Showing posts with label racism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label racism. Show all posts

Monday, June 20, 2011

Voting laws: How helpless and hapless do liberals think minorities are?

I have been hearing a steady liberal whine lately about how Republicans are bringing back Jim Crow by making changes to voting laws. Debbie Wasserman Schultz was the first Democrat to make this whine. Since she is the DNC chair, I think it is safe to assume that her initial whine can be considered marching orders for the rest of the party.

Today EJ Dionne, dutiful leftist media hack, picks up that whine in his Washington Post column.
An attack on the right to vote is underway across the country through laws designed to make it more difficult to cast a ballot. If this were happening in an emerging democracy, we’d condemn it as election-rigging. But it’s happening here, so there’s barely a whimper.
The laws are being passed in the name of preventing “voter fraud.” But study after studyhas shown that fraud by voters is not a major problem — and is less of a problem than how hard many states make it for people to vote in the first place. Some of the new laws, notably those limiting the number of days for early voting, have little plausible connection to battling fraud.
These statutes are not neutral. Their greatest impact will be to reduce turnout among African Americans, Latinos and the young. It is no accident that these groups were key to Barack Obama’s victory in 2008 — or that the laws in question are being enacted in states where Republicans control state governments. [...]
In part because of a surge of voters who had not cast ballots before, the United States elected its first African American president in 2008. Are we now going to witness a subtle return of Jim Crow voting laws?
So what are these laws that EJ Dionne find so Jim Crow like? Let's take a look:
The laws in question include requiring voter identification cards at the polls, limiting the time of early voting, ending same-day registration and making it difficult for groups to register new voters.
Let's examine each of these "problematic" laws.

First, the requirement of valid ID to vote, has to be one of the oldest canards ever. Asking anyone, black, white, purple, green or yellow for valid ID at the voting booth is just plain common sense. How is it that something as precious as your vote should not require valid ID, but something as meaningless as a video store membership does? What truly gets me about this phony ID argument is that the same Democrats who see racism in asking for valid ID to vote, do not see racism in asking for valid ID for the very social programs they peddle to minorities.

When it comes to limiting early voting, I am still scratching my head trying to figure out how this is Jim Crow like. Quite frankly, I don't know why anyone would want to vote weeks or a month in advance of an election day.  Remember back in 2000 when it was discovered the night before the election day that Bush had a past DUI? Well, if you voted early and you found that information troubling, there is nothing you could have done to have changed your vote. Early voting really just helps politicians bank votes before election day. The more votes they can bank before election day, the less they have to worry about screwing up in the final stretch.

Again I still cannot see how limiting the number of days of early voting is racist. Unless of course you believe that minorities are too lazy to make it to the polls on election day, now that is racist.

Same day voter registration is clearly designed for voter fraud. There are years between elections, so why does someone need to wait all the way until election day to register to vote? How is it even possible for election boards to verify a voter on the same day they are allowed to vote? Couple same day registration with weak ID, like student IDs and you are off to Voter Fraud City. Again how is eliminating same day voting racist, unless you believe minorities are incapable of getting the act together in a timely fashion.

Finally regarding groups registering people to vote. We have seen all the fun and games that goes on with ACORN's voter drives. Again, what is so difficult that any individual (minority or otherwise) cannot just register to vote on their own?

Voting, like all our rights, come with responsibilities. You are responsible for getting your act together to vote. That means studying candidates records, learning the issues, registering in a timely fashion and yes, safeguarding your vote against fraud. The idea that minorities need special gimmicks, special rules or extra time to accomplish these responsibilities both insulting and racist.

Via: Memeorandum
Via: Politico
Via: The Washington Post

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Most Offensive Political Ad - EVER!

Language Warning!

