Tree kangaroos are marsupials that are endangered. They live in the high trees of 70 to 100 ft above the ground in the tropical forests. They are very hard to research, because you need a small plane to fly on bumpy grounds, and even then you can't find them because their so high up. Tree kangaroos tend to hide behind the leaves of trees. Dr. Lisa Dabek studied tree kangaroos for more than 20 years. She worked with National Geographic to help her research them. They used a whole entire teams of a range of verternariens to the local land owners, who used to hunt them, but now help Dr. Dabek research them.

Finally, they watched as a tree kangaroo jumped down on to the ground, and they captured it. A veterinarian put a camera around his neck and released him back to the wild. What they found was amazing, "It actually brought tears to my eyes," says Dr. Dabek. They could see what he did; clean him self, eat, and simply just sniff around, looking out at the amazing view from he high trees.