. So instead of smiling and doing my best to calmly get us back on track I kind of had a melt down. You know yelling, stressing, internet surfing, writing lists I will never accomplish.
My poor children, whom I adore and love have been the brunt of this followed closely by my husband as usual.
Thinking about the wrap up I was imaging our lack of activity this week in desperation and of course once again when I checked the camera for pictures I was surprised by what we did accomplish. God is so good.
We made this Fall Mobile. We borrowed the idea from http://www.vanessachristenson.com/2010/09/how-to-wax-paper-and-crayon-fall-leaves.html and http://1plus1plus1equals1.blogspot.com/search/label/Something%20Special combined. :)
Here the kids are grating the crayons. :) with the help of the Stanley and his Sister we are currently hosting.
Took The Brother and Sister to the duck pond for a visit.
We got to see a retired Nascar last Sat at Daddy's work. :) Just like Lightning
The big kids finished there Jamestown dioramas with a little help from Mommy. :) We got these from http://homeschoolinthewoods.com/HTTA/promo/Jamestown-Replica.htm
Then we took Stanley to Grandmas to visit an Oregon Garden. The kids went out and took pics and I must say they did I fine job.
So next week I will focus on the little moments and remember the great Gift I have been given by God, my beautiful family.
Join Weekly Wrap up www.weirdunsocializedhomeschoolers.com
Anxiety has been attempting to get the better of me this week. We fell a bit behind from some unexpected scheduling and bad planning on my part. So instead of smiling and doing my best to calmly get us back on track I kind of had a melt down. You know yelling, stressing, internet surfing, writing lists I will never accomplish.
My poor children, whom I adore and love have been the brunt of this followed closely by my husband as usual.
Thinking about the wrap up I was imaging our lack of activity this week in desperation and of course once again when I checked the camera for pictures I was surprised by what we did accomplish. God is so good.
We made this Fall Mobile. We borrowed the idea from http://www.vanessachristenson.com/2010/09/how-to-wax-paper-and-crayon-fall-leaves.html and http://1plus1plus1equals1.blogspot.com/search/label/Something%20Special combined. :)
Here the kids are grating the crayons. :) with the help of the Stanley and his Sister we are currently hosting.
Took The Brother and Sister to the duck pond for a visit.
We got to see a retired Nascar last Sat at Daddy's work. :) Just like Lightning
The big kids finished there Jamestown dioramas with a little help from Mommy. :) We got these from http://homeschoolinthewoods.com/HTTA/promo/Jamestown-Replica.htm
Then we took Stanley to Grandmas to visit an Oregon Garden. The kids went out and took pics and I must say they did I fine job.
So next week I will focus on the little moments and remember the great Gift I have been given by God, my beautiful family.
Join Weekly Wrap up www.weirdunsocializedhomeschoolers.com
Friday, October 1, 2010
Weekly Wrap Up Week 4
We are studying Marsupials in our Science right now, we took some time to Draw the Kangaroo from the Draw Right Now books. I love drawing with the kids it is a nice break we need to do it more often
Justin was home Wednesday we didn't get as much school done as we should have of course. Actually we haven't done super well all week so today we are playing some catch up
Justin when I caught him "Organizing" the Lego men as he calls it. :) I call it playing but whatever
We will be doing a Flat Stanley exchange this year. Here the kids are posing with our Flat Stanley we will mail him out to the first person next week, after that we will be looking for some new homes for him to visit. Let us know if any of you are interested in hosting him at all
We went on a family hike to Susan Creek Falls last Sunday, It was wonderful Sunny but not too hot
Here is Haven with his "X" he was positive it was not a 2
Searching for Pirate Treasure
At the Lowes Build and Grow clinic last Saturday with Timmy and Evangeline
Timmy building his puppet stage. He does not need my help thank you very much
Evangeline building
It happened to be Fire Safety day so here is Evangeline in the Ambulance with her neck brace on
Now she is strapped in for a ride. Timmy would sit on the side but that was all
Friday, September 24, 2010
Friday Fun
We had a few extra kidlets over today. We chilled for awhile at home before taking a trek over to the Safari.
The 2 big kids building some card houses
At the Safari
Snackin on the bunnies
Making some new friends
Watching a couple of show offs. :)
Biggest goldfish ever. Just ask Caleb
The 2 big kids building some card houses
At the Safari
Snackin on the bunnies
Making some new friends
Watching a couple of show offs. :)
Biggest goldfish ever. Just ask Caleb
Friday, June 25, 2010
Weekly Wrap Up 6/25/10
So my last wrap up was several weeks ago thus this one will have a bit from the last 2 weeks in it.
Practice CAT before the big day. She got out a lot of anxiety and when the big day arrived did great. (We should have results in a couple weeks) Oh and when I told her took pick out a book to read during breaks at the testing she picked her Bible. :)
Last Spring trip to the Safari in which the big kids were very sweet to there youngers. :) Also beautiful weather.
My first time as the official driver going through the Safari drive through. Timmy had to snap a pic.
Kids decided this lazy guy reminded them of our Dog OSO. :) Luckily the Bears, Lions, Cheetahs and Tigers were much more active.
I cut the lawn with a riding lawnmower for the first time in my life and actually found it relaxing other than the sore legs the day after. hehehe I will be mowing most of the time from now on as my husband practically dies from allergies.
Nature walk at the duck pond. My whole Beautiful family minus me. :)
Still walking
The 3 oldest spend this last week at a local VBS and had such a blast. Haven and I chilled at my sisters house most of the mornings they were there and you can check her blog to see a bit of what we were working on.
Check out
For more Wrap Ups or to join in. :)