Belomys pearsonii Despite being first described in 1908, not much is known about the Hairy-footed Flying Squirrel, due to their habitat and behavior. These rodents live in central and southern Asia, inhabiting deciduous forests at elevations of between 1500 and 2400m. They also happen to be nocturnal, which makes them difficult to track. Name for the long hairs on their feet (that keep them warm in cold seasons), Hairy-footed Flying Squirrels have a body length of around 9in, and a tail that is only about 5. Their fur is reddish-brown on the top, with lighter undersides. They live in tree hollows. We don't really know how well the Hairy-footed Flying Squirrel is doing out there, since they are so little studied. It is believed that their population is on the decline , due to habitat loss from logging and agricultural use. IUCN Status : Data Deficient Location : Asia Size : Body length around 9in (22cm) Classification : Phy...
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