Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas Celebration pictures

Acting out the nativity story as Papa read it from the Bible. Ariel is Joseph, Adriana: Mary, Annika: Angel Gabriel, and Dallin Baby Jesus.

Dallin woke up while Santa was busy laying out all the presents so she , oh I mean he, let him play with his train set a little early. (Thanks for making his Christmas Maegan).Gwyneth gave Ariel this really great mosaic kit which was a big hit with all the girls and occupied them most of the day. Grandma Svetlana helped Annika do hers.

For Christmas dinner we went to our new friends' the Hendershots. They have 3 boys and one girl, just the opposite as us. If our two families were sent out to live in the wilderness together, everyone would have someone to marry. We had a fun time with them.

I finally bought some powdered sugar on the 27th so we got to make the gingerbread house.The finished house, after which we napped, then woke up and started eating it. After tasting how scrumptious home gingerbread is, I don't think I'll ever buy a gingerbread house kit again.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

'Twas the night before Christmas

I just read the kids 'Twas the Night Before Christmas and put them to bed and I need to unwind after a very busy day. Nikolay just left for the Newark airport which is an hour away to pick up his mom. Her flight was delayed 3 different times, I hope they make it back here safely and soon. Before he left we did our normal traditions of acting out the nativity scene and reading it from the Bible, singing Christmas carols and opening one present. I made gingerbread for the first time--it is way more aromatic homemade, but I didn't have enough powdered sugar for the frosting/binding agent, so I guess we'll have to assemble it the day after Christmas. When Nikolay went to the store last minute to get stuff for my stocking, I asked him to pick some up, but they were sold out. He bought some Splenda, hoping it would work. At least we'll have that on hand for his diabetic mom this week. I have a long night ahead of me: stuffing stockings, last minute wrapping, cleaning up the kitchen after my 4 hour bake-a-thon. I was trying to be Christmasy by baking. I made some gingerbread cookies, which we decorated, some cranberry/orange bread which didn't work out so well in the loaf pan, but was great as muffins, and some sugar cookies with crushed candy canes in them. I just remembered right now that I was planning on making those yummy pumpkin with chocolate chip cookies. Oh, well, maybe for New Years. I am kinda sapped of energy right now and can't figure out if a nap would help or hurt in the long run.
We had a great time at Peter's wedding in Dallas and I have a ton of pictures to post about it, when I get some energy back.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Quilt I made for Peter and Raeah

Here are some pictures of the "big project" that I have been working on lately.

You may remember way back on August 8
when I bought the fabric. I didn't want to ruin the surprise by posting about it, but now that it is done I would have to say that it is my best quilt ever, my masterpiece. Erin has a picture of me and Jacob holding it up.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

The truth about Santa

I didn't take this picture, but it was the best one I could find from searching google images. This morning I heard a siren coming down our street and looked out the window expecting some signs of peril. To my surprise, I saw Santa riding on top of a fire engine waving to everyone. I called out to the kids to open the front door so they could see Santa. For the rest of the day Adriana was counting the times in her life that she has seen Santa Claus. We just saw him last night at our ward Christmas party too. Ariel looked shocked and said to me, "Mom, that is not the real Santa, " Incredulously, the tone of her voice was more like, "Can you believe the lies and deception they are perpetuating here?" It reminded me of when we were in the Museum of Fine Art in Boston the day after Thanksgiving and she came up to me equally as shocked saying, "Mom, they have pictures of disgusting body parts here!" I explained to her that the human body is a beautiful thing and so many artists like to paint it or sculpt it. It was a lot for her to take in. Anyway, later today she asked me if Jack (our Christmas mouse) was real. She said it like, "Jack isn't real because Santa wasn't real." But it was more of a question that needed a confirmation. She was so serious I almost cracked up. Before I confirmed anything, I had to find out if she was talking about the Santa at the party last night or Santa Claus in general, because last year we had a very logical discussion about all of Santa's helpers who dress up like him around Christmas time to go to all of the Christmas parties and events, but I guess she forgot about that, because if Brother Espinoza was dressing up like Santa last night and some random fireman was dressing up like him today, he can't be R-E-A-L (she spelled it out). After she figured it all out for herself I had to make her promise not to tell Adriana and Annika and ruin it for them, before I confirmed it, . . . then came the barrage of questions. One of my favorites was, "Do you and Papa really climb down the chimney?" and "If it wasn't really Santa who brought my presents last year, where did you get them from?"
"The toy store."
It is a little sad, but Emily warned me that 2nd grade is when they start to figure it out.

