Showing posts with label comments. Show all posts
Showing posts with label comments. Show all posts

Friday, February 10, 2012

Commenting on My Favorite Blogs

I have noticed something 'different' lately
about many of my favorite blogs.

I can't figure out how to leave a comment.

I see other folks commenting...but I haven't been able to figure out
how they are doing it.
Perhaps it is something with the template...
maybe I'm still using an older version...
I'm not completely sure what it is.

So...if I haven't commented in a while...
it doesn't mean I'm not visiting and reading...
it means something has changed
and I can't figure out where to
leave a comment.

I actually used a 'reply' on one blog...
but that felt too much like
'piggy backing' on someone else's comment..
so I decided that I would just write a post
and let everyone know that
I'm still visiting...
as often as I can anyway...
and if I'm able to comment
I always do...

I'm not sure what the 
'updated Blogger interface' is all about...
I have been afraid to click it...
maybe that's what's going on????