Showing posts with label wedding gown. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wedding gown. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

White Wednesday 2-9-2011

I'm joining up with Faded Charm for White Wednesday today.

Big Hugs,

Friday, August 1, 2008



Our friend Tiffany at Shabby Scraps is hostessing a party today & is asking everyone to show off their dressforms! I have such a mania for these that I couldn't wait to join in & show mine again!

My very favorite dressform display is my wedding gown back from 1974. Oh gosh, I'm vintage now!!

This little black beauty is named Elvira & she moves around the house, but is currently in our bedroom.

I made Izzy (named for the Laura Ashley Isabelle fabric used to make her) for my mother for Christmas back a few years ago. She was definitely a labor of love!

She features a crocheted collar from my grandmother & a vintage rhinestone brooch that belonged to my late mother-in-law.

This pretty wire dressform is from Ballard Designs.

I found this adorable idea for a lamp from the HGTV site. I'd love to try to make one of these sometime!

Now, back to a few of my favorite miniature dressforms in our bedroom.

The small dressform to the left is a tiny porcelain hinged box.

Back side is also decorated.

This little prom dress dressform is displayed in my granddaughter's bedroom.

Two of my favorite miniature dressforms in antique taupe in our bedroom atop my wedding plantation cupboard.
Beautiful detailing on the backside, too!
Another inside our armoire.

Hope you've enjoyed my little mania (hubby says "illness") for dressforms ~ careful, or you might catch it, too!! And there is NO CURE! Now, I'm off to visit all the other party participants HERE! Thanks so much, Tiffany, for having such a great idea!!

AND don't forget to visit my FFM shopping blog Angelic Accents a la Carte HERE today (see post below for a sneak preview of what I'm offering this week) & all the FFM participants HERE!! Happy Friday Flea Market shopping!!


Thursday, June 26, 2008

Saucy's Virtual Wedding Party!

Saucy's Virtual Wedding Party!
My friend, Saucy is hosting a virtual wedding party TODAY, so please hop over to her blog to see all the participants ~ here ~ ! I think she was excited because I'm so VINTAGE, as you can tell from our wedding pictures!! We were married June 14, 1974. Celebrated our 34th wedding anniversary 12 days ago.

You can see more of our wedding pics in a previous post here.
Now some more up to date pics of our daughter's wedding last November.

Our family

Our daughter & granddaughter

If you love pretty wedding cakes, go to my post last June here.
I posted more amazing groom's cakes on a previous post here & here.
I've recently gotten a few new/old cake toppers, so I'll share those with you next time. Until then, here is a post with our original cake topper along with some of my other wedding collectibles here.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

My Passion for Dressforms!

My Passion for Dressforms!
I've got a new passion ~ dressforms! It all started several years ago when my dear daddy found me ~ 2 ~ at a yard sale! One I used to display jewelry on when I was doing my craft shows, the other I saved for my wedding gown.
Then I found this spiffy little black velvet number, to which I later added a black velvet beaded evening bag.
She even has her very own dainty little necklace.

These two both came from Ross's last year.
Even the backs of these are so elegant.
I also have a passion for pretty little mini dresses & gowns like this one in the above picture that I added a little rhinestone bling to!
Two more that I love, one on a hanger & the other that seems to go so well against the Laura Ashley Isabelle fabric that we lined our armoire in.

A pretty little ballgown that I purchased recently. Her left scrolly arm was broken so she was marked down. I intend to repair her......eventually.
Another of my favorites, an elegant ecru dressform & a porcelain dressform hinged box.Just as pretty from the back!
I was very fortunate to get a beautiful new blog banner here from a great blogger named Polly at Counting Your Blessings. She was my inspiration for my post on dressforms tonight. Her photography is beautiful. Free banners for blogs ~ such a sweet & generous thing for you to do! Thanks so much for your kindness, especially for those of us that are computer-challenged! You simply must check out both her sites! She has some wonderful things!!

Polly also has a wonderful idea about giving & receiving, so please do visit all her sites!! You will be so uplifted & surprised!!!

Next time I'll post pictures of the dressform I made & decorated for my mother for Christmas 2004!
