Wednesday, May 26, 2010


I just love that Annika will let me take her picture now, and that he sun came out today. I still can't get used to how often it is overcast here. Like yesterday it was overcast all day, so I when I looked out the window it looked cold to me, but it was very hot and humid. She is holding her favorite, not-so-little pet, Lolly.

Alice has started sucking on her two fingers like this. Nikolay really doesn't like it so we put a big mitten on her hand, but it is proving hard to break the habit. I had to snap a picture, because like a few people have told me, it is cute.
When Dallin saw that I had the camera out he said with this huge smile,"Cheesey!" So fitting. He has taken to adding -ey to the end of words for emphasis. His career path has also changed, instead of wanting to be a bird, he wants to be a doctor and a Papa. Notice his shirt is on backwards.
Ariel did her third grade country report on Ukraine. I adjusted the skirt that I had bought for myself while in Ukraine, to fit her waist, although it is very long on her.
Ariel finally got her long wished for "side-bangs." She looks so much more grown up to me with them. I am so glad that her hair isn't in her face anymore.
I finally got a bath shot of Alice. It takes a lot of planning. Usually I would only think of it after she was already in the water so I couldn't run and get the camera. Like the strategically placed wash-cloth?


Emily Kate said...

Can't wait to see you and meet Alice next week. Wish we were going to be seeing the other kiddos too. We miss them!

Unknown said...

Your kids are just so beautiful!

Andi Kate, Children's Author said...

Fun to get an update on everyone! Love the backwards shirt--Taj is always doing that--oh well! And as for the finger sucking, I LOVED when my kids did that! Self-soothing--so great! (and cute to boot!) Just tell the spouse that it= less crying, so worth it!

Heidi said...

Ariel looks so much like you! Your kids are all adorable. These pics remind me of my kids growing up, the backwards shirt and the strategically placed washcloth and all!

Heidi said...

Hey, Heather, not sure what I did with your email address but, yes, I did grow those roses. I think I love taking pics of my roses as much as taking pics of my kids. There's gotta be some kind of redeeming value in that somewhere, right? : )

Kazzy said...

Ariel really looks like you! Are your kids getting darker hair???