Monday, August 2, 2010

On Saturday we took a family outing to Lagoon! It was a blast. We got to ride all the rides we wanted to ride, and the lines were not even too long for a Saturday.

When we got there it was around 95 degrees and really hot. After 6 1/2 hours of hot sun we decided to go on Rattle Snake Rapids. The weather decided to change on us as we took the long walk back to pioneer village. Come to find out the ride was closed because of lightning! They shut down the ride for the inclimate weather! We decided to stay and wait out the storm because a worker told us it would only be 10-15 minutes. 20 minutes later they closed down the ride for good. 1 minute after that the boss said he wanted the ride open:) We were the first people to ride the the rain! Fun time had by all. On our way off the ride, we saw the line was short so we decided to ride again. About the middle our second go around it started to storm! Thunder, lightning, pouring rain and the whole bit! Needless to say we were one of the last groups to be let on the ride! Haha!

After "20" years of wanting a family photo at the Pioneer Village Photo Gallery, we finally got it done. (Although the whole family is not present and there is an extra tag along.) It was not all that it was cracked up to be. The Teenagers running the place were liking their power a little too much! The costumes were not even that cool! But it was a fun to finally have an olde time picture taken!

The day was hot and sweaty but we enjoyed our time in the shade while we rode the train.

Paislee's favorite ride was the 110 year old Merry Go Round!

Here is Paislee with her auntie Chelsie and friend Sydnie.
Just enjoying the sun!

Here we are on our second ride of the day! Gotta love Re-Entry:)

Here is Paislee enjoying the rain while we were on Rattle Snake Rapids!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Another Post:)

Well, here is my bench! It was a lot easier to put together than Lee and I thought it would be. We are planning to get a water sealer to put over the top to protect it from the elements. It has been so fun to go outside with a drink and sit on our bench and watch the traffic go by:)

The other night Lee and I made home-made pizza. It turned out so good I thought I would take a picture. It even tasted good! We have been striving to be more home made at our house. We find we get sick of the recipes we make over and over again and find ourselves going out to eat more often than not. But lately we have been doing better. We probably have home-made dinner 5-6 days out of the week (Compared to the 2-4 times we made dinner when we lived in the camper.)

I know this picture is only 2 months late, but I had to show off P Jo and her Birthday cake!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Just an Update

At Paislee's 12 month appointment she weighed 19 1/2 pounds and was 28 inches long.
Those numbers still rank her in the 15th and 3rd percentile but she is on her own little curve and the doc says not to worry about her being short. Dr said to me, well, Angie you are not a very tall person yourself!
She is beginning to have a little bit of an attitude! She must have
inherited that attribute from her dad:)
She loves to give kisses and she talks almost constantly, she walks around furniture like she is racing someone, but has not built up the courage to walk on her own yet! She is almost there and will take a few steps here and there, but she is a wee bit scared.

Here is a photo of Paislee just a couple of days after she turned 1!

Her birthday bash was lots of fun. She ate cake, made a mess, got to visit with both grandparents, and loved all of her wonderful gifts!
For mother's day this year, Lee surprised me with a trip to Vernal after we were both done with work for the day. He said I could come but that I would ruin the surprise. I told him I would be surprised anyway. When we got to IFA, he took me around back and showed me these AWESOME Adirondack furniture things. Then he told me to pick out my favorite. I loved them all. The bench in this picture...

Looks like the bench I got for mothers day

(Except the beer, and the metal accents, my bench is 100% pine)

It came in a box and is currently at the Vernal IFA awaiting us to pick it up, needing some assembly:) I will have to post more pictures when we get it put together.

Lee is still working at the Roosevelt IFA, and LOVING his job:) He is one class away from getting his associate's degree and will continue schooling in the Fall.

I am still working 1 day a week and whenever they need me to fill in.

Hope all are doing well:)

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Well, one Wednesday I learned a valuable piece of information! Us girls were playing an intense game of Kings Gone Crazy and my sister-in-law, Kim, and I got to talking. She took a cute picture of Paislee on her phone and procedes to send it in a text message. I asked her who she was sending the photo to and she said herself! I thought...why would she be doing that, does she have a SECOND phone I don't know about? So I asked her and she said she was sending it to her E-MAIL...DUH! Wow, I didn't know you could do that. Low and behold, I can.

This picture I took when Paislee Jo was just a two months old.

In the summer when it wasn't so cold, P JO's toes were always painted, any color I could find. She would be sleeping like a rock in her burrito fashion and I would paint away. I couldn't help but to paint our toes matching. This was the end product. I wanted to remember how cute they looked so I took out my phone to take a photo because the camera batteries were dead. I was sad because I wouldn't be able to do a darn thing with this picture that I loved so dearly! But taking Kim's advice, I sent the picture to my e-mail and saved it onto the computer to share with all of you fellow bloggers! Enjoy!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

You gotta love that smile!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

7 Months Old

Paislee celebrated her 7 month birthday on Monday

And in honor of her getting older she went to the Pediatrician's office and got a flu booster shot! Okay, okay, I guess that is not all that exciting but her first tooth came through! Her bottom right tooth is above the gums and the bottom left is not too far behind (judging by her behavior).

Our puppies are all doing well. They are 11 days old and starting to open their eyes. The "Chub" of the litter has both of her eyes open. and it will not be long until the rest open their eyes too. Mylee is proving to be a good little momma. One morning Lee caught her trying to move her litter onto the couch that is currently Paislee's bed. She only got one of her puppies up, but I am sure if we didn't catch he so early she would have moved all of them!
This must be where the term "DOG PILE" comes from.

Checkout the pups the arrows are pointing to! They are each on their backs, snug-as-a-bug.
It has been so fun watching them change and grow!

Monday, November 9, 2009


Our cute little Mylee puppy had a litter of 6 puppies Sunday night!

There were 2 boys and 4 girls. Both boys were like the parents - dapple. Three of the girls were also dapple, and only one girl was black and tan like one of her grandparents. They are just the cutest little squeaky things. The betting was that she would only have 3 or 4 so she surprised us all by having 6.

In other puppy news, Lee found a blue heeler pup. I think he'll be the "ugly duckling" of the litter. Maybe he will even think he is a dachshund.