Showing posts with label Donald Trump. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Donald Trump. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Sean Hannity, please stop feeding the poser!

Sean Hannity once again gave some airtime to poser extraordinaire Donald Trump.  I thought it was abundantly clear that Donald Trump was neither a real Republican or a serious presidential candidate.  Yet, here is Hannity giving this windbag airtime to bash Republicans. Even Palin's sit down with Trump had me gritting my teeth.  Why is anyone still wasting time on this guy?

Memo to The Donald: Please focus on the next season of The Apprentice and leave Republican politics alone.  No one is buying your BS anymore!

Via: Fox News
Via: Newsmax

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Trump's won't run in 2012

ABC News: After considerable deliberation and reflection, I have decided not to pursue the office of the Presidency. This decision does not come easily or without regret; especially when my potential candidacy continues to be validated by ranking at the top of the Republican contenders in polls across the country. I maintain the strong conviction that if I were to run, I would be able to win the primary and ultimately, the general election. I have spent the past several months unofficially campaigning and recognize that running for public office cannot be done half heartedly. Ultimately, however, business is my greatest passion and I am not ready to leave the private sector.
I want to personally thank the millions of Americans who have joined the various Trump grassroots movements and written me letters and e-mails encouraging me to run. My gratitude for your faith and trust in me could never be expressed properly in words. So, I make you this promise: that I will continue to voice my opinions loudly and help to shape our politician’s thoughts. My ability to bring important economic and foreign policy issues to the forefront of the national dialogue is perhaps my greatest asset and one of the most valuable services I can provide to this country. I will continue to push our President and the country’s policy makers to address the dire challenges arising from our unsustainable debt structure and increasing lack of global competitiveness. Issues, including getting tough on China and other countries that are methodically and systematically taking advantage of the United States, were seldom mentioned before I brought them to the forefront of the country’s conversation. They are now being debated vigorously. I will also continue to push for job creation, an initiative that should be this country’s top priority and something that I know a lot about. I will not shy away from expressing the opinions that so many of you share yet don’t have a medium through which to articulate.
I look forward to supporting the candidate who is the most qualified to help us tackle our country’s most important issues and am hopeful that, when this person emerges, he or she will have the courage to take on the challenges of the Office and be the agent of change that this country so desperately needs.
Thank you and God Bless America! 
Donald J. Trump

I certainly hope none of you dear readers were surprised by this news. Donald Trump was a poser who was using the Republican primary season as a vehicle to push his brand. He has done it before and I suspect he will do it again.

Trump simply isn't a serious person. On one hand he went around saying that the nation is in dire straights and he is the only guy to right the ship. Yet, he backs out of saving the nation for Obama's agenda for what, another season of Celebrity Apprentice? Give me a break.

For any Republican who was fooled by the Donald, my advice to you is to buckle down and start doing some serious homework on the potential GOP candidates. Otherwise you will be take by yet another poser *COUGH*Gingrich*COUGH*

Via: Memeorandum
Via: ABC News

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

BOOM, there it is! Obama releases long form birth certificate

Well, here is the much talked about and anxiously awaited long form birth certificate. Will this end the birther theory? Heck no. Why? Because conspiracy theories never die. The time to have killed the birther theory was two years ago when the issue started to percolate. One of the main reasons why the birther theory will live on, is because there really is no good answer to the very simple question "what took so long"? Based on that alone, birthers will look for all kinds of new evidence. Already, there is a "layer theory" forming.

I think Obama kept the birther issue going on for so long, is because it was politically advantageous to him. He, with the help of the media, was able to discredit anyone who asked questions about the birth certificate. Had the media simply been curious as to why Obama wouldn't do a simple thing like releasing the document, the nation might have been spared the whole birther thing and the rise of Donald Trump.

Speaking of Trump, I do fear that the release will put more wind in his sails. Already Trump has now started asking for college records. Some folks on the right, be they birthers or not, might get a little awestruck, because Trump stood his ground against the naysayers. As a result Trump effectively got Obama to do someone no one else could get him to do. To those folks I say; admire Trump's tenacity, but understand fully that Trump is not a conservative. Supporting Trump is at best supporting a eclectic bag of principles or at worst is supporting a complete poser. Buyer beware.