Slate: Democrats sort of bungled a low-turnout jungle primary for Jane Harman's open seat. They expected it to produce an all-Democrat race between Janice Hahn and Debra Bowen, but Bowen fell short, and Republican Craig Huey got the other runoff spot.
That got rogue conservative filmmaker Ladd Ehlinger, Jr. interested in the race again. He made a 2010 ad against Harman, in which the congresswoman had a crush on the president of Iran; he's most famous for his ad on behalf of Dale Peterson. In California he's done this.
Now that your jaw is up off the floor, let me walk you thought this nightmare. In California's 36th District there is a runoff between Democrat Janice Hahn and Republican Craig Huey. As an L.A. City Councilwoman Janice Hahn supported a moonbat crazy program where "[c]ity anti-gang money is going to convicted criminal gang-bangers who are hired as “gang intervention” specialists–while continuing their criminal activity." Slam dunk for Huey, right? Not so fast, enter Ladd Ehlinger, Jr filmmaker.

Ehlinger, who made an awesome political ad for Dale Peterson, came up with this hot mess for conservative PAC called Turn Right USA. The video is suppose to bring attention to Hahn's crazy program, but instead it will no doubt be used to destroy Republican Craig Huey WHO HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THE AD!

Ehlinger tries to explain his actions:
The Daily Caller: Before you charge racism at the ad, consider her one line in the video: “It takes a different kind of person to speak the language.” By that she means, it takes black people to talk to black people. It takes gang members to talk to gang members. They have their own language, we should coddle them. They’re not responsible for their actions if they murder someone, rape someone. They’re a minority.
Dude, please STFU! This ad is just straight up sexist and racist and there is just no justifying it. Worse yet, it will create all kinds of damage:
  • This will kill Craig Huey's chances.
  • Janice Hahn's crazy and dangerous program will get swept under the rug.
  • The meme that all Republicans are racists and sexist will be fed a Thanksgiving dinner.
  • Democrats may even use this sick video to take Wiener off the headlines.
  • For black conservatives like myself, this video makes things 1,000 x harder, thanks for nothing.
As for the Turn Right USA PAC that paid for this video, you really should change your name to Turn Left USA because you sure as hell ain't bringing folks over to the right with this crap.

Via: Memeorandum
Via: Slate
Via: Michelle Malkin
Via: The Daily Caller

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Leftwing racism: Alternet's racist screed against Herman Cain

A few days ago I told you that 2012 was going to be brutal and that I wondered how Herman Cain would react to the wild attacks from the left that were sure to come.  

Consider this a sample of the ugly that the left is going to bring against Herman Cain.
Power Line: On Friday, AlterNet--you know, the organization that "confront[s] the failures of corporate media, as well as the vitriol and disinformation of right wing media, especially 'hate talk' media"--published a vile attack on conservative businessman Herman Cain, who was the last speaker at CPAC:
In the immortal words of Megatron in Transformers: The Movie, Herman Cain's speech at CPAC really is bad comedy. As you know, I find black garbage pail kids black conservatives fascinating not because of what they believe, but rather because of how they entertain and perform for their White Conservative masters. ...Instead, Herman Cain's shtick is a version of race minstrelsy where he performs "authentic negritude" as wish fulfillment for White Conservative fantasies. ...
We always need a monkey in the window, for he/she reminds us of our humanity while simultaneously reinforcing a sense of our own superiority. Sadly, there are always folks who are willing to play that role because it pays so well.
Although I read some lefty sites, Alertnet was unknown to me, so I checked out their mission statement.  Here is what they claim:
 AlterNet is an award-winning news magazine and online community that creates original journalism and amplifies the best of hundreds of other independent media sources. AlterNet’s aim is to inspire action and advocacy on the environment, human rights and civil liberties, social justice, media, health care issues, and more. Since its inception in 1998, has grown dramatically to keep pace with the public demand for independent news. We provide free online content to millions of readers, serving as a reliable filter, keeping our vast audience well-informed and engaged, helping them to navigate a culture of information overload and providing an alternative to the commercial media onslaught. Our aim is to stimulate, inform, and instigate.
I'd hate to think about what kind of action Alternet is advocating by publishing racist screeds. 

I have mentioned many times before that liberals get away with their racism, because black liberals simply do not hold them accountable.  Black liberals will riot in the streets over blatant racist remarks from the right, however the very same blacks find their mouths full of excuses when white liberals expose their blatant racism.

