Today's Highlights (November 2nd, 2009)
Monday, November 2, 2009
Highlights (4)
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Highlights (3)
Today's Highlights (October 22nd, 2009)
* The meeting we had in my office building about different routines and tasks that need to be done. (I can't put the outcome from the meeting on the list here but the fact that we had a meeting where everyone attended definitely belongs here!)
* The WOWs I've gotten today from a colleague who saw my Sylvi for the first time (I feel like a parrot here!)
* The wind I had from behind when biking to a meeting
* Using boyfriend's bike today. It's lighter than mine and the gears shift easier making for a smoother ride.
* My cat JumJum behaving as if he didn't want me to leave for work this morning
* Finding out that one of my American knitting friends got some good news at an ultrasound yesterday
* Knowing that I'll be surrounded by knitters in about an hour as I'm about to head off to see me knitting group
Monday, October 19, 2009
Highlights (2)
Today's Highlights (October 19th, 2009)
* Reading your very generous comments on my Sylvi. Thank you!!!
* The WOWs I got from people at work who saw my Sylvi for real
* Being able to go through my emails at work and process five old ones that have been left unanswered for too long (and therefore have left me with a bad coinscience)
* My lunch today (fried fish with mashed potatoes)
* The look of the autumn coloured leaves on the trees outside our house
* My cat Skorpan's stubbornness when it comes to wanting to be on my lap when I sit down (even if he has to share it with a laptop...)
* The bowl of Ben&Jerry's Half Baked I've eaten while writing this post
(For the story behind my Highlights posts, see here.)
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Highlights (1)
While I was a student at the university, I was a member of an online community in which I had a diary open for the other members to read. The diary was used for all sorts of writing; reports on what I did, felt or saw.
During my student years, I spent my summers between semesters working outdoors. I loved my summer job and kept returning to it year after year. Nevertheless, some days were boring. Or cold. Or made my body hurt. One summer, on such a day, I heard kid's laughter coming from behind me. I turned around and saw two small boys playing with a ball on a lawn. It wasn't football/soccer. They weren't tossing the ball around. There was no running involved. They took turns holding the ball and while hugging it close, jumped. And jumped. And laughed.
I watched them for a while and then found myself standing there with a stupid grin on my face. I wasn't bored. I didn't feel cold. My body didn't hurt. I was just enjoying myself.
Later that day I published a post in my online diary called "Dagens höjdpunkter" (="Today's Highlights"). I did the same the next day. And the next. And it went on for a long time. I realized I spent more time smiling and feeling good about myself and the life I was in when I focused on noticing all the good stuff around me.
I've been collecting highlights on and off since that first day of publishing them in my online diary. I thought they would make an appearance in this blog from time to time.
Today's Highlights (October 14th, 2009)
* The sky is absolutely clear blue and the air feels clean to breathe in
* The meeting I was in before lunch today in which we prepared for an important meeting we're having next week
* Making my sister laugh on the phone
* The warmth I get from the purple (and fake?) Pashmina shawl I bought in Florence
* The leftover pie and salad I had for lunch today. (It was my turn to house the bookclub meeting yesterday and I had made a pie with feta cheese and olives in it. I had also made a turkey salad to go with it.)