Showing posts with label weight watching. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weight watching. Show all posts

Thursday, March 19, 2009

No One is doing THAT to me!

Bujang is sitting with his legs close to his body as though telling me no one will get his nails clipped today...not even Dr S:)

I am bringing both Bujang and Megat to the vet. Bujang will be there for his nails as they are very long and dangerous since he has taken to swatting the boys for any infraction - imagined or other wise. Only Dr S can cut the nails. She is very gentle with him and would spend time cooing about what a big handsome boy he is :) he should also get on the scales as he has been walking for about a month. Cousin R thinks he appears slimmer but I guess the scales would be best. :)