The sad truth is that just like Joe Biden, Bill Clinton and Harry Reid, Alternet will pay no price for their racism.

If Herman Cain is preparing to run, he had better get ready to bring some ugly of his own, because it will only get worse.

Via: Memeorandum
Via: Power Line

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Video: Progressive racists call for Clarence Thomas' lynching

Big Government: I recently took a two-day trip down to Palm Springs to attend an event called “Uncloaking the Kochs”hosted by Common Cause. Accompanied by my dear friend, former assembly candidate Alvaro Day, I traveled as an independent investigative journalist, and not in any official capacity on behalf of Big Government or [...]
Among Common Cause’s, well, common causes, are campaign finance reform, net neutrality, outlawing the filibuster, promoting cap and trade, and in this particular case, herding a mass of protesters outside a nearby hotel to yell at Charles and David Koch for being conservative and rich.
We were then ushered outside to the parking lot across from the hotel in which the Koch brothers were holding a meeting, whereupon we were encouraged to yell at the building, decrying not only the Kochs, but Justices Clarence Thomas and Antonin Scalia for their Citizens United ruling. Oh, and Fox News while we were at it.
We were joined by at least half a dozen busloads of public sector union members and common demonstrators from AFFCE, The Ruckus Society, 350, Greenpeace, Code Pink, and the Progressive Democrats of America, among others, without whose valuable contributions to the yelling, the rally would’ve been just a lousy bust. Video camera in hand, I purposely engaged them to get beyond their programmed talking points, only to find some rather colorful agenda items – particularly for Justice Thomas.[MORE]
Last month when the left collectively wet the bed calling for "civility", the first thing that came to my mind was to give these hypocrites the finger!  It never ceases to amaze me how the left blathers endlessly about "hate" from the right all the while saying some of the most hateful things.  Do they even hear themselves?

Now if these were Tea Partiers talking about Obama, there would be no end to the left calling for the leaders to denounce the attendees and pulling their hair out about racism.  However, since the black in question is a conservative, these "progressives" let their primal racism fly.  The only reason why these white progressives feel comfortable expressing their racism is because they know black liberals will never hold them to the same standards set for conservatives.

Via: Memeorandum
Via: Big Government

Saturday, November 13, 2010

VIDEO: Postman secretly videotapes racist customer’s rant

Gawker: Things got ugly when a black mail carrier refused to take back a letter he'd delivered to a lady in Hingham, Mass. She went on a racist rant and slapped him. He secretly taped it all on his cell phone.
The argument in the video is sparked by a certified letter that the mail carrier delivers. The woman has signed for it, but decides she doesn't want it because it's addressed to her husband, not her. But the mail guy won't take it back. Things go sour when she calls him a "Fucking n*gger thief." She quickly qualifies: "I'm not prejudiced but right now I'm getting real pissed off." Then everything she says afterward is so racist it would make George Wallace blush. Finally she slaps him. Just your normal day on the mail route. Except really, really racist.
Now here is the real kicker, supposedly the postal worker lost his job for making this video!
The video was uploaded in two parts on October 11th by youtube user hugsonamic, who purports to be the mail guy and claims he was fired over the incident:
This woman is outrageous — I am still waiting for US Postal Inspection Service to investigate this matter. it has been a year since postmaster fired me for this racist lady, and Hingham court let her go free, no trial. 
The post office confirms the postal worker was dismissed, but would not say whether or not it was because of the video. 

The racist has been identified as Erika Winchester from Massachusetts. She is a known kook in her neighborhood and is no stranger with the law.  In 2005 she crashed her Volvo around a tree during a DWI incident. 

What a stunning piece of racism and from the deep blue state of Massachusetts no less.  For the life of me, I don’t understand why the brother argued with her for so long.  After the first time she drops the N-bomb, he had more than enough evidence to cook her goose, so why stick around?