Well I better get back to my time consuming project that I have to finish before we head out to Texas. I can't really say much about it except that I'll post lots of pictures of it after a certain wedding, I just want it to be a surprise, not that these to lovebirds have time to be reading my blog, but just in case.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Whether to weather the weather

I didn't used to ever listen to the weather forecast to plan my day, but something about living in a new place where I don't know what to expect season to season, has me checking the weather on my igoogle page frequently. Part of it is due to my fear of the winter. I am afraid that it is going to get so cold that I can't go outside and then I will get fat. So like on November 7 when I was so excited that the temperatures were going to be in the 70's that I just had to go to the park with my kids, this morning when I found out it was 59 I just had to walk Ariel to school instead of driving her. It was drizzling a little, but it was so balmy that it didn't bother me at first, although by the time we got to her school it was starting to really come down and by the time we got back home we were drenched. I still don't regret taking all my kids out in the rain because it felt warn and refreshing and when I got on the scale, I was 2 pounds lighter than I was yesterday (with wet hair mind you). That makes 13 pounds lighter than I was when we moved here and the lightest I have been since Dallin was born. Hooray! Yay for warm winter weather and whittling away my waistline. (Hows that for alliteration?)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Outings in Boston

A snack before we hit the road to go to the Museum of Fine Art. Rebekah was a great tour guide/art educator as she led the girls on a scavenger hunt throughout the museum.
Elise in ringlets. I enjoyed doing my neices' hair while we were there.
Camille got a kick out of sitting next to Dallin because he kept grabbing her finger.

Nikolay and Dallin in front of Boston Commons
Emily and Jacob didn't know I was taking this but they always look great together. I tried to get the Boston Commons sign in it, but it got chopped off.
We walked along the Freedom Trail and these were embedded in the sidewalk all along the red brick path.
This sign is outside the graveyard where Paul Revere was buried along with John Hancock and other famous Bostonians. Click to enlarge.
Mother Goose's headstone

Paul Revere's
I think this is the only shot that Rebekah and I were both in.
Rebekah has got to be the mother with the strongest back, she has carried her infants all over the world. Literally.
This mosaic is embedded in the sidewalk in front of the first public school. I really liked the folk art pictures. It has the whole alphabet with pictures for each letter around the border.
Gwyneth on the Democrats' donkey.
Then everyone else had to try it.

All of the cousins waiting for the dads to move the cars.

Our whole family in front of the Battle of Bunker Hill Monument and a statue of General Prescott

The last night of the 4 night long slumber party.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving Weekend

We had such a wonderful time with the Miners and Emily and Jacob over the weekend. I have so many pictures that I want to post, I think it'll take me two days at least.

Crossing the Tappan Zee Bridge on the way to Massachusetts was a breeze compared to the traffic on the way home Sunday evening.
Dallin was fascinated with baby cousin Celeste. He kept saying "Bebe!" with his eyebrows raised for emphasis.
He got a kick out of cousin Camille pushing him around in a booster seat.

Jacob, smiling for the camera in the kitchen.
Ariel at the playground. We went to the elementary school down the street so the men could play football. I was really impressed with how the playground was built around some giant trees, it made you feel like you were in a forest.
Aunt Emily helping Annika up the really tall and steep slide. She was determined to climb all the way up a few times. Check Emily's blog for a shot of her climbing from the front.
Nikolay learning how to play American Football for the first time. This was an historic moment.

The guys playing football. It was Jeff, a neigbor and his son, Nikolay, Jacob, and another neighbor. They even let me play for a few minutes. It was great.
I don't know if you can see it in this picture, but there is a genuine smile on Nikolay's face, and if you know anything about him, you know that is something very hard to capture in a photograph. I guess he likes football. Later he joked that maybe he will start watching it too. I have always been grateful for not having a husband who has to sit and watch "the game" for hours and hours.
We couldn't get Gwyneth to play football, we had a lot of fun playing other games with the little kids.
I don't know what we would have done without Emily, she was the leader and protector of this little band of girls.

The Miner's yard is so beautiful in the fall with the contrast of the dark tree trunks against the background of the golden swamp grasses. Rebekah says that each season has its own splendor, and I believe her. I got Emily to take a couple shots of me and my little buddy, I feel like he is going to get too big too fast.
I just had to take a picture of this beautiful table. My sister has a knack for simple elegance when it comes to home decor. It inspired me to make more of an effort in our home, or at least plan for our future home, when we get settled.

The kids' table. Dallin wasn't in this shot, but the whole weekend he sat and ate with the big girls without parental supervision just fine.
Emily and Celeste.
Another shot of pretty Gwyneth right before the feast began. We had such a great time the whole weekend, and felt really at home. It was so good to catch up with each other and make new memories. All of the cousins had so much fun playing with each other, was hard to say good-bye at the end. I overheard a conversation between Camille (5) and Annika (3)
"I have something really sad to tell you."
"You are leaving tomorrow."
"Your whole family."
"You are going to come with us!" Determinedly.

And Adriana told me a secret that her best friend is Camille.

I'll post more tomorrow about our outings to the Museum of Fine Art and our frigid walk along the Freedom Trail of Boston.