Showing posts with label wedding anniversary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wedding anniversary. Show all posts

Friday, November 12, 2010

Happy PINK SATURDAY 11-13-2010

Happy Anniversary to our sweet kids, Anthony and Brittany!!

May God continue to bless the two of you with many MANY more years of wedded bliss!

We love you so very much!

Mother and Daddy

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Hope you enjoyed my PINK post today, courtesy of daughter and son-in-law's wedding pictures.

Please visit our lovely hostess Beverly of How Sweet the Sound for more pinkalicious-ness!


Monday, June 14, 2010

Our 36th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY 6-14-2010

Celebrating our 36th Wedding Anniversary today!

Our wedding cake topper ~ gosh, it is yellowing!!

Our silver wedding cake knife

The way we were!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Don't forget the


Friday, June 25th!

Read about it HERE!

Big Hugs,

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Our Anniversary Gift ~ Inspired by YOU!

Our Anniversary Gift ~ Inspired by YOU!

You say, "How's That?". How can a world of lovely blogging girls inspire a wedding anniversary gift my DH & I gave to each other?

Well, I'll give you a couple of hints: blogging parties, Rhondi's in particular, & my sweet dear friend Shirl of Shirl's Rose Cottage (actually her front porch).......

Yep, we bought an oil painting for our family room ~ it matches my cottage furniture in there so well, & was as close as I could get to Shirl's West Virginia home!!
Just a reminder that tomorrow is FRIDAY FLEA MARKET & I've been working awfully hard to bring you some fantastic treasures. AND my giveaway ends tomorrow night at midnight, so go here for the details! Hope you visit my new selling blog here for some special surprises tomorrow!

Below are just a couple of teasers ..... there is also a pretty lady on my sidebar that will be there tomorrow, too. Does the phrase "Let Them Eat Cake" have a special meaning for you?!?!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Tagged Again ~ Anniversary Flowers & Give Aways!

Tagged Again ~ Anniversary Flowers & Give Aways!
**Don't forget there are still 3 more days to sign up for my giveaway & Connie's, too ~ click HERE for the details!
We've been playing around with a new grouping of mirrors on our stairway. Let me know what you think. I've just sold the round & peach colored glass mirrors, but I think I like the look. Guess it will always be changing, as I sell some of them! But change is good, right?!?
Our 34th wedding anniversary was this past weekend & I'm just now getting around to posting some pictures of the beautiful flowers DH surprised me with.
Next time, I'll show you what we gave each other.
Hey, Connie, some men DO see pink!!

I've been tagged by Connie of Living Beautifully to delve even MORE into my life. Don't know how much more of my dullness is really safe to divulge, but here goes:

*Two names I go by: Steph or Mimi

*Two things I'm wearing right now: lt. blue tank top & white pants

*Two of my favorite things today: Visiting my Mother & blogging!!

*Two things I want very badly at the moment: to go off my diet & to have more hours in the day!

*Two favorite pets I have had: Pepper, our first baby (poodle/terrier mix dog) right after we were married & Patchette, my gentle giant (Siberian Husky/Malmute/??? mix)

*Two people I hope will fill this out: Shirl and Lori

*Two things I did last night: worked on auction listings & watched THE MEMORY KEEPER'S DAUGHTER on Lifetime
*Two things you ate last night: strawberries & a teensy sliver of Sock it To Me cake!

*Two people you last talked to: my daughter & my granddaughter

*Two things you are doing tomorrow: making pictures for my Flea Market Friday items & cleaning house!

*Two farthest trips you have taken in the last 5 years: We haven't traveled much out of the state of Texas in several years, but my favorite vacation ever was going to the Virgin Islands ~ St. John, St. Croix, & St. Thomas ~ ask my hubby about the seaplane adventure!!

*Two favorite holidays: Halloween & Christmas ~ I'm just a big kid at heart & I love collecting vintage decorations for these holidays!

*Two favorite beverages: Sweet Iced Tea & Cokes

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Pink Saturday!

PINK Saturday
You wouldn't believe the problems I've had posting today. I'm visiting & using my mother's computer & it has NOT been cooperating at all. She did some kind of magic to it this evening, so I'm finally able to post!

First, I realize the wedding cookies aren't pink, but today is mine & hubby's 34th wedding anniversary, & I just loved these little cookies!

Now, on to the PINKNESS!! After you look at all my pictures, please visit Beverly of How Sweet The Sound, to see the list of all participants for this week!

This is one of the shelves in our armoire, lined in pretty pink striped Isabelle fabric by Laura Ashley. I love my pink victorian boot & my pink purse bank.

One of Laurie's Pearls of Wisdom Birdies

A pink silhouette poodle ~ just for Jeanne ~ don't you love it!!