Via: Gawker
Via: Gawker
Video h/t: The Blaze

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Harry Reid goes racial again: "I don't know how anyone of Hispanic heritage could be a Republican."

Harry, Harry, Harry, you sour puss cracker! Just cannot leave that race card alone for five minutes can you? After comparing opposition to ObamaCare to those who opposed the abolition of slavery and then making that Negro dialect comment about Obama, Harry Reid has decided he knows what is best for Hispanics. 
The Weekly Standard: While campaigning in Nevada Tuesday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid told an audience of mostly Hispanic voters: "I don't know how anyone of Hispanic heritage could be a Republican, okay. Do I need to say more?" Watch the video here: 

For starters, Harry Reid might want to try speaking with some Cuban Americans.  After experiencing extreme leftist policies first hand, many of them could write volumes about why they are Republicans.

Another person Harry Reid should talk to on the subject would be Hispanic Republican Brian Sandoval. Sandoval is currently beating the pants of Harry Reid’s son Rory Reid in Nevada’s gubernatorial race.

For a real eye opener, Harry Reid should talk to my friend Samuel Gonzalez author of The Last Tradition. In an email we shared this morning on this topic, Samuel had this to say: 
Harry Reid the Noble Racist 
As a Latino and strong Conservative, I won’t say I was personally offended by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s recent comments when he told Latinos on the campaign trail, "I don't know how anyone of Hispanic heritage could be a Republican, okay. Do I need to say more?"
I’m not offended, but Hispanics in Navada and across the nation should be! 
They should  be offended because Reid is doing exactly what all Denocrats do to Latinos and Blacks come election time, crack the “mental plantation” whip that keeps Latinos in line.  
You see, according to Harry Reid’s mindset, Latinos are an inferior group that cannot achieve anything for themselves without the help of the government or the Democrat Party.  
You can call it the "racism of dependency and low expectations".  White Democrats get to practice this type of racism with impunity only because Latinos and Blacks let them get away with it.  
These types of comments by Reid and other Democrats will continue because they know it works with the target audience. 
So as a Latino who voted for Ronald Reagan, I ask my fellow Latinos and Blacks, how long will you continue to support a party that expects nothing from you except your votes to keep their party afloat?  A party that says to you through lies and deception that they are your only protectors and hide their true history of being the original enslavers of Black people.  
How long will you succumb to “group think” that perpetually ties you to one party from birth simply because of the color of your skin?  
Can you really call that freedom or is it slavery? 
I will let Harry Reid chew on that.

Via: Real Clear Politics

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Shirley Sherrod caught in the crossfire

In the great pitch battle between the NAACP and the Tea Party movement over politically motivated charges of racism, USDA Georgia Director of Rural Development Shirley Sherrod got caught in the crossfire.

After viewing the full video of Sherrrod’s remark it becomes clear that her story wasn’t one of black vs. white, but rather a shift in attitude from black vs. white to rich vs. poor. Ms. Sherrod also makes clear that this story happened before the USDA employed her. Ms. Sherrod goes on to state that she became good friends with the white farmer in the end and the white farmer’s family confirms Ms. Sherrod’s claims.

Before the full video was made available, Ms. Sherrod was asked to resign her position from the USDA. In a CNN interview, Ms. Sherrod says the request for her resignation came from the White House and that she was disappointed that the NAACP did not bother to hear her out.

Between the administration and the NAACP, the NAACP’s actions are most egregious. The NAACP’s initial reaction was to condemn Sherrod without hearing her side of the story. Once the full story got out, the NAACP claimed that they were snookered by Fox News and Andrew Breitbart.
With regard to the initial media coverage of the resignation of USDA Official Shirley Sherrod, we have come to the conclusion we were snookered by Fox News and Tea Party Activist Andrew Breitbart into believing she had harmed white farmers because of racial bias.
Having reviewed the full tape, spoken to Ms. Sherrod, and most importantly heard the testimony of the white farmers mentioned in this story, we now believe the organization that edited the documents did so with the intention of deceiving millions of Americans. 
This is complete nonsense. The NAACP was in possession of the full video before anyone else yet they did not bother to view it before condemning Sherrod.  They only people who snookered the NAACP was the NAACP themselves when they decided that covering their own ass was far more important than defending Sherrod.

