Everyone who has read many of my posts know that
I depend on my art to keep myself going..
physically, mentally, emotionally and financially.
With this in mind...and the fact that 2011 wasn't exactly
a 'banner' year for me...
I've decided to make several significant changes in 2012.
First...I will be doing a lot more 'wall decor' paintings
than character paintings.
I understand that more folks are into original pieces they can
put on their walls as decorative pieces...than pieces that have
sweet little characters in them.
So....these pieces will become fewer and farther between.
Second....I'm retiring some of my all time favorite pieces.
Anything that is over a year old...is being retired
from my Etsy Shop.
I'll retire my prints in stages...as I usually do...
and probably won't start until after the first of the year.
I'm still considering whether or not to continue to carry wearable art
in my shop...
perhaps I'll just make it a seasonal thing...
or do away with it all together.
I still haven't completely made my mind up about that.
I will be doing a brand new blog.
I won't do away with this one...I've had it far too long
and it feels like a comfortable pair of shoes...
but I'm working on better marketing, branding and the such...
and in so doing...I'll need to put together something
that speaks to those efforts.
I'll keep everyone up to date on the changes
as they 'unfold'.