Via: Memeorandum
Via: The White House Blog
Via: The Daily Dish
Via: National Review
Via: Instapundit
Via: Real Clear Politics

Friday, April 22, 2011

Say what? Franklin Graham thinks Trump might be The One?

ABC News: The Rev. Franklin Graham, whose family has served as spiritual advisers to numerous prominent political figures, told "This Week" anchor Christiane Amanpour that businessman Donald Trump might be his candidate of choice in 2012 and that he does not think former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin will run for president.
"Donald Trump, when I first saw that he was getting in, I thought, well, this has got to be a joke," said Graham. "But the more you listen to him, the more you say to yourself, you know, maybe this guy's right."
"So, he might be your candidate of choice?" Amanpour asked.
"Sure, yes," Graham responded.
I said in my last post on Trump that the time for him to make an exit was rapidly approaching. After these comments by Graham, I would say that time is now over due.

The 2012 election is going to be one of the all time defining elections of this nation. We will decide whether or not America becomes another broke also-ran European style democratic socialist backwater or we begin the hard work of clawing our way back to being exceptional. Given such stakes we cannot afford to waste our time on non serious candidates. 

At best Trump is another 11th hour convert to conservatism, at worst the man is a complete poser using the conservative tide to ride into the White House. Either way, he is completely ill suited for the tough work ahead.

One of the most important things conservatives and Republicans can do between now and the primaries is to educate themselves on the candidates they may support. A study of Trump's politics reveal many things that should cause Republicans to at least pause if not completely recoil. Here are just a few:
These are just a few issues of concern. There are even bigger ones such as his changed views on abortion. Add on Trump's zany ideas on dealing with foreign nations, and Republicans should look the other way when Trump enters a room.

Simply liking Trump's tough talk about Obama and his fearless embrace of the birther issue, is not enough to base a decision on. There is far too much at stake in the years ahead for that. Instead, people should take the time to really learn who Trump is and what he has done in the past. That would give them an honest glimpse into what he would be like as president.

Via: Memeorandum
Via: ABC News
Via: Open Secrets
Via: Business Insider
Via: International Business Times
Via: Michelle Malkin

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Video: Donald Trump vs. George Stephanopoulos

I loved this contentious interview because both Trump and Stephanopoulus take a beating. Kudos, to Stephanopoulos for pressing hard to smoke out the lack of details behind Trumps' tough talk (e.g. dealing with OPEC and his investigators in Hawaii). Kudos to Trump for smacking Stephanopoulus around even when Stephanopoulus was getting the better of him.

Trump's 15 minutes of extra fame has been quite entertaining. He has given conservatives something we have been longing for for the last 2+ years and that is a strong and direct assault on Obama. As entertaining and to some degree stratifying as it has been, the time for Trump to exit the stage is rapidly approaching. 

I say this because so many of Trump's positions seem almost like the caricature the left paints of the right rather than any principled conservative position (e.g. taking Iraq's oil). So long as Trump stays on stage, he helps to reinforce the left's negative narrative of conservatives and Republicans. The last thing Republicans need is to have this image stick in 2012. Furthermore, I do fear some Republicans might actually think Trump would be a suitable candidate for 2012 and given the seriousness of this election, Trump simply isn't suitable for the task.

Via: ABC News
Via: IBTimes

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sarah Palin discusses Trump's birtherism

Palin: "Well, I appreciate the The Donald wants to spend his resources in getting to the bottom of something that so interest him and so many Americans. You know, more power to him. He is not just throwing stones from the sidelines, he is digging in there, paying for researchers to find out why President Obama would have spent $2 million to not show his birth certificate".
Palin is a smart cookie. She knows better than to allow herself to be painted as a birther, yet she is utilizing the opening Trump made cast suspicion on Obama's actions. Most of today's Republican candidates simply distance themselves from Trump and would never ever, think about capitalizing on the opening Trump has created.

Should Trump ever make it to the debates, Republicans would be well advised not to cross him. Time and again Trump has shown that he likes to get into nasty public disputes. His battle with Rosy O'Donnell and his recent spat with New York Times columnist Gail Collins are just some examples.

You can see all of Palin's interview with Judge Jeanine over at The Right Scoop.