Regarding the administration, their actions were completely political.  In typical Obama administration fashion their goal was to take a hot subject off the front burner any way they can. So Shirley Sherrod was tossed under the bus just like Rev. Wright, Van Jones and Yosi Sargent.  The administration’s claims that it had no input into the request for Sherrod’s resignation and that the decision came from Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack alone.  This is baloney. The Sherrod story was top news and whatever decision was made about her was going to reflect on the administration one way or another. Are we to believe that the White House did not care about the outcome?

Again, in order to remove the hot glare of attention from the Sherrod incident, the administration did a 180 just like the NAACP and is offering Sherrod her job back.

Regarding Andrew Breitbart, his goal was to launch a broadside at the NAACP. Mission accomplished, they made fools of themselves and pulled the administration along with them.  Where Breitbart can be faulted is for using the edited clips without knowing what the full story was about. In doing so, he has left himself open to criticism from the left and has caused most of the focus to go to Ms. Sherrod rather than the NAACP.

That being said, the left and Ms. Sherrod herself seem to think that all this is the fault of Breitbart and Fox News. Nope. Neither Breitbart nor Fox News fired Ms. Sherrod. It was the administration that chose to do that.

Each and every day, both the Democratic Party and the NAACP put themselves out there as great defenders and champions of the black community. Yet when a black person needed some defending, neither this Democratic administration or the NAACP defended her. Instead their first instincts were to defend themselves by throwing Sherrod under the bus. So in the end, the very people Ms, Sherrod is still putting her faith in are the very ones who betrayed her.

Via: CNN
Via: The Washington Post
Via: Media Matters

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Full Video: Shirley Sherrod’s comments to the NAACP

As we all know many things have come out about USDA Director Shirley Sherrod’s speech to the NAACP. This is the full video of her remarks. A few commenters on the previous post seem to think I was throwing Sherrod under the bus for racism. Perhaps if they actually read my post they would have seen I was only critical of Sherrod for her love of government largess and the full video doesn’t change my mind on that score. I did come down harshly on the NAACP for racism and that still stands too, because the audience is approving when Sherrod tells of how she initially discriminated against the white farmer.

I will be posting shortly about the various plot twist concerning Sherrod, the NAACP and the administration.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Journolist to the rescue! How some members of the MSM conspired to save Obama from the Rev. Wright story in 2008

I have often said if harm comes to this nation under the Obama administration that there should be two parties held accountable. First and foremost the administration should be held accountable and secondly and almost equally the MSM media.

During the 2008 election, the MSM pulled out all the stops to get Obama elected. From throwing Hillary Clinton under the bus to savaging Sarah Palin, the media did everything it could to make sure Obama had an easy glide into the White House.

The Daily Caller now has proof of just how much helping the media did to get Obama elected. The Daily Caller has published excerpts from email from the liberal listsev Journolist. What we learn is how writers from Time, Politico, the Huffington Post, the Baltimore Sun, the Guardian, Salon and the New Republic worked on plans on how to soften the blow of the Rev. Wright controversy.  They even discuss making up charges of racism against the right in order to keep Rev. Wright from damaging Obama.

