Subcomandante Marcos, message for Greece

Showing posts with label crust punk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crust punk. Show all posts



an early crust punk band (or crusty h/c) from Brasil. Formed in São Paulo in 1984. They released their first selftitled lp in 1986. (and no it is not my rip i downloaded also from soulseek) :)
Lobotomia History

i deleted the download link 'cause lobotomia's record rereleased recently. You may read some infos at comments. But you still can hear or download a song. Click on the logo on the media player



...were an anarchist crust punk band from Columbia, South Carolina. Antischism fan's website

Antischism - all their money stinks of death
(1st single)


Extra Hot Sauce

...mid-late 80s crust punk band from usa. For biography see at their official site. Here "tako of death" lp released in Peaceville Records (uk) in 1988

Extra Hot Sauce - tako of death lp


Satanic Malfunctions

mid-late 80s crust punk band from england. Here their disgrace to humanity lp released in 1989
You can download some more records from satanic malfunctions here

Satanic Malfunctions - disgrace to humanity lp



early crust punk band formed in 1987 in Minneapolis."Misery formed and provided a nucleus for what was has become an internationally envied crust punk scene in Minneapolis. Taking their influence from UK bands like Discharge and Amebix Misery blended dark and heavy hardcore with an anti authority political stand that was very influential on the future development of the genre." (wikipedia). Check 7inch Crust for their born feds laughtered 7" and Children of War 7"
Misery - demo 1988



For info check official site here. You can see also amebix on tv
2 old live tracks from a free CD that came along with the zine Inside Front and 4 more live tracks (in bath,uk - 1987). Do not ask for more info i don't have any. Add yours.

Amebix - Live !!!

Electro Hippies

Electro Hippies was an early crust punk band from liverpool (uk). Formed in 1985
Read some more info here
Electro Hippies - "Play Fast Or Die" LP -
Necrosis Records



A mid 80's early crust punk band. The members of the band were involved in the London anarcho punk scene throughout the early 80’s, in various bands. (Stone the Crowz, The Proudhons and Tyrants of Hate). Axegrinder played a grinding crust very reminiscent of Amebix and Antisect. Their Grind the Enemy Demo is much more raw and Antisect sounding. (Profane Existence 40 Rise of Crust article)
Axegrinder - grind the enemy demo

Deviated Instinct

Deviated Instinct, formed in 1984, were a pioneering British crust punk band. Here you can download their demos, from only-in-it-for-the-music "Rock'N'Roll Conformity" LP (1988) and the "Welcome to the Orgy" from 7inch punk

Deviated Instinct - Tip of the Iceberg Demo
Deviated Instinct - Terminal Filth Stenchcore Demo


Saw Throat

"A valid ecological statement with social and political concious, Saw Throat question society and life on this one track stormer of a platter." A crust experimental record, featuring members of Sore Throat and Doom

Saw Throat
download here - indestroy 37,35 mb -


Extreme Noise Terror

"The first true crust core record in my opinion is the Extreme Noise Terror side of the earslaughter split with Chaos UK. This was a totally mind blowing record when it came out." From (Profane Existence 40 Rise of Crust article)

Extreme Noise Terror
download here earslaughter split ent tracks only 11 mb



Atavistic was another early crust band that really turned up the speed. (....) More like a crust core wall of noise. They did two critical 7”s Life During Wartime and Equilibrium, as well as a demo From Within. (from Profane Existence 40 Rise of Crust article)

download here
- Life During Wartime and Equilibrium 18,66 mb -



Well you know, i don't post "heavy" music stuff here but i am in the mood now for reasons you can read in previous political posts...
Doom was a band which were pivotal in the rise of crust punk and oringinated from Birmingham, England.
Doom biography here
doom official site

Doom - peel sessions 1988 - 1989
Doom - three demos from 1987-1988