Via: Memeorandum

Via: Fox News

Friday, April 8, 2011

Trump trumps? Trump #2 in WSJ/NBC poll

Wall Street Journal: Among Republican primary voters, Mr. Romney captured the support of 21% in a broad, nine-candidate field. Mr. Trump was tied for second with former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, with 17%. House Speaker Newt Gingrich got 11%, just ahead of former Republican Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin’s 10%. Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, considered a strong contender by political handicappers, remains largely unknown, with just 6% support. Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota had 5%, former Pennsylvania Sen.Rick Santorum 3%, and Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbourwith just 1%.
I find these numbers rather surprising. If I had to guess why Trump is doing so well it would have to be because the man has guts. While every potential Republican candidate has avoided the birther issue like the plague, Trump has embraced it and despite being derided by the media he pushes back harder. If there is one thing conservatives are shopping for in a 2012, it is a candidate who has some cojones.

Should Trump seriously run (I still have my doubts), his history on various issues will start to get noticed. Once that happens I don't see Trump being able to poll this high.

In other Trump news, Trump was on the Today Show with Meredith Vieira and CNN with Suzanne Malveaux. Both host grilled Trump on the whole birther thing.

Via: Memeorandum
Via: Wall Street Journal
Via: NBC
Via: The Blaze

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Donald Trump gets a weekly segment on Fox and Friends

In the few posts I have made on Donald Trump, I said I did not think he was really trying to run for the White House. Instead, I believe that Trump is once again pushing his brand. After this I am even more convinced Trump is just working his brand.
Mediaite: Need to add some spice to your Monday morning? Fox & Friends has announced just the thing for the media nerd that simply can’t get enough of the most attention-grabbing potential 2012 Republican presidential candidates yet: “Mondays with Trump,” a brand new segment where “The Donald now makes his voice loud and clear on Fox” on the news of the day. [MORE]

Fox has already let go of Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum for getting too far along in their presidential aspirations. So does Trump joining Fox and Friends, 18 months out from the election, mean he isn't even getting into the race? Why hire him if he will only last two months?

Yesterday I watched Donald Trump's interview with Bill O'Reilly. As insufferable as O'Reilly has become, he did a good job asking serious questions to Trump. What I gathered from Trump's answers is as far as details go it is thin gruel. It is like he simply mimics the popular conservative position on issues like abortion and health care. On foreign affairs, Trumps offers up some heavy duty tough talk that I cannot imagine anyone backing up. 

Watch the whole interview below and let me know if you think Trump is serious about running or just serious about self promotion.

Via: Memeorandum
Via: Mediate
Via: The O'Reilly Factor

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Trump releases his official birth certificate

Yesterday I told you that Trump may have deliberately released an unofficial copy of his birth certificate so that he could quickly turn around and release the original. The idea behind this is twofold. First, to weaken the argument that there is no difference between a certificate of live birth and a long form birth certificate. It will be harder to make that argument after everyone made a stink of what Trump released yesterday. Second, the stunt was designed to show how quick and easy it is to silence suspicions and criticism by just producing the document.
ABC News: Trump, who has been putting pressure on Obama lately to make public his long-form birth certificate from Hawaii, decided to set a good example and release his own on Monday. Only problem was, the document that Trump provided to the conservative Website Newsmax wasn't his actual birth certificate, but rather a "hospital certificate of birth."
On Tuesday, Trump, who is contemplating a presidential run in 2012, sought to correct the oversight, providing a copy of his official birth certificate issued by the New York City Department of Health to ABC News. [...]
The image came with an accompanying memo from a member of Trump's staff.

"A 'birth certificate' and a 'certificate of live birth' are in no way the same thing, even though in some cases they use some of the same words," wrote Trump staffer Thuy Colayco in a message to ABC News. "One officially confirms and records a newborn child’s identity and details of his or her birth, while the other only confirms that someone reported the birth of a child. Also, a 'certificate of live birth' is very easy to get because the standards are much lower, while a 'birth certificate' is only gotten through a long and detailed process wherein identity must be proved beyond any doubt. If you had only a certificate of live birth, you would not be able to get a proper passport from the Post Office or a driver’s license from the Department of Motor Vehicles. Therefore, there is very significant difference between a 'certificate of live birth' and a 'birth certificate' and one should never be confused with the other."
Trump's little stunt is going to give him more ammo in his birth certificate battle. A battle I am sure is designed more to promote his own brand, rather than his presidential aspirations.

Note: As someone who was born in New York City, I would like to point out that the copy of the birth certificate Trump released today is the original from way back in the day. Many agencies no longer accept the old style birth certificates because they were so easy to alter. The examples I showed yesterday, are the ones currently issued by New York City's Department of Health. You can get the new versions in about an hour for $15.