The Daily Caller: In one instance, Spencer Ackerman of the Washington Independent urged his colleagues to deflect attention from Obama’s relationship with Wright by changing the subject. Pick one of Obama’s conservative critics, Ackerman wrote, “Fred Barnes, Karl Rove, who cares — and call them racists.” [...] 
Ackerman went on:
I do not endorse a Popular Front, nor do I think you need to. It’s not necessary to jump to Wright-qua-Wright’s defense. What is necessary is to raise the cost on the right of going after the left. In other words, find a rightwinger’s [sic] and smash it through a plate-glass window. Take a snapshot of the bleeding mess and send it out in a Christmas card to let the right know that it needs to live in a state of constant fear. Obviously I mean this rhetorically.
And I think this threads the needle. If the right forces us all to either defend Wright or tear him down, no matter what we choose, we lose the game they’ve put upon us. Instead, take one of them — Fred Barnes, Karl Rove, who cares — and call them racists. Ask: why do they have such a deep-seated problem with a black politician who unites the country? What lurks behind those problems? This makes *them* sputter with rage, which in turn leads to overreaction and self-destruction.
This is the exact ploy being used against Tea Party activists. I guess they decided to mothball it for later use. What is astounding is that none on the listsev objects to making up racism, they only object to whether or not the strategy will backfire on Obama.  Given the racial tensions that already exist in this nation, I find it a particularly evil to add to that tension by making stuff up for political gain. 
Read the entire Daily Caller piece, and make sure to share the link with anyone you know who is still getting all their news from the mainstream media.

BUSTED! Video of USDA Director Shirley Sherrod sharing a racist moment with the NAACP

Big Government: We are in possession of a video from in which Shirley Sherrod, USDA Georgia Director of Rural Development, speaks at the NAACP Freedom Fund dinner in Georgia. In her meandering speech to what appears to be an all-black audience, this federally appointed executive bureaucrat lays out in stark detail, that her federal duties are managed through the prism of race and class distinctions.
In the first video, Sherrod describes how she racially discriminates against a white farmer. She describes how she is torn over how much she will choose to help him. And, she admits that she doesn’t do everything she can for him, because he is white. Eventually, her basic humanity informs that this white man is poor and needs help. But she decides that he should get help from “one of his own kind”. She refers him to a white lawyer.
Sherrod’s racist tale is received by the NAACP audience with nodding approval and murmurs of recognition and agreement. Hardly the behavior of the group now holding itself up as the supreme judge of another groups’ racial tolerance. [MORE]
What was all that chatter from the NAACP last week about how the Tea Party must remove racists from their ranks?  The good Lord says; “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone”.  Well, it is time for the NAACP to put down its bag of stones and time for them to do a little house cleaning of their own.

It is rather sad to see what the NAACP has become over the years. Here is an organization that once stood boldly against racial discrimination. Today, the organization is chock full of small-minded bigots who prefer to wallow in hypocrisy rather than stand as vanguards against discrimination for all Americans.

When the NAACP decided to take on the Tea Parties, they clearly thought they would be dealing with your typical elected Republican. Instead they are finding out the hard way that conservative activists are not the same as elected Republicans. Wantonly chucking around the race card simply won’t do. The NAACP is now set to have it biases, hypocrisy and foolishness exposed for all of America to see.

Aside from the racism in the video above, Andrew Breitbart exposes another problem (perhaps America’s biggest problem) from the same event with Ms. Sherrod. Ms. Sherrod is caught out there bragging about how great it is to work for Uncle Sam. How despite hard times for the private sector, good times are rolling on the public nickel.

This is exactly what the Tea Party is fighting against. Why should government employees enjoy better job security than the people who actually pay their salary? American Spectator had an article this Saturday called America's Ruling Class -- And the Perils of Revolution. It is a long read (21 pages printed) but well worth it. In it the author Angelo Codevilla spells out where attitudes like Ms. Sherrod’s come from. Take time to read it. It will enlighten you as to what a big task we have ahead of us if we truly want government to work for the people again.

Oh, and before I forget, after her big YouTube moment, Ms. Sherrod has resigned.

Friday, July 16, 2010

NAACP: Backpedals on calling Tea Party “racist”

I guess the Race Card isn’t the trump card it used to be.  After passing it’s Anti-Tea Party resolution, the NAACP is now backpedaling and saying they never called the Tea Party racist. 
Politico: NAACP President Ben Jealous said Thursday that the resolution passed by the group on Wednesday does not call the tea party "racist."
The resolution the NAACP approved Wednesday at its annual conference in Kansas City alleges that the tea party has used racial epithets against President Barack Obama and has verbally and physically abused African-American members of Congress. 
A portion of the resolution does indeed characterize the behavior as “racist,” but Jealous said Thursday during an interview on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” that the resolution was not intended to condemn the entire movement as such. 
“We aren’t saying that the tea party is racist,” Jealous said. “What we’re saying is that with their increasing power comes an increasing responsibility to act responsibly…and to call out when they see those things on those signs.” […] 

