Showing posts with label laws. Show all posts
Showing posts with label laws. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I blame Gordon Brown, Charles Clarke, the DUP, Ann Widdecombe, UKIP and the vast ranks of utterly stupid Labour MPs

I am against 42 days detention without trial; not least because it won't actually work but for 2 other reasons - firstly the loss of our historical rights in this country to have a fair trial without being detained by the force of law, and secondly I believe that works fills the time given to complete it - so if you give the police 42 days they will take it; I just don't believe they need this time because they could do the same work (technical or not, Mr Brown) in 28 days, which for the record I believe is still too long.

So the utterly pathetic sight of a Labour government (a LABOUR government) relying on the votes of Northern Ireland MPs who, quite frankly, sold out to Brown in order to introduce a piece of legislation that will both be authortarian and ineffective is sickening in the extreme.

I am disgusted; as you can tell; and I hold every single one of the Labour MPs and the sole Tory and UKIP MPs that voted for this law to be personally responsible for the erosion of our liberties.

Thank God for the House of Lords, and I cannot wait for the day when Clarke loses his seat and a new Conservative MP for Norwich South can vote to repeal this nasty piece of legislation.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Tories try to encourage defections ... tell us something we don't know!

There shouldn't be anybody who is in the least bit surprised that Team Cameron are actively trying to get moderate figures in other parties to defect, in fact I'd be annoyed if some people somewhere weren't spending every minute of every day planning some high profile swtiches. Admittedly Peter Mandelson is slighly beyond the pale for me, but everyone else seems like they could legitamtely live in Cameorn's big tent.

However, two problems with making this explicit have become apparent. Firstly is how to cope when people like David Laws and Norman Lamb (pictured) say they won't defect due to not being Tories. And secondly how we ask the people of their constituencies to vote Conservatives after heaping praise on them so much! Cameron has basically said these men are so good that we want them in our Shadow Cabinet ... but please now vote for this other chap! Another example of good local activists being shot in the foot by the generals pistol.

Let's focus on winning over defectors ... but let's do it in private please!