Via: Memeorandum
Via: ABC News

Monday, March 28, 2011

Is Donald Trump setting up the left on the birth certificate issue?

Donald Trump released an unofficial copy of his birth certificate to Newsmax today.
NewsMax: Donald Trump, who has been making television appearances calling for President Barack Obama to release his official birth documents, released his birth certificate exclusively to Newsmax on Monday.

As Ben Smith from Politico notes, this is not an official New York City birth certificate.

The paper that Trump released says "Jamaica Hospital" on top and lists the date and time of what he says was his birth to "Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Trump." The piece of paper has a seal at the bottom.  
But after several New York City-based readers contacted POLITICO's Maggie Haberman, her call to city officials revealed that an actual birth certificate, which is issued by the Department of Health, would have the agency's seal and also a signature of the city registrar - neither of which the Trump document has. Officials said the city Health Department is the "sole issuing authority" of official birth certificates in New York, and that the document would clearly say so, and "city officials said it's not an official document."
It appears instead to be a hospital "certificate of birth," meaning the piece of paper the hospital gave to his family saying he was born. Such a document typically has the signature of the hospital administrator and the attending physician.
This is what official New York City birth certificates look like.
Short form

Long Form

The left will no doubt rush to ridicule Trump for not releasing his official birth certificate.  Here is the rub, in ridiculing Trump, the left is actually making Trump's argument for him. If Trump quickly turns around and releases the long form of his birth certificate, what then will be the argument for Obama to continue hold up his? It will be very funny to watch those who will ridicule Trump now try to go back to saying that they type of birth certificate Obama released doesn't matter.
In the end, Trump will not run and will not be successful in getting Obama to release the long form of his birth certificate.  However, Trump might very well succeed in diminishing the sting of the "birther" label.
Via: Memeorandum
Via: Newsmax
Via: Ben Smith

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Donald Trump still wants to see Obama's birth certificate

This is like the second time Donald Trump has asked for Obama's birth certificate and this is the second time the left has cried "birther" to no avail.  

I don't believe Trump is serious about running in 2012.  Instead I think he is just selling his brand and using the GOP primaries to do so.  The birth certificate issues simply helps Trump make a big splash. Since he is not really running he has nothing to fear about bring up Obama's birth certificate.  So what if he gets labeled a birther, if he isn't running there simply is no damage.

I do think Trump has picked a good angle to raise the issue.  Instead of saying he wants to see the birth certificate to prove Obama is American, Trump tries the tract of what is Obama hiding.

As Legal Insurrection notes, the applause proves Trump maybe on to something.  After all, if you are a real American citizen, then why spend so much money and time not showing your birth certificate.  Produce it and shut everyone up.  Unless of course as Trump suggests there is something awkward on it that would not be so. easy to explain ( I always believed this to be the reason behind not producing it).

At any rate, expect Trump to beat this drum all they way up to the time he "drops out".

Via: Legal Insurrection

Friday, February 11, 2011

Video: Donald Trump at CPAC

This was a sales pitch, pure and simple.  I can easily see where some Republicans would find the Donald quite appealing.  He is a straight talker, has a reputation (fair or unfair) as a successful businessman and seems pretty ready to get tough with America's adversaries.  

I have met Trump in person several times.  For a wealthy man with celebrity, he does not have a pretentious bone in his body.  A very rare characteristic when among America's movers and shakers.  That being said, I don't think I will be voting for the Donald anytime soon.

For starters, America has been transformed into the land of Crony Capitalism.  Because of this, we need a true patriot to undo that mess or we risk electing a man who would know how to take complete advantage of the situation. I hear a lot of patriotic talk from the Donald, but is it really true?  I am not too sure. I say this because of his new declaration that he is Pro-Life.

A quick Google search reveals that the Donald said in his own book he was Pro-Choice. If Donald Trump can try to fake an issue like abortion, I don't have a lot of faith when it comes to his patriotism or anything else. The decision the nation makes in 2012 will be as serious as a heart attack. There is no time to waste on posers or opportunists. Trumps's 11th hour conversion to Pro-life reeks of opportunism. Sorry Donald, keep on moving.

Via: Memeorandum
Via: The New York Times
Via: CNSNews
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