Asked if he thought members of the tea party are racially insensitive, Jealous responded: “No, not at all.”  
Well if that is the case, why even have a resolution?  If the NAACP thinks that the Tea Party isn’t racist but are concerned about fringe element within the Tea Party, why didn’t it just offer to assist the Tea Party in identifying and removing those questionable elements?

The NAACP didn’t do that because the Tea Party is a treat to the NAACP’s true concern … the liberal agenda. Anti-big government, anti spending and anti higher taxes are things that are an anthemia to the liberal agenda.  That is why smearing the entire Tea Party movement was the goal of the NAACP.

I think the only reason why the NAACP is backpedaling now is because the pushback is causing people to focus on the NAACP’s own actions of late. What we are seeing is what has been true for too long, the NAACP has lost it way from its original ideals. The NAACP like so many of the left’s special interests groups has long abandoned championing special causes like women’s rights or gay rights and have instead set themselves up as the attack dogs of the left. Today these organizations simply exist to throw around “isms” and keep their followers in lockstep with the leftist agenda. 

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

St. Louis Tea Party Condemns NAACP as “bigoted”

If the NAACP thought that it could play the race card against the Tea Party with the same effect it has against Congressional Republicans, the NAACP is going to be in for a rude awakening.

Before the NAACP could pass their anti-Tea Party resolution (away from the public eye), the St. Louis Tea Party got the drop on the NAACP and called the once respectable organization “bigoted”.

Unlike Congressional Republicans whose main concern is reelection, the Tea Party is free to push back against racial hucksters like the NAACP. The Tea Party can call out the NAACP and be as dismissive of the NAACP’s trumped up racial charges, as they want to be.

You know what?  It is about time. The NAACP has abused its illustrious past of good deeds for the sake of becoming the racial attack dogs of white liberals. In the last 18 months the race card has been played so fast and furiously that it is beginning to lose all meaning. The NAACP’s charges of racism no longer sound like the growl of a Pitbull, instead more and more they are starting to sound like the annoying yap of a Chihuahua.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Bill Maher tells us how a black president should handle BP

First, we can add Bill Maher to the growing number of liberals who are not happy with Obama’s handling of the BP oil spill. Maher however, decide to express his unhappiness by letting fly some racial stereotyping. This is how Maher thinks a black president should handle BP. 
HBO's Bill Maher: "I thought when we elected a black president, we were going to get a black president. You know, this [BP oil spill] is where I want a real black president. I want him in a meeting with the BP CEOs, you know, where he lifts up his shirt where you can see the gun in his pants. That's -- (in black man voice) 'we've got a motherfu**ing problem here?' Shoot somebody in the foot." 
Oh, so all black men are supposed to go around with guns in their pants threatening to cap people in the ass, is that it?

Chalk this up as more of that white liberal racism that the so-called "leaders of the black community" ignore or explain away with “nuance”. If a white conservative ever utter such a thing, these so-called "leaders" would be breaking out the torches and pitchforks. But since white liberal Bill Maher said it, all we will hear from them are crickets.

Video h/t: Scared Monkeys

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

What did Jesse Jackson Jr. capture on his two cellphone cameras?

Unfortunately last Saturday I was unable to blog about the big Kill The Bill protest. I was particularly sorry I did not blog about those Congressional Black Caucus members with their stories about racial slurs and being spat upon. When  first heard about it, I kind of suspected that this was another incident of the Raaaaacism Industrial Complex at work, because things weren’t adding up.

First we have Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-Missouri) claiming a Tea Party protester spat upon him. Cleaver said he would not press charges. But how does someone press charges when Capitol Police say no one was arrested?

Then we have George Lewis (D-Georgia) claiming that Tea Party protesters were dropping the N-Bomb big time on him and several other CBC members.
The protesters also shouted obscenities at other members of the Congressional Black Caucus , lawmakers said.
“They were shouting, sort of harassing,” Lewis said. “But, it’s okay, I’ve faced this before. It reminded me of the 60s. It was a lot of downright hate and anger and people being downright mean.”
Rep. Emanuel Cleaver , D- Mo. , said he was a few yards behind Lewis and distinctly heard “nigger.”
“It was a chorus,” Cleaver said. “In a way, I feel sorry for those people who are doing this nasty stuff – they’re being whipped up. I decided I wouldn’t be angry with any of them.” 
However there are these short video clips showing the CBC members as they walked past the protesters with no racial slurs to be heard. Instead we hear "boos" and "kill the bill".

Granted these are short clips and many will try to say that the incident could have happened before or after the clip. Ok, then. Why don’t we ask Jesse Jackson Jr. what his TWO cameras phones recorded? He is using his cameras before the beginning and after the end of this video. Surely if the incident really did occur, Jesse Jackson Jr. would have caught it.

If Jesse Jackson Jr. didn’t catch anything with his two cameras, why don’t we ask this brother who was also walking with the CBC members? (Memo to Keith Olbermann, notice the Asian fellow and the sister in the photo below).
Gateway Pundit has all 11 photos on his blog. The photos show 15 different people with cameras taking pictures and videos yet no one has any proof of the racial slurs that were hurled at the CBC members, including the CBC members themselves.

Here is the deal, if racial slurs really were hurled at the CBC members, then they show us what Jackson and the other fellow recorded? However, if these CBC members are making this junk up, then they need to be condemned as evil for stirring the racial pot for political gain. The media also should be condemned for not checking to see if the story had any merit before they broadcasted it to the entire world.

So come on Jesse Jackson Jr. and unknown brother, show us what you got! We all know you had your cameras rolling, so lets see what you saw.

Video h/t: Hot Air Pundit

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Dan Rather responds to the watermelon comment

From Politico: In any event, Rather explains what he meant today on Huffington Post:
I was talking about Obama and health care and I used the analogy of selling watermelons by the side of the road. It's an expression that stretches to my boyhood roots in Southeast Texas, when country highways were lined with stands manned by sellers of all races. Now of course watermelons have become a stereotype for African Americans and so my analogy entered a charged environment. I'm sorry people took offense.
But anyone who knows me personally or knows my professional career would know that race was not on my mind. Reporting on the injustices of race was part of the reason I became a reporter. I grew up in segregated Texas on the same side of the tracks as the African American community. At the time, enlightened people called them Negros. Many people called them much worse. When I covered the Civil Rights movement, I saw sheer hatred in ways that still haunt and shock me. For doing my small part in reporting on the South in the 1960s, I was called a traitor to my roots and other names not fit for print. I was threatened with death by people who would have welcomed me to their church on Sunday on account of my white skin if they didn't know what I was there to do. I do not take this issue lightly.
Rather, who said he doesn’t really understand Twitter—where this mini-controversy gained more steam—found this to be a good time to comment on the state of the media.
“What saddens me is what this experience has made all too clear,” Rather wrote. “Much of what we call news, isn't. Much of what we Tweet, or post, or chat away at under the guise of news, are distractions.”
Rather’s comment doesn’t quite pass the smell test for me. What he was doing was trying to create an analogy that painted Republicans as racists and the statement totally backfired on him.  There is a very good reason why our parents tell us not to play with matches, Dan.

Now knowing what Dan was up to, you have to wonder what kind of things are going on inside that head of his, that he can come up with such an image of  Obama selling watermelons. Perhaps, this is a Keith Olbermann moment and Rather was simply getting in touch with his inner racist.

One thing I do agree with Rather on, much of what passes for news today simply isn’t news. That is because much of the media is so into promoting narratives that proves their worldview. If the media would get back to simply reporting the facts and letting us do the analysis and the opining ourselves, they would once again have value to the public.

See Left Coast Rebel and Althouse for more reactions.

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